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Day 10: Sisters of mercy… and Scott

1 hour ago

Caroline has let some angst slip through her witty façade. The 20-year-old boarding school girl alumnus from Surrey vented a little to Sara, Scott and Becky as the four sat in the garden.

The source of her sorrow? Starts with 'b' ends in's' and the middle, fittingly, is 'oy!' Seems like the men she's encountered during her posh education have dropped the ball on the 'not being a d**k' front.  Cazza regaled her righteously indignant audience with choice insults that have come her way in the school yard.

But there were consolations. As a result of her normal, as opposed to model-tiny, physique, one of her nicknames was Bridget Jones. "I'd love to be Bridget Jones," exclaimed Becky. "She does manage to get Hugh Grant who is the sexiest man in Great Britain," conceded Caroline. We're going to agree. That perfect elocution combined with his bumbling British charm is very saucy indeed.

As might be expected, those listening to Cazza's tale of woe delivered a round of supportive coos. Sara attempted to empathise. "When I was younger, I was a total minger," said the former Miss Edinburgh. The others joined in, tripping over themselves to list her positive traits.

"I am a strong confident woman," intoned Caroline in a mock self-help tone, "I love my curves. I love my… pink hair."

After they'd finishing lol-ing, Becky had a wider sociological point to make. By being in the House and talking about these issues, Caroline is making herself a representative for other females in the same shoes. Sound point, Bex.

Caroline voiced her agreement in her typical sarcastic monotone. "I'm representing women who've had their self-esteem knocked and tarnished by BOYS!"

Sing it, girl.



Day 10: A dam between friends

32 mins ago

A few short days ago they voted for each other in the favourite housemate task but now all is not well between Lydia and Adam. Earlier, as most the housemates basked in the garden, Lydia whispered the details of her discomfort to Deana in the kitchen.

The ladies were being very hush-hush but using our mad Sherlock skills we figured out what was afoot. Lydia was making Deana guess the name of the person she wished to discuss. "'A' but not Arron... don't say his name!" hissed Lyds.

Subject identity established, it was time to reveal the crime. Apparently, several days ago he-who-shalt-not-be-named made a salty remark to Lydia as she lay on the couch. Now she feels physically uncomfortable when he's around.

"Adam but he's gay!" replied Deana, mistaking Adam for Scott. There's been a lot of hair-dyeing lately. Perhaps she was high on the fumes.

"Is he like that with the other girls?" asked Deana.

"No, I think he's got a bit of thing. Sometimes when you have a fiancΓ© or boyfriend you're more attractive because you're unobtainable."

As they talked, the man of the moment appeared. "Don't say anything!" stage whispered, Lydia. A profoundly awkward moment followed, with Adam – whose ears must have been burning – hanging at one end of the table while the girls gave the best impression of acting naturally.

No sooner had he left then they resumed their chatter. It wasn't long before they were interrupted again, this time by Chris.

"It wasn't me, was it?" asked the ever-paranoid bailiff.

"It's always you Chris," bantered Deana. And with that it was time for a play fight.





Last edited by Scotty

Day 10: Risk it for a biscuit task

22 mins ago

It’s task time and housemates have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to win a biscuit. All they have to do is retrieve it from the biscuit tin. But there’s a catch – the tin is full of surprises and housemates have to put their paws in without knowing what’s inside.  We can see what the housemates are rummaging through, but dipping in blind it’s fair to say they’re risking it for a biscuit.



Adam's taken the biscuit

 Ashleigh doesn't know where to look

Will Lydia dig in?

Has Luke left a hand in the box?

Shievonne clearly didn't like the feel of that


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