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Day 53: Caroline has been evicted!



1 hour ago

She's out, she's been evicted and, no doubt, she's mooooortified about it.

Caroline Wharram was an unknown quantity when sheentered the House 52 nights ago. We all recognised her plummy tones which radiated obvious experience of a certain social strata, but on first impressions she seemed like a slightly dizzy and terribly charming young thing.

But first impressions don't usually count for too much, and after a couple of weeks Caroline's profile had rapidly soared - and not in an entirely positive way. She had a funny way with tackling Sundays and Monday mornings, ahead of nominations, and it rubbed certain housemates and a large chunk of the audience up the wrong way. Her tactic? Explicitly moan about housemates she had issues with, swiftly attempting to make amends with them by the time Monday evening and the nominations announcement had passed.

She was a self-confessed back-stabber who conceded that she'd turned into a "massive bitch", but her recognition of this failing did little to help her get past the grudges she'd amounted over time. All this negativity was compounded when she found herself with a formal-warning, and all whilst those chants begin to gain ground each eviction night.

But that's not the Caroline we'd like to remember. This was a complex character, so keen to admit her failings they pretty much spilled from her mouth at every single opportunity. Happily, when she wasn't focusing a sharp and waspish sense of humour at her fellow housemates, she was telling uproariously funny, self-deprecatory anecdotes that never failed to amuse. 

Who can forget the tale of Caroline on her failed gap 'yah', in which she was voted the worst person in the entire world by her fellow travellers? Who could ever allow the memory of her demonstrating how to repel boys whilst tipping yoghurt over her face? And who can ever scrub from their memory the image of Caroline chasing after Conor during a workout explaining that it was an exact echo of how boys react to her at nightclubs? And that's not to mention those accounts of Bible Study Barbecues and Pudding Club...

Let's also remember her semi-heroic munching of fish eyesand general whininess when it came to tasks. If not her finest moments, they always offered us plenty to chuckle about.

A razor sharp wit then, whether it was pointed at herself or her fellow housemates, be they spoons, phone-hands or keen-os. But possibly a little too sharp for the public to take.

So that's Caroline. She came, she saw, she talked and she talked and she often forgot to switch that filter on. An entertaining housemate, for sure, and one to remember for years to come.

Originally Posted by MrsH:

12.49am: 'We got into this position because Lauren grassed the Blue Team' says Luke S. Remember you're being watched 24/7, Luke.

It proves how stupid they are to not even think that BB heard their remarks, have they never watched the show, bunch of numpties who just want to blame Lauren for being caughtr out, idiots

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

First chance I've had for a few hours to to pop back here. I was sooo pleased that Brian named my 3 faves as safe first before the results came in for the Insiders. Loved the looks of shock on their faces, justice for the Outsiders

a brilliant moment thanks for being a trooper- one of the soldiers, lol - for keeping the updates going, much appreciated

Yellow Rose

Day 53: Seeya later, Caroline


1 min ago

She came, she saw, she had her say. Now Caroline’s gone, the instant effect is disharmony. There’s a fair amount of resentment in the House right now.

When Caroline left the House to a rather rowdy, heckling crowd, she left behind a tiny ration of tobacco, a larder filled with chocolate and our two rival gangs divided as usual. As Day 53 winds down, the sniping looks like it’s not going to stop. The Insiders are inside, talking about Luke A and Adam in less than favourable terms and The Outsiders are outside, unsurprisingly, and they’re talking to Sara like they’ve found themselves a new soldier. To the extent that Deana even jokingly asked if she’d been demoted.

Sara’s usually the Floater’s floater, or ‘Inbetweener’ as Adam puts it, refusing to get involved in any tittle-tattle and trying to remain everyone’s pal. Tonight, however, after Caroline left, it seems that a rift has formed with The Insiders after Ashleigh sought to warn her against the smoking crew. Making a few unfounded claims, Ashleigh worried Sara to the extent she went on a mission to get to the truth. When she’d finished her plain-speaking jaunt to the Smoking Area, after a short stint of Deana conversation that seemed to settle her mind, she wandered away as though she’s found herself firmer friends than she thought she had.

In terms of the other Floaters, Becky was furious and Scott was confused. Our girl from Blackburn promised she’d be on a vow of silence from now on, so disgusted was she by how the week’s voting had gone. Scott, meanwhile, spent a good long while with Ashleigh being persuaded to think fondly of the departed Caroline. He didn’t seem so sure, still reeling from her shopping sabotage and, as usual, he left the conversation up in the air, refusing to align with either side of the divide.

With Sara now looking to be more allied with The Outsiders and Becky pretty much bedded down in The Insider camp, it looks like Scott may play quite a pivotal role when Monday’s nominations come around. Watch this space – and keep an eye on the well-spoken lad from Macclesfield as this one plays out.



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