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Day 52:The Personality bingo task

40 mins ago

Big Brother has challenged housemates to a game of personality bingo, a task designed to test their knowledge of each other but more than likely to also push their egos to the limit.

They must pick a trait that best describes their fellow housemates from those listed on the board in front of them. The 10 will play in alphabetical order picking a word that best describes them when the focus of the round is on them.

The selections will be made in secret, written on a board and displayed one by one.

Housemates receive a point for each personality match they make, that is one between the word they have chosen and that chosen by their fellow housemates to describe them.

The winner will receive a special prize at the end of the day.

Housemates have to be completely honest and can use the same word to describe more than one housemate. Let the fun and games begin.



Day 52: The politics of smoking

2 hours ago

Sometimes it feels like Big Brother sent every one of the housemates on a training course called 'how to create bother'. On scorching day with a luxury shopping budget to spend, they still managed to have a good old squabble. The subject: cigarettes.

Adam lit the flame to Luke S's rollie by strolling out into the garden to announce that he thought that ÂĢ120 worth of the budget should be spent on cigs and assorted paraphernalia.

"NO," bellowed Luke S.

"No way," concurred Becky.

"We throw away more food than we ever throw away cigarettes," pointed out Adam.

Conor, who had been dozing, lifted his head to say, "That's true." Point made, he lowered his head and got back to soaking up rays.

Luke S had a whole lot more to say, perhaps motivated by his (failed) stint as a politician yesterday, he got very technical, mathematical and, even philosophical, arguing that cigarettes are not a necessity, they are an addiction.

He didn't engage in much eye contact as his focus was very much on darning Sara's jeans, a strong look for any aspiring politician.

Scott weighed in with a decadent announcement that they've got to the point where nothing needs to be rationed. Mwa-ha, they're rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Then disaster stuck, Luke S's darning went awry. 

"Oh f**k, I've lost me f**king needle," he yelped in genuine distress.

What will the final outcome be with regard to cigarettes? Check back on the website later when we'll be publishing the housemate's shopping list in all its glory.


Day 52: Mr know it all


14 mins ago


The Personality Bingo task was less about how much housemates knew about each other and more how little they were willing to admit about themselves.

With characteristics including bubbly, funny, debonair, competitive, snobbish, loyal, cheesy and hot-headed to choose from Adam picked honest and scored just one match – with Luke A. Almost all the other housemates considered him competitive. Oops.

Luke S sucked it up and chose cheesy as his trait although he said “debonair” when he held his card up – we can all dream Lukey.

There was the potential for some awkward moments. Becky appointed herself ‘funny’ but Deana considered her more ‘outspoken’. We could pretty much see the tumbleweeds.  Luke A said she was, ‘powerful’ which went down just slightly worse.

Becky was ‘bubbly’ according to Luke S who said Ashleigh was ‘funny’. This prompted Adam to say, “I think you have Becky and your girlfriend mixed up,” a comment which got firmly up Luke S’s nose and is still wedged there.

Luke S emerged victorious much to his delight. Being tagged as cheesy has it’s upside.

The results were as follows:  Adam one point, Caroline, Conor, Sara and Scott two points, Becky and Luke A three points, Ashleigh four points, Deana six points and Luke S seven points.




Day 52: Really cheesy?


6 mins ago

Whatever his flaws, Luke S has taken Plato's advice "know thyself" to heart.  Asked to pick an adjective from a selection that included "intelligent" "ambitious" and "honest", he went for "cheesy" and in the process won today’s Personality Bingo task. The club promoter from Stoke has lips tattooed on his bicep so you can't say fairer than that... Or can you?

Deana called foul in the aftermath of the task, just as Luke S was settling down to a nice eyebrow plucking session with Conor. With the tweezers poised inches away from the Irishman's unruly brows, Luke S was forced to stop and defend himself against Miss India UK's claim that he had been letter counting.

Deana thinks that far from seeing himself as the cheeseball he truly is, Luke S is nowt but a master strategist with winning on his mind.

For the second time today Luke S juggled a selfless domestic task with an indignant row. No one but Deana seemed interested in questioning the legitimacy of his win and she soon got bored. Therefore he will be noshing down on a chocolate hamper for one later. Cheese and chocolate, not sure they go




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