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Day 51: Office party politics



11 mins ago

For the last part of the Party Animals task, the housemates got involved in some office shenanigans. Designated bosses Sara, Scott and Adam - with the help of their PAs Deana, Becky and Luke A, competed in a series of games to win a special prize.

What the housemates didn't know is that Sara was on a secret mission - and that the housemates would only win this part of the task if she won overall.

Sara did in fact did do this - winning both the Office Chair Race and the White Board Picture Guess Game, only losing out to Adam on the Name That Noise Game. This means that the housemates have won this part of the task - And Sara also won a nifty 'special boss' mug.

However, the housemates were left fuming over an incident during the picture game, whereby Sara correctly guessed 'Conor' just from a picture of a circle. As Deana fumbled with the envelope before she pulled out Conor’s name, the other housemates came to the conclusion that there had been foul play - and they weren't happy about it.

Although Deana and Sara protested their innocence, it didn't wash with the other housemates, who gave the duo a hard time for their apparent 'crime'. They spent the time since leaving the task room mocking the girls by commenting on how circular Conor's head is - very mature of them.

Adam in particular won the prize for the sorest loser - even calling his friendship with Deana into question. He deduced from the situation that she may be untrustworthy, saying he couldn’t trust someone who would "act like that" in a game.

And even when Big Brother revealed the true nature of the task, the housemates didn’t seem that repentant for their behaviour. The only thing we can deduce from this episode is that some of the housemates are very sore losers indeed.




The props used in the cheating scandal

Sara and Deana discussing their secret mission

Sore loser Adam

Adam and Luke A questioning Deana's behaviour


Day 51: Party Animals - the shopping task results


1 hour ago

For this week's shopping task, the housemates were required to party hard for two days. Big Brother has thrown a variety of shindigs their way and here is how they got on...

Children's Assault Course
The five most childish Housemates - Ashleigh, Becky, Caroline, Conor and Scott, took part in the party game. Between them they completed the assault course in 12 minutes and 35 seconds – PASS

Slumber Party
The boys predicted that Sara would win the pillow fight. Although Sara made it through to the final, Becky won the fight – FAIL

Dinner Party
The Housemates took part in a dinner party and had interesting conversations based on topics provided by Big Brother. They conducted these conversations to Big Brother's satisfaction – PASS

Rave Party
The three biggest party animals were deemed to be Ashleigh, Conor and Deana. They attended Big Brother's late night rave and managed to keep dancing till the club closed – PASS

Political Party
Luke S and Scott were invited to form new political parties and take part in a debate. Luke S formed the Scratchy Party - His party believed that Big Brother is won by playing the game. Scott formed the Raving Rakes - His party believed that Big Brother is won by being yourself.

Following their debate, the rest of the Housemates unamiously voted in favour of Scott. Big Brother then asked Luke S and Scott to predict which of them would have won the debate and they correctly predicted Scott – PASS

Office Party
Adam, Sara and Scott were chosen as office bosses, with Luke A,  Deana and Becky being as their PA's. Big Brother set Sara a secret mission to win at least two of the three office games at the office party in order to win this part of the task.

The office games and resuts were as follows:

Office Chair Race – Sara won
Name That Noise – Adam won (following a tie break with Scott)
Whiteboard Picture Guess – Sara won

Sara therefore won the Office Games and in doing so successfully passed her secret mission – PASS

New Year's Eve Party 
Housemates had to attend the New Year’s Eve party whenever they heard the countdown sound, assembling to sing Auld Lang Syne before Big Ben struck midnight. The Housemates successfully attended four New Year’s Eve parties across both days – PASS

As the housemates only incurred one fail, they have passed the task and won a luxury budget this week. Yay.





Day 51: Sara and Becky bicker


1 hour ago

The office party squabbles rattled on his evening, as the housemates struggled to grasp the concept that Sara and Deana were on a secret task.

With Deana and Adam burying the hatchet - even if it was only a temporary dig, the bickers moved on to friends Sara and Becky. Feeling that Becky had blanked her since the task had ended, Sara decided to confront the Blackburn lass earlier this evening.

"Are you in mood with me" the Scottish model asked a bemused Becky.

Choosing not to stay and sort things out, Becky walked out of the kitchen - which she later stated was due to the fact that she didn't want to get into a confrontation. However, nothing screams 'I'm in a mood with you' more than walking away from someone when they’ve just asked you if you’re okay.

Not wanting to let things lie, Sara pulled Becky to one side in the bathroom to ask her what was wrong. Becky admitted that she was embarrassed that Sara had tried to 'have it out with her' in front of people and that she thought the whole task scenario was 'weird'.

Sara tried to rationalise that her and Deana had to be tactical in the office game in order to win, which Becky seemed to agree with, but was then quick to bitch about Sara later evening.

Sitting in the smoking area with the 'Insiders', Becky seemed to suggest that Sara just likes arguing for the sake it - something which her allies agreed with.

"The girl is nuts" Caroline added.

It seems you just can't please some of the housemates, even if you do win a task for them.



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