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Day 51: Office party

7 mins ago

We've had a political party and now we're having an office party. Let's hope that the two aren't merged to create office politics. There's enough cattiness as it is.

Anyway, here are the breaks, kids.

All housemates are invited to an office party. Scott, Sara and Adam have been chosen as the bosses who, with the assistance of their glamourous PAs - Becky, Deana and Luke A respectively, must compete in office games at the party. However, Sara has been given a secret mission that she must win at least two of the three office games in order to scoop the overall party game for the group. The office games are as follows:

Office Chair Race

Each boss must rapidly spin in their chair before dizzily wheeling themselves to the biscuit table. The winner will be the boss who does this fastest, though if they have spilt too much coffee during the race they will be disqualified.

Name That Noise

Big Brother will play in a number of random noises made by housemates. The bosses compete to identify which Housemate made that noise. The first to call Big Brother on their office phone with the correct answer wins

White Board Picture Guess

Each boss must guess which housemate their PA is drawing on the whiteboard

At the end of the party the boss who won the most games wins a special prize. What housemates don’t know is that they will only pass if Sara is crowned the office champion.



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