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Day 50: Slumber party blunder

22 mins ago

What's this? Five girls pillow fighting in camisoles and five boys required to watch the action live on the small screen. Do tasks get any better than this for our red blooded males?

Apparently yes. Our boys were fuming. The problem? The girls weren’t taking the task seriously and they talked about the boys, slumber party style.

In a series of one-on-ones the girls battled it out while the boys yelled at the television as part of the 'Party Animals' task. The men had predicted the winner and no amount of fluttering negligee could distract from the competition.

In the boys' defence, the girls were pretty rubbish.

Scott switched to his inner lad, saying, "Can you imagine if wars were lead by women – they'd have to keep stopping because they were too tired."

Adam spat, "I think it totally goes out of their minds that it's not for fun. It's a f***ing task."

Luke A moaned in despair, "What are they doing – they've got no gumption."

Cut them some slack guys.

Luke S was particularly peeved, "They’re a bunch of wet lettuces. They haven’t even tried."

He is seriously sulky having heard Ashleigh being less than complimentary about him – calling him onion boy with reference to his odour was a particular highlight. If we were him we might keep quiet about this one, Ashleigh has yet to discover how he theoretically chucked her in favour of his career when approached by an 'agent' in 'The commission' task.

Luke S is still massaging his bruised ego much to the amusement of the rest of the housemates. Could this be the final nail in the Lushleigh coffin? With eviction looming, we suspect he can probably manage to hang on in there for a few more days.

The girls couldn't care less about their pillow fighting prowess, but have defended their gossiping as, 'what girls do'. If they heard what the boys had been saying about them, would they be appeased with a similar line?


Originally Posted by Scotty:

Didn`t see you there MrsH , evening  


I`ll delete my posts..again    

I snook in on the previous page 


I didnt see any duplicate posts   



Evening Xochi  


Day 50: The ultimate sacrifice


25 mins ago

Relationships are all about give and take - and followingtoday's Party Animals task, Luke S is ready to give.

He kicked off after hearing Ashleigh compare his natural scent to a jar of pickeld onions but he knows you can't hurry love and is willing to go that extra mile to keep hold of his girl.

His big sacrifice - he will let Ashleigh trim his armpit hair thus eliminatng the odour.

Who needs diamonds when they have a man making an offer like that?

He said, "I told the Diary Room I’d do anything for you. Anything to make you happy.

"You think you’re going to look like a bitch. I’m going to look like a guy with no ****ing balls."*

Ashleigh just giggled and attempted to change the subject. We were squirming but he wasn’t finished.

"I’m very sensitive babe. Maybe I need to be less sensitive and you need to be less brutal."

Cue more nervous laughter from Ashleigh, who finally said, "Sometimes you do smell, babe.  Maybe I need someone to give me a kick up the arse, someone who won’t take any s**t."

That sounds to us like she could be looking for a way out of this love-in. Fortunately the relationship defining moment was saved from any shock developments by a timely bell. Big Brother called the housemates to the living room for a welcome surprise...

*If you were watching Big Brother's Bit on the Side last night, you'll know he isn't.



Day 50: It's dinner party time


13 mins ago

Big Brother has cordially invited the housemates to a very civilised dinner party this evening, as part of this week's party task - not a bad way to round off the day's festivities, you might agree.

The housemates have been transformed into glamorous diners, with a variety of sparkly frocks for the girls and classic DJs for the boys. And don't they just look lovely - not that they would agree...

It's fair to say that the ungrateful bunch are less than impressed with the attire, with Conor comparing Caroline to Margaret Thatcher, Luke S complaining that his trousers are the worst he's ever worn and Sara refusing at one point to wear her dress at all. Charming...

During their lavish dinner, the housemates will take it in turn to choose conversation starters from a hat. They then must rack their brains for some intellectual discussions based on these chosen subject, which will include such questions as; fame or fortune? looks or personality? should the BB prize money be split? Basically the big questions in life.

If the housemates successfully engage in thoughtful and engaging conversation throughout the evening, they will pass this part of the task. 

We know from the Rules are for Fools task that the housemates aren't very good at grasping what an 'interesting' conversation consists of, so how will they fare with intellectual conversation tonight? We're interested to find out...



Originally Posted by MrsH:

9.03pm: We're onto biggest regret. You'll never guess Luke S's. So we'll tell you. Giving up the saxaphone. Yep. Devastating.

It was getting with Ashleigh


Hi Mrs H, haven't posted for a few days as the problems I was having persisted so I had a break from here, someone at Strata's still trying to sort it out for me, fingers crossed


Have been reading about the new task, interesting, and I think they all might learn a few things about themselves and other HM's. I laughed at Ash's "onion" remark lol, I bet that deflated his ego

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:


Have been reading about the new task, interesting, and I think they all might learn a few things about themselves and other HM's. I laughed at Ash's "onion" remark lol, I bet that deflated his ego

his ego was deflated yesterday when his name was called out   despite assuming wrong who he thought would nom him - I really dont think he expected  to be up 


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