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11.46am: The task is over and all housemates have been invited to enjoy the assault course. Adam is LOVING the bouncy castle.

11.50am: Conor did a somersault in the air on the castle. He landed on his botty but otherwise it was impressive. 

11.54am: The HMs have realised they "genuinely do have to eat all the food". Balloons have floated off. Suddenly it's serious.


Day 50: Figure of eight

12 mins ago

It's a first for Big Brother 2012.

After last night’s nominations announcement, we have eight whole housemates up for eviction this Friday where, in past weeks, we've never had more than four. This week's eviction offers fans of Adam, Ashleigh, Caroline, Conor, Deana, Luke A, Luke S, and Sara a genuine chance to show their support. For those who've never found themselves in the firing line before – the likes of Ashleigh, Caroline, Luke S and Sara – this will at last give them a clue regarding how the public perceive them. Of that quartet, only Caroline's had any feedback. Unfortunately for her, that feedback came in the form of a crowd crowing 'get Caroline out!' on the night that Lauren left.

Conor got similar treatment from the crowd last week, but he's also faced eviction three times and remained in the House each time, so his head’s currently likely to be all over the place. Besides which, the 'big characters' – those who attract fans and detractors in equal or almost equal measure – can be sure that some folks will like the very aspect of their character that turn others off. So it's not entirely bad news for those who've received notice that they're not flavour of the month from the live crowd.

Perhaps it's the quiet ones who need to worry. It could be argued that those who make less of a mark are less likely to receive votes-to-save whether they've done anything wrong or not. If housemates have been diplomatic and soothing entities throughout the experience, they might not muster enough of a response to guarantee safety. There's always the possibility that they'll be overlooked as voters look to save their fave, ignoring the fact that benign characters with less of a profile need votes just as desperately, if not more so.

So this many housemates facing the chop this week begs a rather urgent question of anyone looking to vote. Are you going to vote to save the housemate you love the most, and to hell with the consequences? Or are you going to work this one tactically, putting in a vote in for those you appreciate but don't necessarily adore, hoping that your fellow fans will do all the hard work for you?

It's a bit of a dilemma, frankly.

Voting is currently open, so click here if you'd like to get involved.


Who nominated who....


Adam - Caroline and Sara
Ashleigh - Luke A and Deana
Becky - Luke A and Deana
Caroline - Adam and Luke A
Conor - Deana and Sara
Deana - Conor and Caroline
Luke A - Caroline and Conor
Luke S - Adam and Deana
Sara - Luke S and Ashleigh
Scott - Luke S and Deana

Deana - 5

LukeA - 3

Caroline - 3

LukeS - 2

Adam - 2

Sara - 2

Conor - 2

Ashleigh - 1

Becky - 0

Scott - 0

Last edited by Scotty

Day 50: New Year's Eve arrives early

44 mins ago

The next task in the Party Animals task has been announced and it's not quite as infantile as the Children's Party event. But it is going to last rather a long time.

As far as Big Brother's concerned, for the housemates today and tomorrow is December the 31st and the hour is approaching midnight. That's right! It's New Year's Eve all the time for the duration of the task - and this fact has practical consequences.

Every time Big Brother sounds a countdown, housemates have to gather around a miniature Big Ben and sing a burst of Auld Lang Syne, popping streamers and swigging sparkling drinks.

Enjoy the task, housemates – and may we wish you a very, very happy new year!

Breaking news: the housemates have had their first run-through of the New Year's Eve experience! Conor's turnaround from idly eating pizza to sprinting full-pelt towards the living area has proven him to be a commited Party Animal. 



Adam is the first housemate into the diary room and with little prompting nominates Caroline. “She’ll try and get people to apologise in front of everyone and then turn against you. She apologises but then does the same things. She’s two faced”. He ponders for a few minutes before making his second nomination; “Sara” he says firmly. His reason for this nomination is that she chose him as the “worst nominate to live with” in her lie detector task. Also, he claims that he “doesn’t trust her” because: “she told me she had people in her ear, telling her things, and for that, I don’t trust her”.

Becky is the next housemate into the diary room and without hesitation nominates Luke A. Following the pairs row, she says “He’s been talking to people and saying I’m fake. I don’t think I’d miss him much if he wasn’t here”. Seemingly riled up she continues; “He is lovely but when he switches to chef mode, he’s a nightmare!” Her second nomination is for Deana. “She’s very slow paced, dreamy and in the clouds” she quips “She’s such a little floater – the polar of me”.

Sara nominates Luke S. Her reasons for this nomination are that Luke S walks around the house half naked all the time and that he tells jokes that aren’t funny. “He’s a lovely guy” she says, “but he is a bit annoying”. “Sometimes he creeps me out, this morning he had these weird pants on and just lied on his bed”. Bemused by her second nomination, Sara ponders for a while, and eventually nominates Ashleigh; “There isn’t much conversation. I don’t speak to her as much as other housemates”. Before she has time to change her mind (again), Sara proclaims to Big Brother; “Right that’s it, let me out now”.

Luke A is the fourth housemate to nominate. No sooner as he has sat down, he nominates Caroline. “She stares at me in a really evil way and it’s really off-putting. It makes me feel worthless” he claims. His second nomination is for Conor. His nomination is in response to Conor’s reaction to Lauren’s eviction last Friday night; “He said that he wasn’t going to wish us luck. He has got a game plan”.

Ashleigh comes to the diary room and nominates Luke A, describing him as “sneaky”. She says that whilst Luke A claims that he doesn’t bitch in the house, “he is the bitchiest housemate of them all”. Her second nomination is for Deana. “I don’t feel like he’s got any character. She’s like a little lost puppy.” Not scarce of reasons for this nomination, Ashleigh continues; “She always talks about her body but then she always sexy dances”.

Luke S nominates Adam because of his “bad toilet habits” and because he is “always complaining about cleaning up after himself”. He continues; “I think he’s a game player. All his conversations are about numbers. I’m wary of him. He tries to manipulate what people think and their votes to gage the atmosphere in the house. He’s tried it with Conor when I have been with him and with me”. His second nomination is for Deana. “She’s extremely slow paced in the day and then the music comes up and she’s a completely different person! She is convinced the camera is on her. She only ever wakes up when there is a camera”.

Caroline nominates Adam and labels him as “irritating” and “annoying”. Her second nomination is for Luke A, drawing upon his response to her less than positive audience reception last Friday; “He was over the moon the audience didn’t like me” she shrieks. Caroline also claims that he is “boring” and “has a lot of embarrassing confrontations in the house”.

Deana nominates Conor. “Me and Conor don’t get along and we never will. He is fake” she claims confidently. Her second nomination is for Caroline. Her main reason for this nomination is that Caroline’s sarcasm has become “too much”. “You can never have a normal conversation with her. She’s always sarcastic!”

Conor is the ninth housemate to nominate. With little hesitation, his first nomination is for Deana; “She has a split personality. She’s putting on an act and I don’t trust her because you never know who you’re going to get with her or what”. His second nomination is for Sara and labels her as “lazy”. “All she does is sleep all day. She doesn’t help with the cleaning up and she never offers anybody else food”.

Finally, Scott comes to the diary room and takes a few minutes to put on his bronzer; “Hold your horses” he tells Big Brother “I’m adding colour to my face, I look like a pale ostrich”. Calm and collected, he nominates Luke S, and labels him as a “cheese face”. When asked to elaborate on his ‘Scott terminology’, he says; “I can barely look at him when he’s being all cheese facey. It’s like he’s been at band camp”. Not short of reasons for his nomination, he continues; “He is 100% certain of all his opinions. He doesn’t really know how cocky he is. He is a right bell-end when he acts like that”. His second nomination goes to Deana, his secondary “Cheese face”. “She has already nearly set the oven on fire today! She burns sausages left, right and centre!” Scott continues; “She is away with the fairies. Just get a fire-cracker up your arse and move it!” he yelps. “Also, she didn’t knock when I was in the lavatory. Just said Oh sorry” he exclaims in exasperation. Leaving the diary room, Scott tells Big Brother “Oh dear I’ve been gone ages – they’re going to think I’m a right bitch”.

However, Big Brother has stunned housemates with a nominations twist. Housemates that received one nomination or more will automatically face the public vote. As Scott and Becky did not receive any nominations from their fellow housemates, they will be immune from eviction this week.

Read more:


Day 50: Slumber Party aka Male Fantasy

14 mins ago

Round three of the Party Animals task has a name that may confuse those who take words at face value.

There will be no slumbering at this Slumber Party. Instead the House women (Sara, Deana, Caroline, Becky and Ashleigh) have changed into skimpy nightwear and will shortly be competing in a series of one-on-one gladiatorial pillow fights. The aim is to knock one another off a bed which has been set up in the large task room. For this task, the room has been transformed into 'Big Brother's Boudoir' and is replete with drinks, snacks and lashings of the colour pink.

Meanwhile, the boys will watch the pillow fight from the TV in the living area. They must accurately guess which girl will be the last one standing.

The boys faces lit up like the sky on New Year’s Eve as the details of the task were read out. Adam joked that he’s always been a fan of ladies fighting in their smalls. Something tells us this particular task was dreamed up by a male imagination.

The results will be in later but in the meantime who do you think will win?


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