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Day 49: This House believes burping is worse than farting


1 hour ago

There is no denying our housemates are full of hot air but an untimely trump from Ashleigh has sparked a heated debate.

Luke S was disgusted when, after offering to take her on a romantic picnic to the bottom of the garden, Ashleigh farted on him – again.

He has already warned her that this is unacceptable girlfriend behaviour. Retaliating against his chastising, Ashleigh announced she believes burping to be worse than farting, sparking a heated debate to rival anything Oxford Union could offer.

Caroline was firmly in Ashleigh’s corner, as was Scott who said, "Farting is far worse – what about the poo particles?"

Adam agreed but Ashleigh was adamant. "What about if someone has eaten tuna. Or if they haven’t brushed their teeth? I have never burped in front of anyone."

A bit ladylike after all eh?

It was a tough one to call but burping emerged as the lesser of two evils. With that knowledge, you can sleep easy tonight.



Day 49: It's Scott fair


13 mins ago

The task prize has been delivered – more watermelon as well as a serving of beer and wine.

The boys had barely put their hard earned booty on the table before the girls dug in.

Scott was aghast, saying; "this is the boys' prize, not the girls'. What is the point of having boys vs girls when you take all the prize."

Ashleigh spat back; "be a gentleman," but Scott was not to be silenced.

"I don’t want to share my prize with you," he wailed.

He had a point, but his protests fell on deaf ears as Ashleigh, Becky, Deana and Sara continued to make light work of the boys' treats.

Caroline meanwhile opted to swim lengths of the pool rather than antagonise the lads and Conor chose to keep her company, shaving his chest hair as he called out encouragement.

Knowing Scott, this may not be the last lament we hear this evening. If we are lucky, we might even get a mighty monologue from our House diva, or at the very least something fabulous in French.





Day 49: Busting melons



2 hours ago

It was boys against girls in the 'Melons of Mass Destruction' task which meant there was more than prize-winning at stake.

The chaps went into overdrive, talking tactics and developing a finely tuned strategy while the girls went hell for leather with no discernible master plan.

Adam and Conor stretched the elastic bands over the watermelon, Luke S pre-stretched them before they were placed, Luke A held the melon steady and Scott passed the bands from the box while keeping an eye on the competition.

He said, "they are away with the fairies."

Luke S was quick to agree, getting quite over-excited and crowing, "keep it up, the girls are all over the place, they don’t know what day is. Two at a time baby, that’s how we like it. The girls think they are painting Easter eggs." Ok Lukey, it’s only a game.

The girls' hap-hazard approach left them huffing and puffing as they struggled to steady their melon let alone get their bands in the right place.

To the boys' delight, their melon was the first to blow, erupting in just over five minutes. This secured them a treat from BB (drinks and more melon slices) and a sense of macho pride, and allowed all housemates to sup on the shrapnel.

As the housemates departed to the garden, the girls' melon exploded, demonstrating how close a call this task was. Fret not, no housemates were harmed in the making of this task.

Sara however complained; "I thought my arms were going to fall off. I had to hold the watermelon."  A touch dramatic perhaps.

Caroline mused; "We have lost some very competent girls."

Don’t fret Caz, we imagine once Lauren and Lydia get wind of this task, they’ll be testing it out for themselves. With nominations being announced to the housemates later this evening, there is every chance the House could lose another competent character at the end of the week.




Day 49: Looters hit the BB House

9 hours ago

Not content with tucking into the boys' booze, Ashleigh and Caroline have gone one step further and waged a war on Adam’s coveted energy drinks.

"Why should he have them all just because he doesn’t drink," Ashleigh lambasted, as the duo helped themselves to his secret stash.

"He thinks he’s the most popular housemate" Caroline added - though what this has to do with the drink distribution, we don’t know.

Helping themselves to one of his four cans, the pair of thieves ran to the kitchen to enjoy the stolen energy drink, clearly relishing  in their misdemeanour. They even made sure they covered their tracks, stashing the evidence above the cooker - these two are pros don’t you know.

However, they weren't so discreet when it came to keeping their crime on the down-low, being quick to let Conor, Becky and Scott in on the secret. That’s a sure way of getting found out...

The pair have vowed to steal the whole stash later tonight - but will they? If they do, we're sure it won't go down well with Adam that's for sure.




Day 49 round-up



59 mins ago

The glorious weather lightened the spirits of the housemates on Day 49, as they spent the morning generally indulging in fun and frolics, seemingly without a care in the world. And considering it was a Monday a.k.a nomination day, this was a very rare occasion.

At the start of the day, we had a bit of grooming as Deana took on the mammoth task of straightening Adam's hair, Conor put the 'so hot you could fry an egg' theory to the test,Becky showed her bouncy side in the pool and the larks was rounded off by some flies copulating on Sara's leg. A fun time had by one and all.

There was obviously nominations going on during these seminal events, however the housemates were way too chillaxed to care about that little formality. It was like someone had beamed up the old housemates and replaced them with care-free versions of themselves. It was a little bit disconcerting to say the least.



Once the nomination process was over and done with, Big Brother set them a boys Vs girls challenge of exploding a watermelon - surely every young boy's dream. The girls haphazard approach didn't pay off and the lads emerged victorious, winning a reward later in the evening.

But before the reward could be enjoyed, Big Brother announced who is facing eviction this week - and it was quite the shocker. As a twist, every single housemate to receive just one vote was put in the firing line, which means Ashleigh, Caroline, Deana, Sara, Adam, Conor, Luke A and Luke S will face the public vote this Friday. The only people free from votes and therefore eviction are Scott and Becky.

Surprisingly, both the Insiders and Outsiders took the news well - probably due to the fact that it would have felt less like a personal insult with so many of them facing the vote this week. There's been much talk of eviction logistics - such as clothing options, appearing on Big Brother's Bit On The Side and family travel arrangements - but all in all, a rather positive outlook on the situation.

In the evening, Big Brother delivered more melon and some much sought after booze for the winning boys. However it seems the girls didn't get the memo about the 'boys only' treat, as they too enjoyed the rewards of the task. Scott meekly tried to protest, but it fell on deaf ears - especially to Ashleigh who told him to act like a 'gentleman', because she is the epitome of a 'lady' after all...

The night wound down with a bit of looting by Caroline and Ashleigh Conor got intimate with a camera and Lushleigh churned out another cringey PDA. So just your normal Monday night then....





7.45am: Good morning, housemates! You look so peaceful when you're sleeping. Not so much when you're awake.

8.03am: Someone's repeatedly trumping. This caused an impatient verbal outburst from Becky, who's now back asleep

8.22am: Housemates continue to doze with the shutters down. There's another lovely day to greet them when they rise

8.43am: Sleepy housemates are still sleeping.


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