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Day 49: Melons of mass destruction


26 mins ago

The energy in the House has been rather low today, so to shake the housemates out of their lethargic mood, Big Brother has set them a challenge. Named ‘Melons of Mass Destruction’, the aim of the game is simple -  to make a melon explode.

How do you a explode a melon you ask? Quite easily actually, all you need is a stationary favourite...

The housemates have been plied with rubber bands and been instructed to wrap them around the centre of two watermelons. As more elastic bands are added, the pressure  will increase inside the melons, until they eventually explode.  Well, you learn something new every day!

The Housemates have been separated into two teams - boys vs girls, and whoever explodes their watermelon first will win a reward later today.

 Rubber bands, check. Watermelon. Check. Now let the games begin!



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