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Day 48: Spin break: The results

1 hour ago

With this newfound Summer upon us, Big Brother gave the housemates the chance to win a super fun pool party earlier today.

Decked out in blue and pink swimsuits, the housemates partook in a relay obstacle course, whereby they had to walk over a balance beam and then pass three rubber rings over their heads to another housemate, whilst running on a turntable.

Sound easy - but it wasn't quite that straight forward.

Let's just say that some housemates were better than others, but we won't name names...

What are we talking about, of course we'll name names - Becky, you were rubbish. Becky's attempt to stay upright on the turntable was nothing less than hilarious. She had the housemates, and us, in stitches with her over-zealous attempts, but eventually failings, to stay balanced on the little turning disk.

Obviously, those you would expect to do well in this task did, like Sara, Conor and Luke S - however it was dark horse Caroline who put the rest to shame. Considering she professes not to be much of an athlete, she was rather light on her feet and finished her stretch of the course in record time.

With Scott leaping to the finish as the last person to complete the course, the housemates were pretty confident that they had passed the challenge - And they were right to be, as Big Brother announced that they had completed the course in under ten minutes, and have therefore won a pool party for this afternoon.

Be prepared to be super jealous of their epic spring-break inspired party - we know will be.

To see the best of the action, check out this awesome video.



6.17pm: Club Tropicana is playing which has given Luke S and Conor an excuse to dance in an unspeakable way.

6.20pm: In the Diary Room, Ashleigh has been made over like a clown. It suits her.

6.26pm: Ash has emerged from the Diary Room clowned-up to the max. She says she's been assigned a task to entertain the HMs.

6.39pm: Clown Ashleigh led a conga line and is now trying to eat a banana while doing sideways rolls.

6.53pm: Ashleigh's clown act, if performed in front of children, would ruin innocent minds forever. 

7.01pm: Oh lordy, Becky's slimming club is back. We thought this was a Friday-only deal.

Becky Butlins  


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