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Day 47: Rocking the boat


14 mins ago

Becky put her best foot forward as she took her turn in the ‘Letter Delivery Dilemma’ task.

Pedalling for her post, she had to complete an hour non-stop on the exercise bike. Within minutes the Blackburn lass complained that she was saddle sore and attempted to soften her seat with a cushion.

Meanwhile Adam made a few waves in the pool but is managing to sail his ship alone – christened Lauren – to fulfil his part of the task.

Luke S struggled to stay away from Becky’s bike – a real life exercise machine in the garden – and his envy may have acted as a catalyst for an out of the blue argument with Ashleigh.

The tiff saw Ashleigh accuse Luke S of trying to make her swear – her personal dilemma task – by offering to make her a chilli with actual steak rather than mince.

He retorted, “ All you needed to say was no not (insert your own Ashleigh style string of expletives – we’re far too polite).

Bit harsh Luke S – Ashleigh didn’t utter a single curse in response to your catering. Old habits clearly die hard.

She stropped out to the garden to complain to Becky who had to sit and listen because she was still cycling. This prompted Luke S to say, “I won’t cook for you ever again. Everything I do is wrong. You make me look like a d**k.” This doesn’t bode well for any potential candle lit dinners for two post Big Brother House.


Day 47: A fishy dilemma


1 hour ago

Our final two housemates facing the Letter Delivery Dilemma Task certainly struggled with their demons.

Deana was been challenged to remove all her make-up and hand the rest of her kit to big Brother. She agreed to undertake her dilemma and packed her truckload of products into a carrier bag with more than a little whimper.

We really couldn’t see much difference but she has had a face like a slapped bum ever since.

Sara has been dressed as the Queen for a fair few hours now and has been complaining about her clothes. Her majesty could certainly teach her a thing or two about biting her tongue.

Such sulks paled in comparison to Caroline’s tantrum when faced with her fishy task. Cheeky old big Brother pulled out the fish eye again, challenging her to swallow it whole in exchange for a letter from home.

Caroline screamed like she’d just discovered she had used up her lifestime gap yah allowance and had to be talked into it. We’ll let you watch the video â€“ on his occasion, words will not do it justice. Housemates found the whole episode hilarious.

With black juice running down her chin she finally managed to get it the fish eye down her throat and is now feeling quite pleased with her performance.

She said, “I don’t know why Big Brother keeps making me do this. I do think I was much better than last time though.”

We’ll let you be the judge of that.




Day 47: Dilemmas - the visual deal


44 mins ago

Housemates have had a day of tough challenges, each forced to perform a task crafted to be as personally difficult as possible in order to win a letter from home for one of the housemates.

Minutes ago Big Brother called everyone to the sofa to reveal that nine out of ten of the housemates had passed their tasks. The weak link? Less than a minute after her no swearing task was announced Ashleigh said,

"I really hope I don't f**k this up." 

The word 'irony' was invented to describe such a scenario but without further ado, here's a picture of each one of the remaning ten housemates in all their task-y glory...




Day 47: The steak out fall out


9 mins ago

Conor turned agony uncle this afternoon offering Ashleigh some tough love.

The female half of our very own Big Brother Mr and Mrs had fallen out with Luke S after he tried to feed her big lumps of steak in her chilli. The rogue. Having admitted earlier in the evening that he had picked up everything he knows from watching cooking shows, we cannot think why she wouldn’t trust that he knows best.

Conor told her, “You were being ungrateful. You told him to cook mince for you instead. You were acting like a spoilt brat.”

Brave man. Perhaps knowing he would not be on the receiving end of parcel load of profanities Gave him courage.

Ashleigh had already confided in Sara that, in her opinion, she and Luke S had nothing in common. To be fair, if they can’t agree on how to cook a chilli con carne, how will they be able to tackle those bigger relationship dilemmas?

Luke S chilled out with Caroline and Conor, ignoring Ashleigh. He told Conor he thought she was being ungrateful. As time ticked by we were starting to worry this may be game over for Lushleigh.

Conor took matters into his own hands and coerced her into Luke S’s arms in the bedroom. She said sorry, they hugged and pashed. We started to feel a bit flushed and had to avert our eyes.

With more dramas than Angie and Den, this relationship is certainly keeping us on our toes. As the only one to fail the task thus the only one to deprive a fellow housemate a letter from home, Ashleigh is feeling fragile again. Will Luke S be able to smooth things over or will we see a Lushleigh melt down before the evening is out?



Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

9.59pm: Deana didn't get a letter from home. Ashleigh says she feels terrible.

what a surprise how come she was the one picked?

she wasnt - all the letters were in a box and each one that had passed picked a random letter and read it out - Ash failed so Deana's letter was the one left in the box 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

I nodded off on the couch this afternoon,I`ve just woken up   


Hello all      


Thanks for the updates MrsH    



OMG   you wont sleep tonight now 


you must have needed the sleep though 

I was up `til the early hours, It`s BBUSA`s fault  


I`ll take over now if you want MrsH, you`ve been working your wee socks off  


Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

I nodded off on the couch this afternoon,I`ve just woken up   


Hello all      


Thanks for the updates MrsH    



OMG   you wont sleep tonight now 


you must have needed the sleep though 

I was up til the early hours, It`s BBUSA`s fault  


I`ll take over now if you want MrsH, you`ve been working your wee socks off  




am off to the Lauren tweet thread  


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