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Big Brother latest: Caroline blames being hated on being posh!

Big Brother UK housemate Caroline had a bit of a shock last night, having heard chants from the live eviction crowd to get her out.


And the student immediately suggested to her fellow housemates it was because she posh.

Caroline also dismissed the idea that Lauren was popular after getting cheers as she was evicted, saying the crowd were only being supportive to spite her!

Caroline spat: “The reason why Lauren was popular [with the crowd] is the obvious reason, is because the public hate posh ****s”

She bitched: “She would’ve been like ‘Caroline’s such a bitch!”

“Or Becky,” Becky added.

But Caroline was confident it was only her, replying: “You’re fine becks, you’re not coming across as a manipulative bitch.”

Scott tried to reassure the obviously worried 20-year-old, telling her: “You can’t read into any of these things, it’s just a small portion of a crowd.”

Caroline tried to put on a brave face, insisting: “I like it, I think it’s cool, I don’t mind.”

Not sure we believe her!


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Day 47: The dilemmas begin


38 mins ago

Earlier, the housemates were informed that they will receive a post box containing letters from home later this evening, but to do so they must first face a series of dilemmas.

Every Housemate that successfully completes their challenge will be be able to draw one letter from the post box, however, this letter could belong to anyoneâ€Ķ. even a housemate that failed their challenge. Yes, it just got interesting.

So with all to play for, Big Brother has began to dish up the challenges, with Luke S being put to the test first.

As this is a dilemma task, Big Brother decided to put the thing that means most to Luke S on the line. No not Ashleigh silly, it was his beloved protein shake of course...

But what did he choose?

Body beautiful Luke S decided to put his ripped physique in jeopardy and discarded his protein powder into a thick vat of stinking gunge , whilst Becky and Ashleigh cooed around him saying what a great lad he was.

Although, he should probably be used to this process by now - he's frequently receiving the enhancement powder just to have it quickly taken away again. It's a complete crime against pecs, if we do say so ourselves.

For your amusement, you can watch the video of Luke S stirring away his kryptonite here.

Next up was Sara, who was asked to hand over her eviction outfit- permanently, and to dress as the Queen until further notice. She willingly obliged and donned the regal outfit - which suited the Royal enthusiast down to a tee.

“It smells like the Queen” Sara mused.

So as it stands, the housemates have secured two letter, with eight to go...


Day 47: Dodgy dilemma dealings

49 mins ago

Big Brother dished out the next round of dilemmas to the housemates earlier this afternoon, as part of today's letter challenge. The housemates chosen to face their ultimatums were Luke A, Conor, Ashleigh and Scott.

In a series of rather apt challenges, Conor has been banned from speaking for the next four hours and has been supplied with a fetching gag to help facilitate his silence. 

Chain-smoker Luke A has been banned from indulging in his beloved nicotine sticks and from entering the smoking area in the general. If this wasn't hard enough Luke also has the joyful task of babysitting a wad of tobacco and a pack of cigarettes -It’s like a little pouch of temptation in his hand.

Meanwhile, the ever-eloquent Scott must speak in a Macclesfield accent until further notice, and serial swearer, Ashleigh, is banned from saying any profanities.

Suffice to say, the foursome have been dealing with their dilemmas with varying degrees of success.


Ashleigh has bitten her tongue several times and there has been one very close call - has she broken the rules? That's up to Big Brothers discretion, but we're not completely convinced she can last it out. Even her boyfriend Luke S isn’t backing her chances, stating, "Every other word is a swear word". Nice to see he’s got her back on that one.

Luke A has been longingly staring at the cigarettes, nurturing them like they were his own child. "Do you know how long it’s been since I had a real cigarette?" he whispered, clutching his loot lovingly. Not at all weird.

Conor has been trying to communicate using his own personal sign language, and has chosen the smartest person in the House to decode his complex set of hand movements - step forward Luke S. The pair have turned into tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee as the Irish man tries to mime his way around the House.

And Scott has been doing a similarly rubbish job of his accent - unless the Macclesfield accent is exactly like his usual voice. If so, then he is bossing it but his success in this task is up to Big Brother, not us.

So, those sought after letters look like they might be slipping away. Only Caroline, Deana and Adam are left to face their dilemma - will they fare any better? Let's wait and see.


5.21pm: Adam is in his boat now. He is making waves


5.33pm: Becky is saddle sore. Even a cushion isn't helping.


5.46pm: Ashleigh accused Luke S of trying to make her swear by cooking her chilli with steak in. Trouble in paradise?


5.57pm: There's a spider on the exercise bike. Hope that isn't going to hinder Becky's progress


6.04am: Becky has triumphed on the bike. She is walking a bit like John Wayne



Afternoon Twitterati  


Big Brother 2012: Conor hopes he and Caroline will make the final

Big Brother’s Conor has been reflecting on last night’s eviction, and declared he aims to make the final alongside Caroline.


It’s an ambitious bet, and it’s fair to say Caroline was less than convinced of it happening.

“I really hope I’m here for my birthday and I’m not up so I can chill out,” he said.

Caroline however wasn’t as giddy about the future in the house: “I just don’t want to live with certain people, living with my friends in here would be the best thing in the entire world.”

Conor revealed: “I hope we can make the final and prove people wrong.”

It was a suggestion (quite rightly) laughed off by Caroline, who replied: “Conor, there’s no chance in hell of me.. you’re going to the final and Caroline is going nowhere near the final.”

But she did suggest that Conor could well go on to win the show.

“I think you could win it. I’ve said that from Day 1,” the posh blonde added.

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