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Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Mrs H. I've been getting this message all day all over GaGa, sooo annoying!!!

"A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.



Whichever option I choose - Stop or Continue - makes no difference to the problem

dont know rose - maybe you could ask in the sticky thread above this one ?

I think I'll do that as it's getting too annoying

Yellow Rose

Day 46: Everybody's talking about Deana


19 mins ago

You might have thought that seeing Lauren leaving the House might have left The Insiders at least mildly content. Weirdly enough though, it seems to have spun them off their axis and headlong into the chaosphere.

Instead of sitting back with smiles on their faces, cheered by the fact they set the wheels in motion for Lauren's exit, The Insiders started to talk in worried tones about their situation in the House. 

Perhaps it was the fantastic crowd reception Lauren received when she exited, or maybe it was the obvious support for Luke A? Could it have been the overheard crowd-chants that seemed to target an Insider or two? Whatever it was, Becky, Luke S, Conor, Ashleigh and Becky all seemed to become monumentally rattled and they picked quite a strange target for their fury.

Luke A was a target after the chef told Ashleigh straight about how he's found Becky and Caroline's behaviour, but despite her not being involved and keeping a very low profile all night, they still managed to take swipes at Deana - despite the Birmingham girl barely making a peep all night.

Chatting about the events of the night, Luke S and Ashleigh's conversation swerved in Deana's direction. 

"She's so moody" said Ashleigh. "A born actress" replied Luke S. 

Earlier on, Ashleigh had labelled Deana's relaxed face a 'trout pout'. And it wasn't just those two who had an axe to grind.

"Why is Luke A behaving like this?" asked Caroline, when she heard from Becky what Luke A had said.

"Deana's got to him and manipulated him. That's just what she does" Conor explained, apparently with little grounds to base this on. He hadn't been party to any conversations along those lines, if there were any to be party to.

Later on, Deana was approached by Caroline, who relayed what Conor had said, explaining that Conor's diatribe had made her feel awkward because Deana was now her friend. Deana listened and absorbed what Caroline was saying, but the look on her face spelled out that she couldn't tell exactly why Caroline was bringing this disclosure to her direct.

Yet again, Deana's being talked about, hearing things second hand and isn't sure what to think. Luckily she's now got a friendly ear or two she can sound all this off against. Actually, it's possible it might even make sense when she recreates tonight's scenes aloud to a sympathetic ear.


Day 46: Round-up

1 hour ago

Day 46... the last day for either Luke A or Lauren began with the hilarious news that Conor had been dreaming about the housemates. He must really care about them if spending his waking hours with them and them alone is not enough of a hit.

In a precursor of evening fireworks to come, Luke A had a bristly reaction to Becky’s greeting of â€œGood morning evictee”. Meanwhile Lauren feared her hair would be the only thing bristling once she slept past hairdryer o’clock.

Scott got sentimental about being incarcerated in a bungalow saying that he never wants to leave. Be careful what you wish for, you young rapscallion. Caroline identified a perceived domesticity-shaped flaw in her character then tried to address it by cleaning the kitchen. Well, she said she cleaned the kitchen. There are no records to support this.

The task of the day was A Bit of a Mouthful, literally. Super-competitive Luke S won by fitting an impressive 24 marshmallows in his mouth. We’re sure he looked in no way silly and should be very proud of himself for showcasing such a useful talent.

Then it was the time we had all been waiting for, the seventh Big Brother eviction. Lauren’s name was read out and she handled herself with regal composure in the period between her fate being sealed and the doors being unsealed.

Elsewhere, Luke A went somewhat rogue, telling home truths all over the shop resulting in an argument with Becky that just would not quit. A near silent Deana somehow also found herself on the receiving end of wagging tongues.  Poor lass.

As the day drew to a close the ripples of the new, straight-talking Luke A seemed to be spreading still further.




Day 47: Age is but a number


14 mins ago

In a defiant bid to save face after her argument with Luke A last night, Becky tried to win back some sympathy by throwing her age into the mix.

"I didn't come in here to be spoken to like that by a 31-year old man" 19-year old Becky ranted - as though this made a difference to the situation. Although there is over a decade between the two, surely they’re both classed as being 'adults' - even if their behaviour sometimes doesn’t reflect this. 

Having made this statement to Adam of all people, it was a foregone conclusion that it would work it's ways back to Luke A. And surely enough, a few minutes later Adam was in the garden relaying the conversation word-for-word to his best friend...

Not that it seemed to affect the chef from North Wales one bit. In fact, he seemed to find it rather incredulous that she was trying to use her age against him.

"She's right - I am 31. I don’t want to be going around licking a***s, telling people false things about themselves" he stated, bold as brass.

It's seems a new Luke A has been born - "This is the first time I've spoken my mind in my life", he exclaimed, high on the drama from the evening.

And it doesn't look like this new Luke will be going anywhere any time soon, which he has predicted will see him in the firing line again this week, "Better dust off that platypus outfit again" he mused.

We'll have to wait till Monday to see if he's right.




Big Brother 2012 fight! Luke A and Becky clash in eviction aftermath

Luke A and Becky clashed in the Big Brother house this morning, following the aftermath of the latest eviction.


Having survived eviction against Lauren Carre, Luke A promised not to hold back in the house.

And he didn’t disappoint, within minutes calling Becky out for being “fake”, which immediately started to caused arguments.

He told Becky to her face: “At first I thought we really got onâ€Ķ but the day after the campfire [face to face nominations], you changed. It’s just my opinion, I just it was stupid reasons basically.”

Becky snapped back: “Alright hunny, don’t you dare you say that I’m fake and that I’m an actress, I’ve said a lot of good things abut youâ€Ķ”

However Luke didn’t back down, he explained: “I’ll say what I want, I’m a human being and I have opinions.

“I don’t care, I don’t give a s**t and I’ll tell you why, I thought we got on, and it was like a bolt of lightning came down and you were being really weird with me. You were being weird to me and horrible to me for no reason.”

He added: “You were being horrible to me for no reason.”

Becky hit back: “I’m genuinely upset that I’ve ranted and raved about you.”

Read more:


Day 47: Selfless deeds get rewarded



1 hour ago

The housemates were awoken by a very special delivery from the postman this morning. On hearing a 'ding dong' sound being played into the House, Luke S ran to the door to find a mysterious envelope waiting to be found.

Tearing open the seal, he discovered that the housemates will get the chance to win letters from home today - on the proviso that they must act selflessly to a series of dilemmas set by Big Brother.

What these will be is unknown at present, which has prompted much speculation from the housemates. So far, Luke A has guessed that they may get the chance for immunity this week and Luke S thinks he may get offered the chance to use a gym until the end of the show, in lieu of words from home of course.

Whilst some of the housemates are extremely excited about the prospect of hearing from their loved ones, others are a little less excited about hearing home truths.

"Oh god, what will they say?" Caroline wailed, worried that her letter won’t be too favourable.

Becky, on the other hand, was overcome with emotions at the news, "I literally feel like I’m going to pass out." she exclaimed.

The housemates recent spate of behaviour hasn't exactly shown their selfless sides - however, will they be able to step up to the mark today? We'll soon find out...




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