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Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by MrsH:



have we all got our kleenex and comfort food and drink at the ready 

evening MrsH  



I'll have all 3 at hand Over the years I've watched, since Series 1, I'm usually either angry someone's left or happy they've gone. Tonight will be the very first time I'll get misty eyed

don,t be silly  i have the tv to shout at no food or drink need

Ann Lynch

Lauren has been evicted!


1 hour ago

She survived one public vote but Jersey girl and potato farmer, Lauren, couldn't win against fellow Outsider Luke A and has become the seventh to leave the Big Brother House.

The 20-year-old criminology student (who usually spends her time at University in Liverpool) has said that her biggest fear is of "going out to a crowd who're booing". Lauren has, more than any of the other housemates, been on an intense emotional rollercoaster. Her first week in the House involved tears falling like rain as the carefree tomboy got her head round the intense social environment that became her home. Early flirtations with Luke S backfired when the cheesy smile-boasting promoter got together with Ashleigh. From this point on, Lauren found herself in a vulnerable position.

She toughened up a little as the weeks progressed and found a firm and feisty friend in Benedict... before he was booted out. This proved the beginning of her initiation into The Outsiders and her friendship with Adam and Luke A has gone from strength to strength. After The Outsiders lost Lydia, Adam decided the time was ripe for the innocent-minded Lauren to have a crash course in the tactical realities of Big Brother. It was eye-opening.

Always athletic and energetic, Lauren enjoyed play-fighting and massaging Arron before he was evicted. More recently Adam has been the subject of her romps. There have been massages, gyrating and a lot of getting tangled in each other’s limbs. Considering that Adam has confessed an attraction to the Kylie-lookalike we have to wonder what would have happened between the duo if fate – in the form of the public vote – hadn't wrenched them apart.

Her relationship with most of the House females has been fraught with mistrust but she eventually formed a touching bond with the other lady who’s had a battle on her hands from Day One: Deana.

In tasks she has always applied herself, when not engaged in dastardly sabotage plans. We will always remember her impressive if decidedly niche ability to run in a hamster wheel, as demonstrated during the Lab Rats task.

She's come a seriously long way since her teary early days. We'll remember her as the back-flipping black-belt with a crazy laugh and a bacon and nicotine habit that no man should cross. Most of all, we'll remember her as a brave and brilliant housemate who dared to let her true, sweet colours rule.






Day 46: The end of Lauren in pictures



21 mins ago

Lauren's reaction to the news that she was the seventh to leave the Big Brother House was impressively contained - no swearing, dejection or hyperactive pretence at relief. She hugged her friends and shot the breeze.

Equally, Luke A - despite being thrilled at being saved and the acceptance this implies - managed to behave sensitively, saving his euphoria for the Diary Room. The two friends enjoyed a final fond spot of banter centred around their shared enjoyment of smoking.

Without further ado, we present Lauren's final moments in the House in pictures...




Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Just heard the crowd shout "get......out" I couldn't hear whose name though. Hope it was either Caroline, Becky or Conor!

it was Caroline   and Luke A told her to her face that he heard  boo's for her when he was in the DR i hope Lauren gets some cheers

I'm glad he did that and I'm so pleased that she had more cheers than anyone else who's been evicted

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

12.42am: Luke A, Adam, Scott and Ashleigh are reminiscing about Lauren's laugh. Scott says he loves it.



she seems to be spending a lot of time with LukeA and Adam 

Hmmmm, wonder why lol, could it be because she heard all the cheers for an Outsider and all the boos for an Insider

Yellow Rose

Day 46: Luke A lets rip



23 mins ago

Getting saved by the public vote has acted like an adrenaline shot on Luke A's confidence. A little validation goes a long way for anyone and we’re no Mark Rackley but, we reckon that probably goes doubly so when you've been through what Luke's been through.

High on his recent victory, Luke A confided in best-bud, Adam that he was going to start telling it like it is. And he did, within hours...

With Lauren gone there was a gap in the female friend department. Sara stepped up to the smoking area and in the process found herself on the receiving end of some home truths, Luke A style. He likes her but thinks she's easily led.

"I wouldn’t blow smoke up your ass because I'm scared of Monday" he said by way of an explanation for this blunt analysis.

Peculiarly, the next in line for the honest treatment was Ashleigh. New, no-BS Luke A told the Essex gal that he likes her but her but not her pals Caroline and Becky.

"You know Becky's fake, right?" he announced with eyebrow-raising candour. Despite parting with a snuggly hug, Ash immediately went and fed back this news to Caz and Bex which caused Becky to come steaming out.

Cure round three of Luke A sassing off. As Bex defended herself with increasing hysteria, revealing that she’s raved about how great Luke A is to Big Brother, Luke A calmly defended his earlier remark. "I'm just telling you what I believe" he said in the tone of one making conversation about the weather. As Bex stormed off in a clearly displeased mood, Luke A remarked to Scott and Adam, "Have you got the awkward balloon? I’ll take the awkward balloon..."

If he carries on like this, we might as well strap that awkward balloon to his head.



Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Don't know how it can happen with so few of the Outsiders left but if Luke A is targeted on Monday I really hope there's an Outsider in the mix..some Insiders need to go!!!

I hope you mean insider   I am hoping Becky and Caroline against any of the Outters this week - I keep saying this but Conor can wait - Becky or Caroline have to go asap


Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Mrs H. I've been getting this message all day all over GaGa, sooo annoying!!!

"A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.



Whichever option I choose - Stop or Continue - makes no difference to the problem

dont know rose - maybe you could ask in the sticky thread above this one ?


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