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Big Brother bosses insist Conor, Caroline did not break nomination rules

Big Brother has insisted that Conor and Caroline didn’t break nomination rules this week.


Many eagle eyed viewers were quick to point out Caroline sharing a card with Conor on Monday night, as the housemates nominated face to face.


Each of the housemates were given a pack of cards with the faces of the other housemates on. They then had to chose the two cards representing the people they wanted to nominate.


By footage showed Caroline showing one card to Conor, with many speculating that the pair were agreeing on who to nominate.


A spokesperson for Big Brother yesterday dismissed the complaints, saying that the nominations were “conducted fairly”.


Luke A and Lauren both face the public vote tonight.


The spokesperson told BBSpy: “There has been speculation on several fan sites that during this week’s nominations Caroline attempted to influence Conor’s nominations.


“Big Brother has found no proof of this and is satisfied nominations were conducted fairly.”


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Day 46: Final day nerves

1 hour ago

An moody grey sky greeted housemates in the garden prompting soothsayer Scott to  crow, “the end is nigh.”

For one of our two nominated housemates, their time in the House will be over in a matter of hours but that didn’t mean they wanted to be reminded of it this morning.

Luke A complained that Becky had said, “Good morning evictee,” to him when he woke up although he wasn’t sure if she actually meant it in a nasty way.

Adam said, “She says all of her insults in a funny way.”

Luke A admitted he is nervous but is looking forward to his home comforts. He said, “My stomach is doing somersaults and my hands were shaking a bit when I was drinking my coffee. Imagine, I’ll be able to use a washing machine again.”

Lauren gave herself quite a lie in meaning she missed her chance to dry her hair. She is having a proper tantrum and has run the brush through despairingly it so many times, we are surprised she hasn’t dragged every strand from her follicles. God forbid she should leave the House with a frizzy barnet.

‘The Insiders’, safe in the knowledge they all have at least another week in the House, have been considering their own fate.

Scott says he has become institutionalised and doesn’t want to leave. Caroline also wants to stay but we predict she will probably change her mind if she is up next week.

Will Lauren’s curl crisis push her to breaking point? Or will an intervention from calming influence Luke A chill her out in time for tonight’s live eviction show?





Day 46: What Caroline did next

10 mins ago

Hold the front page. Caroline has offered to clean the kitchen.

After announcing on Day 1 that she had never cleaned in her life, her domestic contributions have been few and far between.

But she seemed to have had a change of heart – about a couple of other things too, namely our evictees, both of who she nominated.

Caroline came to Lauren’s rescue with hair products to help control her curly hair meaning Lauren dodged a melt down.

And she complimented Luke A on his sarcasm, a characteristic she has found fault with. So what is her game?

Earlier today Luke A and Lauren discussed their families’ possible reactions to their fellow housemates and agreed there was a good chance Cthat Caroline would not prove too popular. Could she have got wind of these bad vibes?

We are struggling to find any video evidence of Caroline’s kitchen duties today however Conor and Luke s have been scrubbing for a good couple of hours.

Is Caroline covering her back in the hope the evicted housemate will lay off her during their interview on tonight’s show or is she genuinely turning over a new leaf?



Originally Posted by Scotty:

2.53pm: Housemates have to answer a series of questions with their mouths full of marshmallows. Easy? We think not. 

From a poster on CH5 site....


Keith Burns | 1 minute ago

2.53pm: Housemates have to answer a series of questions with their mouths full of marshmallows. Easy? We think not. Becky favourite to win, think it could be because she is going to add a couple of meat pies, a dozen sausage rolls and say the alphabet backwards  


Day 46: Housemates mouth off

11 mins ago

Big Brother has found a way to temporarily stifle our housemates’ gossiping.

Today’s task, ‘A Bit of a Mouthful’, has housemates answering BB’s questions with marshmallows in their mouths.

Before they answer each question, they have to stuff another marshmallow in.

The winner will be the housemate who manages to stuff the most chewy sweets in without spitting or swallowing.

Predictable panic has filled the House as each housemate enters the Diary Room individually and is banned from revealing the nature of the task

Caroline has squealed, Ashleigh whined and those who have already had a turn nodded knowingly.

We'll let you know which housemate is best a filling their face as soon as the task ends.


Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

2.53pm: Housemates have to answer a series of questions with their mouths full of marshmallows. Easy? We think not. 

From a poster on CH5 site....


Keith Burns | 1 minute ago

2.53pm: Housemates have to answer a series of questions with their mouths full of marshmallows. Easy? We think not. Becky favourite to win, think it could be because she is going to add a couple of meat pies, a dozen sausage rolls and say the alphabet backwards  

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Afternoon to everyone thanks for the updates Scotty and Mrs H. On a Friday I'm usually either nervous or excited about evictions...depending on who's up. This week I'm not looking forward to it at all, the wrong people are up

Afternoon and thanks Rose   


I`m feeling the same but I`m trying to stay positive. The insiders will try pick off the outsiders and at one stage there may only be one left but whoever goes up against that hm, I think will go. The insiders are just too nasty to win. That`s my theory anyway   I hope I`m right. 


ETS: Sara might be a problem but she`s too much of a nonentity to win, I think 

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Afternoon to everyone thanks for the updates Scotty and Mrs H. On a Friday I'm usually either nervous or excited about evictions...depending on who's up. This week I'm not looking forward to it at all, the wrong people are up

Afternoon and thanks Rose   


I`m feeling the same but I`m trying to stay positive. The insiders will try pick off the outsiders and at one stage there may only be one left but whoever goes up against that hm, I think will go. The insiders are just too nasty to win. That`s my theory anyway   I hope I`m right. 

That's my theory too  


Afternoon Scotty 




Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Afternoon to everyone thanks for the updates Scotty and Mrs H. On a Friday I'm usually either nervous or excited about evictions...depending on who's up. This week I'm not looking forward to it at all, the wrong people are up

Afternoon and thanks Rose   


I`m feeling the same but I`m trying to stay positive. The insiders will try pick off the outsiders and at one stage there may only be one left but whoever goes up against that hm, I think will go. The insiders are just too nasty to win. That`s my theory anyway   I hope I`m right. 

That's my theory too  


Afternoon Scotty 




Let`s hope we`re right 


Afternoon velvet  




Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I hope you're right too Scotty I'm also hoping that without any more face 2 face (two faced lol) noms one or more of the Outsiders will feel more secure in the DR to nominate one of their own next week...maybe Scott will nominate Becky as she's irritating well as me lol Hi Velvet

Because of the uproar over the card show by Caroline and their subsequent whitewash, I don`t think BB would be brave enough to do another face to face nomination. Becky`s got too cocky for her own good but they`ll put up with her for now.. she`s useful to them while they need her noms, although she is irritating Scott and Ashleigh so they just might nom her but if not she`ll be a target once they`ve whittled down the outsiders  

Last edited by Scotty

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