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Originally Posted by Scotty:

1.44am: "Are you going to cry tomorrow?" Lauren asks Adam. His silence speaks volumes.

2am: BLESS. As we sign out Lauren and Luke A are planning to set the alarm for 10am so their last day together will be a long 'un.  

Blimey. Haven't felt this sad about an eviction since BB9. Two really good friends going head to head is rotten. 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1.44am: "Are you going to cry tomorrow?" Lauren asks Adam. His silence speaks volumes.

2am: BLESS. As we sign out Lauren and Luke A are planning to set the alarm for 10am so their last day together will be a long 'un.  

Blimey. Haven't felt this sad about an eviction since BB9. Two really good friends going head to head is rotten. 

This week's evictions are so WRONG!!!!!

Yellow Rose

Day 45: If only for tonight (don't be a stranger)


6 hours ago

We're welling up here on the Digital team. 

Outsiders Adam, Deana, Lauren and Luke A will not go to bed. Tomorrow they are guaranteed to lose either Lauren or Luke A and none of them seem able to give up on the last night they will spend together as a foursome.

Lauren has been in super-tactile mode, most notably with Adam but, in a moment that could cover Hallmark cards throughout the land; she indulged in a spot of snuggling and nuzzling with Deana. Watching the tension in Miss India UK's face melt into a smile, we had to resist the urge to coo and fawn. (We're not cracking up, we promise.)

The sleepy little Jersey girl then made an allusion to bed but Adam piped up saying she couldn't, as it may be her last night. That piece of passionate persuasion won her over and she’s been lying on the sofa ever since, looking as relaxed as a cat among pet-lovers.


Luke A has been a quieter presence; the frenzied negotiations that took place in the wake of his nominations reveal have subsided, allowing his natural contemplative side to return. He's had an emotional week but seems to have made his peace with the outcome of tomorrow, come what may.

"Going out the door tomorrow might be a relief," he murmured, "no more bitching."

Lauren agreed but disagreed when Luke A subsequently made his own threat to retire for the night.

"I wasn't allowed!" she said.

How long will the sleepy outsiders stay lounging in each other’s presence? 

We don’t know. But we hope they have a good one.



Day 45: Round-up


56 mins ago

On either Luke A or Laurens’ penultimate day in the House, Scott suffered a rude awakening at the hands of regular partner-in-crime, Becky. Things only got ruder when Ashleighmade her presence known. Life's a gas. What a tone to set for the day.

But it wasn't all light humour as the day began. Adam was pensive when it came to pondering tomorrow night's eviction, which wasn't surprising. He's set to lose a bestie no matter which way the public vote goes, so it's difficult to criticise him for thinking the matter over. Luke A was similarly thoughtful and took no prisoners when talking about some of his fellow housemates. His mood lightened later, however, when he tried out his prospective eviction outfit one more time.

Perhaps it was her earlier rumble that forced a change in Ashleigh. Whatever it was, she was acting uncharacteristically later in the day as she turned into a dutifulhousewife, out of the blue. But there was no such cleanliness for Deana, who seemed scarred for life upon seeing Scottgetting changed in the toilet. It didn't seem to affect Scott too much, mind you. He was up and dancing in no time at all. Perhaps the incident even gave him a boost?


After a light-hearted morning and early afternoon it was task time, and Sara was selected as the most genuine by her fellow housemates. She was sent off to take a lie detector test, which turned out to be a Lying Lie Detector Test, much to her surprise. This being Big Brother, someone was bound to get upset by her responses. But fortunately some were less upset than others.

After the dust had settled, that old Inside / Outside divide reopened, so we took some time out to rubberneck on exactly what it is the two factions babble on about when they're not gossiping about each other. But it wasn't only the two rival cliques that were falling out. Becky and Scott found time for asquabble before bedtime too.

The Outsiders weren't bickering though. They stayed up late (plus ça change) chatting away, hugging and reminiscing, all too aware that one of their buddies would be sent packing on the evening of Day 46.  

Things aren't quite as fractious as they were back during the Turf Wars task, but that old division is still in force. With The Outsiders' number set to dwindle tomorrow, will the divide still remain?

It's anyone's guess. The dynamic can change on a sixpence, so tomorrow night's set to be yet another game-changer.


reposting here from main forum



Dish on the side

Evictees Victoria, Chris, Benedict and Lydia get together for some posh nosh to discuss the latest antics in the House. Here's what they had to say...


Dish on the side part two

The thrilling conclusion to the best dinner party in town saw ex-housemates Lydia, Chris, Benedict and Victoria play marry, shag and avoid. They concluded with a final serving of strategy talk and a sprinkling of who they think will win.



Day 46: Dream on



It’s the morning after the night before and the majority our bleary eyed housemates had to be dragged out of bed by Big Brother who resorted to making the bedroom out of bounds in order to shift them.

Last night’s high jinks included Scott throwing an ice cube at Becky, Caroline’s bed being filled with noodles and Ashleigh narrowly avoiding a dunking in the pool.

Sara woke up this morning with two cups under her pillow and Caroline still has noodles in her bed.

Conor has regaled everyone with tales of his dreams. We all know just how ‘fascinating’ other people’s dreams are. Apparently he can’t even escape the housemates while he is slumbering, dreaming Lauren was having a baby and all of them were at an airport waiting for their families to arrive. It was so emotional that he woke up crying. We are digging out our dream book to analyse that one.

There are still a few bruised egos following Sara’s ‘lying lie detector task’ with Caroline predicting she may join ‘The Outsiders’.

One thing is for sure, there will be a vacancy following tonight’s eviction.


Will ‘The Outsiders’ be recruiting or will they begin to integrate with the rest of the housemates?




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