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Day 45: Ashleigh scrubs up good

36 mins ago

What has gotten into Ashleigh? This afternoon she donned a set of marigolds and made it her mission to get the House spic and span.

Now this isn't your normal Ashleigh behaviour - in fact, it's one thing that Luke S is constantly pulling her up for. Maybe she’s trying to clean her act up after the 'trumping' incident earlier today?

Her efforts to project herself as a 'domestic goddess' didn't go unnoticed by her beau, who gave her a patronising 'well done' after successfully cleaning the surfaces in the kitchen. Well it’s a start at least...

And although professing she couldn't cook, she had a good go at cooking some bacon earlier today. Ack - Big Brother will make a woman out of her yet.



She`s brushed her hair!  



Day 45: The lying lie detector

1 min ago

Today's task is a test of truth. Big Brother asked the most genuine housemate - as chosen by the housemates - to enter the Diary Room, where they will be told that in order to win a reward they must live up to their genuine title.

The supposedly most honest housemate, Sara apparently, has been hooked up to a lie detector machine and is in the process of being asked a series of probing questions. To win, she must score higher than 55% in the truth scale.

The questions are:

1. Which housemate’s friendship do you value the most?

2. Which housemate would you most like to kiss?

3. If you were stuck in the Big Brother House with only one housemate, who would you want that housemate to be?

4. Which housemate would you least like to be stuck in the Big Brother house on your own with?

5. Who do you think will be the top three housemates on finale night?

6. Which celebrity do you think that you most resemble?

7. Did you tell any lies during the audition process to win your place in the Big Brother house?

8. While in the Big Brother house, have you ever stolen food without telling the others?

9. Which Luke is the best chef?

10. Do you have a game plan?

11. Who is the most boring housemate?

12. Would you describe Ashleigh’s singing voice as good or bad?

13. Which housemate has the worst hair?

14. Which housemate spends the most time on their appearance?

15. Who is the most attractive male/female housemate?

16. Which housemate takes themselves the most seriously?

17. Who do you think is the least intelligent housemate?

18. Who do you think is the most intelligent housemate?

19. Do you think you can win Big Brother?

However, it is not Big Brother who will determine whether the Sara is telling porky pies or not. It will actually fall in to the lap of the other housemates, who will be given ‘true’ and ‘false’ cards to hold up after each answer. The majority vote will be taken and fed back to the 'truthful' housemate, who will think they are receiving results from the lie detector machine.

Will the truth prevail? Let's find out...



Day 45: A SAD (Sara, Adam, Deana) situation

36 mins ago

Sara's answers in The Lying Lie Detector task proved to be a mixed blessing for two housemates.

For Deana – the housemate whose friendship Sara values the most and whom she would most prefer to be stuck in the House with – it was a glorious moment, for Adam – the housemate Sara would least like to be stuck in the House with – it was a sucker punch. He has only previously looked this shocked after a surprise grind from Lauren.

There was a brief lull after Sara exited the large task room as all rejoiced that she had won precious alcohol for the evening. However, slowly and inevitably, the chips began to fall.

In the bedroom, Adam and Sara had a circular conversation with the phrases "I understand" and "That's fine" used a record one million times (disclaimer: this figure has not been verified). After fifteen minutes of Adam expressing his confusion -  he has checked whether he and Sara are cool twice in the last two days - and Sara expressing that she does really like Adam, it became painfully clear that this conversation was destined to continue without progress for all eternity.

As Adam left the room, the atmosphere was still cordial, a victory for diplomacy skills, if not for conflict resolution.

Sara immediately sought out Deana to confide that she felt very bad indeed about Adam.

"I do like him, I just don't like some of the things he says and does sometimes," she said.

Confusing indeed.

The girls then had an intimate chat about the difficulties of doing right socially in this confined environment.

In the words of Elton John, "It’s a sad, sad situation and it’s getting more and more absurd."

It really is... guess who Adam turned to vent about Sara? That's right... Deana.




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