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Day 44: Dating - in the dark


24 mins ago

Sara wasn’t put off by being presented with a rose from Adam's tracksuit bottoms but found men drinking wine from the bottle a real turn off.

She was the subject of Big Brother's latest task – 'Speed Haters' – a double edged challenge which saw Miss Edinburgh speed date each male housemate in turn.

Scott was up first and it looked like he would struggle not to be chivalrous. However, after failing to pour Sara a drink, she buzzed him off the date.

Conor sat down, stuffed a chocolate in his mouth and was dumped before he had a chance to string a sentence together. Likewise, Luke A's amorous efforts were short lived. Sticking a picture of his wife to his chest was always going to be a passion killer.

Sara found Adam’s floral gesture 'quite nice', but when talk turned to sex she started to doubt he was suitable suitor and, after he tipped wine straight from the bottle into his mouth, she called time on the date.

By the time Luke S's turn came around, Sara was looking pretty miffed and he told fellow housemates he would have to be a bit nicer to her.


Not only did our smoothest housemate pour Sara a drink, he hugged her and pulled out her chair for her. With Ashleigh looking pensive in the living room, his efforts to put Sara off included throwing a tiny paper aeroplane at her and managing not to talk about himself for a couple of minutes. In the end he informed Sara he was nervous because Ashleigh was watching so would prefer her to press the buzzer, although he would like to date her. It is a good think Ashleigh can't lip read.

Sara was thoroughly frustrated by the end of her session but saw the funny side when BB revealed the results of the task.

Scott managed 2.42 minutes, Luke S 2.22 minutes,  Adam 48 seconds,  Conor 24 seconds and  Luke A 17 seconds.

Luke A won a lads' night in with beers, burgers, games consoles and the much missed table football, scoring a whoop of joy from Luke S and Conor. Shame the pair hadn’t been a bit nicer to the other him in the past as it was a prize for two and it’s Adam who will be sharing it with him.

A victory for The Outsiders.


11.36pm: Luke A is already missing the lads' night in. He's back in the garden with Lauren and Adam.

11.42pm: Conor's talking about what he'd do if he 'won a bit of money' from the show. Chickens: counted. Eggs: not yet hatched.


11.50pm: Luke A's telling Adam to let him know if he needs to make himself scarce when Lauren's about. Adam looks confused. 



Day 44: Deana time

1 hour ago

If there's one thing we can say for sure about Deana, it's that she certainly divides opinion.

Picked at random on launch night, the girl from Birmingham was offered immunity if she chose to accept a nomination challenge. Perhaps it was that first night in the House that set the tone for her stay so far. Having gone for the bait, after an awkward meet-and-greet with each of her new housemates as they filed in one-by-one, she picked Conor, Victoria and Lydia to face the public vote. From there onwards, she found herself somewhere near the bottom of the pecking order and simply by dint of accepting Big Brother's deal she's been fighting back against the beaks snapping her way ever since.

Victoria wasn't too much of a problem – she was gone in a matter of days. Despite the nomination, a strange alliance was formed between Deana and Lydia, but it wasn't long before the dancer was walking out of the front door too. It was Conor that really took offence at that first night slight, and it's this that seems to have dictated the tone of the House ever since.

Lydia may have nominated Deana, but she still accompanied her throughout the first couple of weeks as the pair found themselves the subject of some serious disdain, principally from the newborn Insiders group. As time went by, Deana eventually allied herself with The Outsiders after a period of floating - though relations with Lauren remain strained. The simple fact is, Deana simply doesn't know who to trust – and she seems to take on board gossip as fact if she thinks she can trust the messenger. You can see her wrangling with fact and fiction like that on an almost nightly basis.

But Deana's ability to discern the truth from the tittle-tattle has developed over time. With Luke A and Lauren up for eviction on Friday, Deana's about to lose one of the few people she associates with in the House. She's recently grown quite close to Luke A, and her friendship with Adam has grown stronger since the pair of them announced they were going to 'become tigers'. But despite the dwindling number of The Outsider group, Deana finds herself, at last, with at least a small handful of friends.

Conor still dislikes her intensely, despite giving what might be construed as flimsy reasons to back up his case, and winning the other Insiders over can only be an uphill struggle considering all that's occurred. Deana's an isolated character – an outsider's Outsider. She has a legion of social media fans, but a fairly large pool of detractors. It's been a struggle for the Brummie since opening night, but so far she's dealt with the challenge pretty admirably. But can she keep up the fight until the final? 

Deana fans better keep watching if they want to find out for sure.

We'll be taking a look at all the housemates over the course of the series (unless they get evicted in the meantime).

Click their names to see what we've said about Adam,Ashleigh, CarolineLaurenLuke ASara or Shievonne.


12.20am: Adam is in the Diary Room. Perhaps he is asking for the games console back

12.24am: Housemates are having a farting competition. Ashleigh says she loves farting. Bet Luke S was pleased to hear that.

12.37am: Becky and Ashleigh are considering flashing their boobs. Luke S is laughing awkwardly

12.48pm: Lushleigh are having a PDA moment. We are blushing.

12.53am: Ashleigh's complaining about Luke S's aroma. 'Conor never smells that bad' she says


1.07am: Luke S complains about the Smoking Area. He'd like to sit there 'but people are smoking'. Who'd have thought it? 



1.15am: Ashleigh used to collect Cabbage Patch Dolls. Adam is shocked. He's confused them with Garbage Pail Kids. 

1.26am: Looks like Conor's off to bed. That new hair colour better not ruin his pillow. We'll invoice him if it does, naturally.

1.40am: Lauren, Luke A and Deana are still in the garden. How about an early-ish night guys? 

1.53am: That old Outsiders crew are talking into the night about newborn babies. And Deana's going demonic again. Cripes!

1.56am: Deana's just shown she can do a brilliant impression of Sadako from The Ring. We're massively impressed

1.57am: During Deana's scary impression, Lauren ran away in fear. Her trousers fell down. Her bum was out. Pure slapstick

2.00am: Couldn't ask for a better end to the day. Deana and Lauren: thanks. See you in the morning, ! It's been real.


Day 44: Stark staring mad


7 hours ago

What better way to pass a drizzly Wednesday evening than with some hardcore eyeballing?

In the midst of a Smoking Area chinwag, Adam and Ashleigh decided to throw one another some serious evils as a staring contest was declared. Eyeball to eyeball, the pair of them played hard. By the time they'd finished, there wasn't a moist eye in the House. 

Check out the gallery to see who spied and seized victory!




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