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Day 44: Lauren's mixed signals

8 mins ago

What is really going on with Adam and Lauren? Does the girl from Jersey have any feelings for the man from Dudley, or is she just... well, a flirt. We really can't tell - she says one thing, but her body language says a lot more.

Take today, for instance - she has been very touchy feely with him, giving him lots of hugs, and stroking his leg, and they're never more than a foot away from each other. They've even managed to beat Lushleigh in the PDA stakes - which is quite a feat.

The blonde student bounded-up to Adam earlier, demanding that he 'entertain' her, whilst gyrating behind his back - prompting a quizzical look from her 'friend'. There’s over-friendly and then there's just suggestive.

"Big Brother asked if you'd missed me if I went on Friday and I said 'of course, he loves me'," she teased, before jumping on top of him. No mixed signs there at all.

Frankly, we think Adam would be forgiven for being confused about her feelings towards him, because we are too.


Day 44: Speed haters

16 mins ago

For today's task, Sara has been given the chance to speed date all the boys left in the House - the lucky devil or poor lamb, whichever way you want to look at it.

The housemates have been told that the boys are required to impress the pageant queen with their wit and charm, until Sara decides to buzz them out - an indication that she is bored of their wooing attempts. Whoever manages to stay on the date for the longest amount of time will win a prize this evening.

Or will they?

Of course not - you've probably guessed by now that tasks are never quite as they seem...

While Sara was in the Diary Room chatting to Big Brother about her dating expectations, the other housemates were let in on the secret that the boy who is buzzed out first will actually win the prize. They must sabotage the date by being as unpleasant and rude as possible - within reason, of course.

Whichever boy gets buzzed out first will win a special 'lads night in' with a best boy mate of their choice tonight.

Who do you think will impress Sara the least and win the luxury night in? We know she's a fussy one, so they're all in with a pretty good chance as it stands...


Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hi Baz, Scotty and Mrs H first chance I've had to spend time here catching up since last night so thanks for all the updates I'm still annoyed at learning Caroline showed her card to Conor and yet the voting went ahead I'm not on Twitter and wondering if it's being discussed there as I think BB and/or BBots read the tweets

Hi Rose   thanks    


I`m not on twitter either but it`s being discussed on CH5 site and FB.  Nothing will be done about it though!   

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hi Baz, Scotty and Mrs H first chance I've had to spend time here catching up since last night so thanks for all the updates I'm still annoyed at learning Caroline showed her card to Conor and yet the voting went ahead I'm not on Twitter and wondering if it's being discussed there as I think BB and/or BBots read the tweets

Hi Rose   thanks    


I`m not on twitter either but it`s being discussed on CH5 site and FB.  Nothing will be done about it though   

Hi Scotty If enough people talk about it and keep spreading the word surely BB/Ch5 have to do something......unless they want more calls to Ofcom. I can't stand blatant double standards with some being punished and not others

Yellow Rose

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