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Day 44: Unity in da House


9 mins ago

We don’t want to speak too soon, but the House seems to be a haven of unity today. The housemates have managed to reach midday without gassing and arguing with each other. Has a truce really been called?

After their chat yesterday, the two Lukes exchanged a little banter in the living room this morning - although admittedly it was a bit forced. But we don’t want to knock them - it’s the effort that counts.

Lauren is back to her floating self and has been mingling with the girls again, which seems to have cheered her up no end. She’s even gone a whole morning without moaning - a novelty these days.

Deana and Adam had a little hug in bed, showing they really had put their disagreement behind them.

Caroline has spent the morning reiterating to Becky that she really wants to keep her behaviour in check from now on, worried that she may have upset people in the past.

And there was even a musical-style sing-a-long at one point, which we were forced to put on mute - talk about cringe-fest.

So there you go - a new united House. For now at least.



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