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Day 43: Keeping it Ashleigh


1 hour ago

She flew into the House in a flurry of profanities and, despite saying she wouldn't have sex in the House, has come closer than all her fellow housemates – aside from Luke S, obviously.

Ashleigh's our Essex girl with a mouth like a sewer and she's left us blushing scarlet after her tales of under the duvet activities. But what's keeping her in the House?

She's managed to receive no more than two nominations in a week – this week picking one up from Adam who's voted for her in the past citing the fact she, "does nothing for the House apart from drink" as his reason in Week 2 and Deana with who she's always had a love/hate relationship.

Benedict was the housemate who found her most unappealing. He told her, “It's a shame they picked you represent Essex,” to which she responded, “Shut up”.

Whether or not you think Luke S is using Ashleigh as a prop, popular opinion in the House seems to be that she views their relationship as the real thing.

After a few wobbles early on, she appears genuinely committed to the man so in love with his own physique that he's had lips tattooed onto his bicep. She's even spoken about the life they'll have outside the House and how many children she will bear. We wonder if she'll feel the same way once she sees how quick he was to discard her in this week’s secret task.

Ashleigh seems to have a genuinely kind heart. She's provided Deana with a shoulder to cry on after more than one in-House face-off.

Her partnership with Shievonne seemed to benefit Shiev more than her, giving the latest evictee a firm place at The Insiders’ table and a chance to steer Ashleigh towards her way of thinking – particularly when it came to Lauren.

Aside from her softer side, Ashleigh speaks her mind  - falling out with Lauren over cigarettes, for example – but there have been mouthier characters and more memorable tete-a-tetes,  saving her from raising too many hackles from Lauren’s (limited) support group.

Ashleigh's gone from blonde firecracker to a more subdued brunette, settling into a level of domestic ‘bliss’ with Luke S.  She may have offered a sexy spark, but titillation rarely rates highly amongst fellow housemates. An Outsider will be leaving on Friday, leaving more scope for on Insider to face eviction next week. She let 'The Bad' down during this week's 'Gold Rush' task and it wasn't the first time she showed herself not to be a team player. 

Will she manage to stay the right side of her more controversial allies? Or will she fall victim to some tactical voting next week? All will be revealed when the next round of noms comes around.



12.46pm: It couldn't last. Conor and Becky are in the bedroom being a mite critical about the hot tub crew. 


12.55am: Becky and Ashleigh are talking farting. Becky is not going to be ashamed by her trumps. 


1.00am: Most housemates are wandering to bed but Lauren's making a sandwich. Have a guess what she's planning for the filling.

1.06am: Not spam. Not anything rude. 3 points awarded to those who correctly guessed bacon. Burnt bacon by the looks of things.

1.08am: Luke A is in Deana's onesie. Repeat: Luke A is in Deana's onesie. 

1.14am: To clarify. Just Luke A is in Deana's onesie. She is not wearing it.

1.24am: Luke A in Deana's onesie. Quite a sight. 



Day 43: Bridge-building

9 hours ago

Finding out they’re up for eviction can do strange things to a housemate. Some rant and rave. Some walk. A fair few withdraw into a quiet sulk that lasts till Friday night.

But the smarter housemates make amends and build bridges, even if they feel they’ve done nothing wrong. Positive PR is key when you’re in the firing line, and Lauren’s on a mission this evening to heal some wounds even if she’s forced to grit her teeth while she goes about it.

She began by spending quality time with Scott and Becky. Talk about the nominations situation between the three was slightly limited, but an effort to repair damage was clearly being made, with Lauren taking the initiative. And after they’d spent some time together, Lauren was off to her next target and possibly her biggest challenge.

They’re two of the youngest housemates, share the same hair colour and both have variously been accused of being duplicitous and two-faced. But despite these similarities, Caroline and Lauren have barely bonded since launch night. Tonight saw them attempt to fix this up, with Caroline telling the girl from Jersey that she’d been a "super-bitch" and that her conversation with Luke A this morning had made her see the error of her ways.

But that wasn’t enough for Lauren, who appears to have been given a new lease of life by the hurdle of her nomination ordeal. She found time to head for Ashleigh and Luke S, both of who have been hyper-critical of her both to her face and behind her back. Pleasantries were exchanged and some of the ground they’ve lost seems to have been made up.

With Luke A on a similar mission of peace-making earlier the day stacked on top of Lauren’s jaunt around the House today, we approach the end of Day 43 with the Insider/Outsider divide all but dissolved. Has peace really been restored in the Big Brother House? Or is this the calm before yet another storm?


Day 43: The power of Lushleigh

7 hours ago

With legs locked on the bed, you could be forgiven for thinking Luke S and Ashleigh are thoroughly smitten.

However, we can reveal, Ashleigh’s been having a wobble. The problem? She’s worried the love-struck pair have nothing in common.

She highlighted her chief concerns to Luke S.

She said, “I’m messy and you’re tidy. I click my fingers and you don’t like that. I can’t cook and you can”

Luke S was keen to quash her fears. For a start he explained, “If we were both clean we’d get annoyed with each other because you’d have your way of cleaning and I’d have mine.” Interesting argument. We’ve squirreled that one away for our own domestic squabbles.

Stumbling slightly with her second doubt, he finally concluded that relationships are not based on clicking fingers. Good point.

As for the food issue – Ashleigh’s repertoire appears to largely consist of dishes that can be served on toast – he promised to teach her to cook. Starting with spaghetti bolognese. It worked for The Lady and The Tramp, so why not Lushleigh?

Could this be a moment of genuine tenderness from Luke S or is he panicking that his game plan may be coming apart?

Ashleigh had one final complaint. She said, “You never let me do your eyebrows or cut your nails.”

Luke S admitted that this may be a result of his controlling nature and offered to let her do his nails. Relationships are all about compromise. And cuticles. Maybe this one has a future after all.



Day 43: Round-up

45 mins ago

It was the day after face-to-face nominations rocked the House.

Day 43 saw Sara kick off the day by trying to settle the argument that had brewed between Adam and Deana the previous night, after Miss India UK had mentioned his name when indulging in some forbidden nominations talk. She took her grievance directly to the man himself over the course of the morning and seemed to have a significant effect on him, showing him how the misunderstanding had played out.

In fact, it was a day in which sour relationships were made sweet across the board. Having heard what the housemates who nominated him had to say when it came to nominations, Luke A took the opportunity to iron out a few creases. He spoke to Becky, one-on-one and he even managed to break down the barrier that’s been going strong between him and the other Luke in a face-to-face conversation we’ve been waiting to see for far too long.

While Luke was on a mission to build bridges, Lauren did exactly the same, going to Sara for advice on how to deal with the circumstances in the House, with some success. Essential talks and, with so much to say, the gang were eventually offered relief from their high stakes discussions and the opportunity to combine cleaning with cavorting. MP3 players were issued to each of them, but two among their number were given a secret task to carry out while they were about it.

Sadly, thanks to Scott, they all but failed the task. Only Luke S was gifted with a lovely Chinese meal – and he doesn’t even like that particular cuisine. But he still polished it off, having been forbidden from sharing it with anyone else.

There was even more bridge-building later on as Lauren continued her peace envoy campaign, and housemates eventually ended the day with all the divisions, possibly temporarily, destroyed. 

As the day wound down and just after we'd looked atAshleigh's time in the House, Lushleigh took some time outand discussed their relationship and the House, for once, appeared to enter the lights out phase with an aura of calm around its foundations. For once.



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