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Evening in here... just caught up and if you give me a minute to tie the laces on my running shoes...

I just laughed at JJ in the diary room, and I wouldn't have spent 24 hours in a room with Rachel either.

so there! 

Corin was hilarious in the task, and she made me laugh with the JJ2 thing too.     Sam, still grating - his 'stirring' has got tired even quicker than I thought it would and yes... Josie does sound like Vicky Pollard and she looked as rough as a badger's at the start of the highlights show.
I think it was Brisket that said somewhere here today "Sam Pepper" sounds Dickensian - and he's so right.     I was talking to someone about BB today and they referred to him as 'Sam Pepper' too... it makes me think of a character from Larkrise or something.

Oooohhhh 'get Rachel out'     Why can't they see what the mad Monk's like.

PS   the music reminds me of My Bonny lies over the ocean too!

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