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It had the potential to be the most influential TV prog of a generation - so why has it all collapsed so spectacularly?

For me - its becos CH4 treat their own baby with contempt.
Making it no more than an outrageous gameshow.

Last years treatment of Rachel was a prime example.
Afterwards they sent in an 'alternative' comedian to basically take the p*ss out of their own winner.

Your views?
... and wot can we do to save our beloved show?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The social experiment idea and the study of group dynamics was fine in the first series.
But as soon as words such as "celebrity", "fame", "money" came into being, the whole nature of it changed.
Dodgy contestants were attracted to it.
The producers tried to maintain interest with more and more outragous twists and immature ideas.
It has been slowly dying for 3 or 4 years.
IT`s had it`s day.
Originally posted by brisket:
The social experiment idea and the study of group dynamics was fine in the first series.
But as soon as words such as "celebrity", "fame", "money" came into being, the whole nature of it changed.
Dodgy contestants were attracted to it.
The producers tried to maintain interest with more and more outragous twists and immature ideas.
It has been slowly dying for 3 or 4 years.
IT`s had it`s day.

Nod Clapping
the fact that we've seen people like george, brian belo, jerry, marcus and jonty shows they do get odd contestents who arent in it for fame, not everyone who applies is a fame seeker but the hm selection process is very poor, a change of staff is needed.

the tasks are poor and have little spent on them (just look at some of the bb usa tasks) again a change of staff and an increased budget are needed.

the removal of the red button and internet live feeds killed the show stone dead because it prevented the buzz, remember even ofcom complaints made headlines and brought in extra viewers, despite ch4's lies this is nothing to do with budget but was just an attempt to prevent a repeat of mickey not winning last summer.

as always, screwing with the nominations process has resulted in saving hm's who should have gone long ago, keeping charlie, david and rodrigo in the house in the hopes of another showmance to push just hasnt worked.

for big brother to survive and get viewers it needs one basic change, that is not to be on ch4 and an assurance that whichever channel takes it vows not to employ anyone previously connected to the series.
Originally posted by RENTON:
It had the potential to be the most influential TV prog of a generation - so why has it all collapsed so spectacularly?

In fairness I think it still is the most influential programme of the last 10 years, in the way that it changed the format of broadcasting and paved the way for the reality tv revolution.

I think the show always had a shelf life though; it's a bit of a one trick pony, and once people knew what to expect the novelty wore off. Constantly putting in bunches of freakish fame-hungry wannabees in a bid to keep it interesting backfired spectacularly and hastened its demise Ninja
Originally posted by brisket:
The social experiment idea and the study of group dynamics was fine in the first series.
But as soon as words such as "celebrity", "fame", "money" came into being, the whole nature of it changed.
Dodgy contestants were attracted to it.
The producers tried to maintain interest with more and more outragous twists and immature ideas.
It has been slowly dying for 3 or 4 years.
IT`s had it`s day.

Absolutely. It became a victim of it's own success. It was a Catch 22 situation to be honest. As it became more popular they sought out the type of housemates who would attract more votes from the celebrity obsessed. Sadly these housemates were so media aware they failed to engage the social dynamic that made the show so good initially thus prompting the producers to invent silly gimmicks to prop up failing interest.

The initial premise is still sound and maybe, just maybe if they had the nerve to really go back to basics there might still be a place for it.
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Probably the return of Nikki spelt the beginning of the end. Displaying such utter contempt for the wishes of the people who watched the show and even spent their own hard earned to evict her showed exactly what they thought of their audience.
thats' what i was going to say, that was the point at which i lost faith with ch4, then the 'dream' pete had and nikki coming back and falling into pete's arms, and i'm thinking, wtf, did i miss a chapter,to me it became scripted, and was never,from that point on, anything it had been in the past.
Agree with a few posts here....... It started off with general members of the public who were randomly selected from the phone book ... But by BB5, it descended into a load of attention seeking, publicity-seeking talentless wannabes, who just wanted to be famous as quickly as possible, with the least amount of work and effort possible.

Also, it emerged that many of them had agents already and had often already been on tv at some time. And as soon as they get out, they run to Heat magazine or Nuts, or the daily star and sell their lame little story... BB is pathetic now sadly. There aren't many people like Freddie and Marcus who are just in it for the experience. It's sad.

I think that they should pick 10 or 15 people from this forum!!! Smiler
Originally posted by GreyKitten:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
What's Nikki doing now? She used to make my skin crawl. Please tell me she's married to a Tescos checkout operator.

What have you got against Tesco checkout operators??

What could they have done that you should be so cruel...........


Where is she? Where is she?
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
but bb5 was a reactin to bb4, in which there were just normal people and nobody wanted to watch it,lol.

ironically BB4 had the highest viewing figures of any series Laugh

I liked BB4. There, I said it Red Face

I liked BB4 as well, and the show has gone downhill since then.

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