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OK so we have several threads on why Susan Boyle (SuBo? WTF?) shoudl NOT win, but this one tries to determine which act will win given the possibilities.

Don't forget also that nothing has been left to chance by Cowell and Co (is it ever?) - note that all the SF's had essentially 3 goodish acts and 5 rubbish efforts, so we get a basically reasonable final.

OK we have to assume (also reasonably) that tonight's semi-final winner will be Greg Pritchard (the Counter-Tenor).

I'm also reasonably certain that the final will be won by one of the 5 semi-final winners, viz.

Susan Boyle
Stavros Flatley
Julian Smith
Greg Pritchard

From these, I think Diversity will affect Flawless' vote as will Shaun Smith affect La Boyle. Given the Hairy One's antics this week this should see her lose a few votes also.

In terms of pure variety, Stavros should be the winner, but in terms of talent I see Julian Smith winning, but ONLY if he doesn't repeat himself with his audition piece - I trust he has more of a repetoire than that. Greg Prtichard could win on off-the-wall wackiness alone.

Tough call. Bring it on!

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Diversity are MUCH better than Flawless IMO. I'm looking forward to seeing Greg Pritchard again and Aiden.

My favourite act EVER has to be the wonderful Stavros Flatley, that may be hard for some to understand, but for me they have been the ones that made me laugh until I cried and also the sheer love the Dad has for his boy melts my heart. It's special.

I'd not be sad to see Julian win either, his playing was superb on both outtings so far.

The good thing is, it's NOT a one horse race. The GBP seem to have embraced several of the finalists, which could lead to a shock result!
Originally posted by Cadoxton:
Originally posted by StGeorgina:
Diversity are MUCH better than Flawless IMO.

Please don't miss my point that Flawless and Diversity will split the vote - I respect your opinion, but others will surely have the same opinion re: Flawless over Diversity.

This is a variety show - I hope we get a true variety act as a winner.

I added IMO to clearly demonstrate it was only MY opinion. Assuming one of them were to win, I was highlighting my personal choice of the two.

There were a few elements in Diversity's performance in the semi that I found incredible, that didn't exist with Flawless, not for me.

Both groups are GREAT role models for today's youth though, and Lord knows, our youth need people they can aspire to, other than gansters etc.

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