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A person saying they are from Nigeria and who only joined today. Has sent some FMs a buddy request and aPM with their e-mail address asking the FMs to e-mail them. This practice seems highly suspicious!

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thanks for putting the warning up Fluff, I think it's a good idea, better safe than sorry.

I have turned into a complete eejit and can't work out how to PM the mods so could somebody please do it instead. I think that the mods should be alerted just in case this turns into anything really dodgy.
Queen of the High Teas
Hmmm, wonder if it's the same fella who mailed me on Skype telling me my late Uncle Daniel had not only died in an earthquake, but also in an aircrash....poor sod, as if once wasn't enough to suffer!!!!

I still must make it my quest to trace his missing millions that is rightfully mine.....
The Devil In Diamante
Call me thick if you want - but how do you know if you've got a 'buddie request'?
look at the top of the page where is says ticker, click it and if you have any requests it will have a number next to the word alerts.
Call me thick if you want - but how do you know if you've got a 'buddie request'?
On the green bar at the top of the page you'll see a heading called 'ticker'. Click on that then go to 'my alerts'.
Queen of the High Teas
On the green bar at the top of the page you'll see a heading called 'ticker'. Click on that then go to 'my alerts'.
Aww, thanks, I've just accepted you queenie and teddybleads (to think I've been ignoring you, innocent people)!What happens when I'm a buddie tho'?God, I am pooter thick so excuse me, my kids have no patience with me and I'd rather keep a personal profile without them 'cashing in' if you get me.
It was Queen of the High Teas that brought it to our attention. So if hes doing it alphabetically then he must have started in the middle somewhere. So who knows in which direction he's going.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
The 'off-line' thing only applies to the list at the top, not to the threads when you're in them. But I think the gingerbread man will only show orange in the thread in which you are posting.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Reference: Queenie poos!
That's exactly the image I had in my head when I first saw the invite.
A big thanks to the Fonejacker then.....   he has scuppered so many scams on the interweb! 

Just the call centre people next then....

anyone want new ring dings?
Main Entry:  phisher
Part of Speech:  n
Definition:  a person who sends out legitimate-looking e-mails appearing to come from some of the Web's biggest sites (shopping sites, Internet Service Providers, etc.) in an effort to get personal and financial information from the recipient
I don't think he entered any threads - could be wrong though. He is not online now though, just checked.
No, from checking everything that I know to check so far all he appears to have done is send a few buddy requests and PMs.

BTW Charmer, your avatar is showing up as his buddy still, you might want to check that you properly de-buddied him.
Tatty, you appear to be his buddy also.

I realise he could turn out to be genuine and innocent and maybe just a bit naive and overenthusiastic. If that's the case I hope he gets a few pointers of internet etiquette, because that approach is just SOOOO wrong.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
OK So I saw this thread on my ticker and replied, but I found the one in the lounge.. LOL

So I shall put my link here as well...

If anyone is interested check out this site

If you aren't sure what the scams are you will get them graphically explained here, and if you are already aware you will find the scam baiters section hillarious.  They also have a photo gallery of what they got the scammers to do to get the money.
From Ted:-

Thanks.  If you are suspicious of the person, you should just ignore them.  Note that you can also add people to your own blacklist, if you like.  Just click on his "gingerbread man" icon and you'll see an option for adding to your blacklist.  Once you blacklist users, they cannot send you dialog messages, comment on your personal site, etc.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Ted is quite right there Fluffy, but I still think it was important to bring up the issue as not everyone knows about all the scams and dodgy dealing that go on and if it raises awareness and stops anyone being taken in it is only a good thing, and if this person is genuine they should also take note that being over friendly with personal details raises suspicions, and perhaps posting a while and getting to know folks first is a better way to make friends.

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