Brian Dowling 1/6 2/9 1/6 1/6
Chantelle Houghton 7 11/2 11/2 13/2
Nikki Grahame 10 10 12 14
Victor Ebuwa 33 20 33 28
Nick Bateman 66 66 80 100
Ulrika Jonsson 80 50 100 150
Samuel Preston 100 66 250 200
Oddchecker, the first four bookies across the board
Nikki Grahame 10 10 12 14
Victor Ebuwa 33 20 33 28
Nick Bateman 66 66 80 100
Ulrika Jonsson 80 50 100 150
Samuel Preston 100 66 250 200
Oddchecker, the first four bookies across the board