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Yogi, I've just been sending another chasing email to one of my clients asking him to go through the bank statements listing the interest income for me rather than waiting for the interest certificates. I suspect that the certificates will turn out to be for for replacement savings accounts where I already have the information rather than for the ones I need. There are a handful of other clients I need to see to get their returns signed but there's not much work to do to complete those.


There is one other client where I have heard nothing from him and he never paid me for last year's accounts and tax return. Although I could take him to the small claims court and get a court order the amount is such that if he ignored the order there would be nothing I could do and I would be out of pocket.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I've just been sending another chasing email to one of my clients asking him to go through the bank statements listing the interest income for me rather than waiting for the interest certificates. I suspect that the certificates will turn out to be for for replacement savings accounts where I already have the information rather than for the ones I need. There are a handful of other clients I need to see to get their returns signed but there's not much work to do to complete those.


There is one other client where I have heard nothing from him and he never paid me for last year's accounts and tax return. Although I could take him to the small claims court and get a court order the amount is such that if he ignored the order there would be nothing I could do and I would be out of pocket.


That must be so frustrating when you are having to wait on other people sending you the info you need - and  at the client who didn't pay you for last year's work.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
See you after yogi hope it's a good one

I'm back! It was certainly better than last night.

It sure was.


Three gentle spirits in Keith, Alicia and Patsy   


Quite rare for BB.


Well said velvet, we need more people like Keith Alicia and Patsy and fewer people like the dreadful Cami Lee in my view.


Heavy frost here this morning but a pale blue sky.  I agree Yogi feeding the birds is vitally important when the weather is as cold as it is.


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Good afternoon all

Yogi sorry I conked out last night, belated sweet dreams

It's really nice to feed the birds, they must find life tougher during these winter months

El, I hope you relax the first week of February, you do work hard

No problem, Summer.


Yes, the poor birds are having a tough time in the freezing weather. It's now wet and windy up here but at least it won't be so cold for the birds.



Sorry i missed your birthday, Summer, hope it was a lovely day xxx
Weather here a lot milder, thank goodness, i dont take well to the cold these days, must be old age!
Yogi, have you signed up to the birdwatch thingy thats been advertised? We try here to look after the birds, but these bloomin seagulls take everything thats going, so we put some seeds down where only the small birds can get to it. The seagulls are very well fed here , so dont have to worry about them!
Hope you all well 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:


Sorry i missed your birthday, Summer, hope it was a lovely day xxx
Weather here a lot milder, thank goodness, i dont take well to the cold these days, must be old age!
Yogi, have you signed up to the birdwatch thingy thats been advertised? We try here to look after the birds, but these bloomin seagulls take everything thats going, so we put some seeds down where only the small birds can get to it. The seagulls are very well fed here , so dont have to worry about them!
Hope you all well 

Hi Skylark.

Do you mean the RSPB Birdwatch? I do it every year - hubby laughs at me because I sit at the window, counting birds for an hour - and won't move away for anything.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

In the UK there are about 8 million cats and 64 million people. If I tot up the number of cats and people living in the 2 houses to the left of mine and the 2 to the right of mine and include myself there are 7 cats and 7 people. That's 8 times the national average.


 A lot of cat lovers in your area, El.


Hi El, yes thats what i meant 
Yes Yogi, i thought you would have. 
Lots of dogs around my area, not a lot of cats, well not outdoors anyway. 

Just being washing sons bed covers, he slept last night on a packet of Rolos  I lecture on about teeth, and sugar, so he snuck a packet in , then fell asleep on them  Not sure why i am smiling, its me who cleaned the mess. Must be a moral in there somewhere.........

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi El, yes thats what i meant 
Yes Yogi, i thought you would have. 
Lots of dogs around my area, not a lot of cats, well not outdoors anyway. 

Just being washing sons bed covers, he slept last night on a packet of Rolos  I lecture on about teeth, and sugar, so he snuck a packet in , then fell asleep on them  Not sure why i am smiling, its me who cleaned the mess. Must be a moral in there somewhere.........


is it ok to giggle at the rolos?
As a sweet toothed being, I do understand that, but I do know where you're coming from skylark. Tell him I have far too many fillings and it's not worth it

I can't decide whether to watch pride & prejudice or frozen tonight...

El, perfect timing- you're free to concentrate on pancakes in February!
~Sparkling Summer~
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