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Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

I hope you're no touring with Billy Smarts circus sideshow Sky  


Aye, all is good pal, wee hurdle the morra but you gotta keep the faith and all should be fine - touches noggin.


Hope you, boys and the wee one are good  

No cant birl, makes me sick. Hope all goes well for the hurdle , dont know what it is , but  wish you well. Been on a few hurdles myself this year .Always keep the faith, Velvet , nothing else for it  


Squiggle, good luck tomorrow, it sounds like you're going to have a very busy day.

Summer, I hope you got on okay at the dentist. Wisdom teeth always seem to be problematic.

Skylark, I hope your granddaughter enjoyed her party.

Hugs for El, Velvet and Moonie.

Since I've gone hug crazy, I may as well go the whole hog and leave some hugs for the night owls.



Aw what a lovely collection of hugs, thanks all sweet dreams to each of you

Good luck squiggle, that's very busy indeed! I hope you get plenty of sleep beforehand

El, thanks for the updates

Ugh, fast spinny lights do nothing for me either, I especially dislike flashing blue ones! I'm more traditional with either white or multicoloured, either static or with a gentle twinkle

Skylark I hope you're enjoying granddaughters run up to christmas :hug;

Leaving an extra hug for moonie

Sleep well velvet & Ros
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Dark clouds and quite windy here though not raining.


Squiggle, I hope all goes well today on your busy schedule.


The flashing Christmas lights can't be good for those who suffer from conditions such as photosensitive epilepsy (that's why there's a warning for flashing lights before some TV programmes).


Yogi, good luck with your shopping today and for your M&S Christmas dinner.


El Loro

The EU has ruled today that in certain circumstances obesity can be regarded as a disability.

The vicar who used to be at our church years ago was obese due to a medical condition (Friar Tuck plus in obesity). Towards the end of his time at the church he had a bad leg injury where his calf muscle was torn from the bone. His obesity would have been partially repsonsible for this and also made the healing process much harder. After a few months he had to take early retirement as a result.

It's of course too late now, but I think this decision could have helped him at the time.


El Loro

A policeman and a vicar will be coming to see me at 5ish.

The questioning may take some time and I don't know if I will get back here today.







Just to clarify this . She used to be the curate at our church, I do her's and her husband's (the policeman) tax returns and it's more likely to be me doing the questioning

El Loro

Well it will make a change for them having question fired at them EL  


Safely home and very glad to be so.  It wasn't easy today the weather hasn't let up at all but all the presents have been dropped off, my two friends dropped home and we had a really good afternoon.


I ordered a new bible - well not new it's pre-loved and it came all the way from America - it's a King James Bible, white leather and quite large with lots of pictures, I am looking forward to exploring it - it was delivered today.  And I just had a phone call, the builders - both lovely Christian young men, are coming tomorrow to install the new drawers in the kitchen so it will be nice to have them working properly for the first time since I've been here.  I've upgraded to soft close as well which I've never had so I am looking forward to that job being finished.


I'm back from my questioning

They arrived on the early side and she didn't want to stay long as she's not very well.


Squiggle, I'm glad you are back home safely and that you and your friends had a really good afternoon despite the weather I'm sure your friends will do a good job with the drawers, you've mentioned them before.

Is that the King James Bible as we know it or is it the 21st century King James Bible?

It does sound like a lovely bible and a very good buy. I have 2 King James Bibles, one which I had when I was very young and is the one I read, and the other was the old family bible which is larger but is not in good condition.


A couple of months ago, at the less formal service on the first Sunday of the month, the reading was taken from a version called "The Word on the Street" (used to be known as the Street Bible). It's written in street language so it's certainly not for those who love the King James Bible. But it does have a place in that it is easy to read and understand to those who haven't read the bible.

Brief extract from Genesis to show what I mean.


El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

It's a real old-fashioned King James nearly 30 years old and in beautiful condition.  I am not keen on bibles published by Zondervan.  I wanted to go back to a really authentic translation and this has the whole dedication to King James which is just beautiful.  What started my interest was my daily reading was about Elijah in the cave and in my NIV it had 'a quiet whisper' instead of a still small voice, which I found so disappointing.  So I dug out my old school bible which is 60 years old now but as it is falling apart - not surprising, I wanted a version for upstairs, and I managed to get a King James from the Queen's Jubilee in 2002 on eBay and this one from 1986.


To my mind there is no comparison as Psalm 23 below shows, but then we all have different tastes.


Psalm 23 King James Version (KJV)

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.


He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.


He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.


Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


Squiggle, I'm glad you got the King James Bible that we know rather than the 21st century version. Although my bible isn't as old as yours I think it would be about 55 years old. It's not falling apart yet, possibly because I dodn't take it to school - I had a school one but I think that one must have gone back to the school when I left.

As you say, other versions of the Bible do not compare with the King James version. Another extract to go with Psalm 23 is the first 5 verses of John 1:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

El Loro

lol El, you had me going re the police and vicar visit.


Squiggle, I'm glad you were able to get everything done, despite the weather.

I'm sure the lads will do a good job of installing your new kitchen drawers. I got soft close on my kitchen drawers and units when it was refitted a couple of years ago - doesn't stop Mr Yogi from leaving them open though!




Good morning everyone, wouldn't you know, now that I'm in for the day the weather is quite pleasant


Do not listen to the Quality Street Summer, it's not quite Christmas yet Our hosts' daughter had bought a huge box of Thorntons for us to share after our meal yesterday so I had the first chocolate I have had for six years or so, I picked a Strawberry Cream and it was delicious, so I have simply no reason to tell you to ignore the Quality Street do I?


Much banging outside, not been to look yet.


I hope your day goes well everyone, if I can get back in the kitchen sometime I will make stuffing, if not I will have to fit it into tomorrow.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I'm glad you got the King James Bible that we know rather than the 21st century version. Although my bible isn't as old as yours I think it would be about 55 years old. It's not falling apart yet, possibly because I dodn't take it to school - I had a school one but I think that one must have gone back to the school when I left.

As you say, other versions of the Bible do not compare with the King James version. Another extract to go with Psalm 23 is the first 5 verses of John 1:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

I love these words too EL.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Good morning
Good to see us up and running again
It's a lovely sunny but cold day here, the quality street are tormenting me

Summer, are the Quality Street calling to you? 

Hubby just asked me when he is allowed to start eating the "Christmas stuff". I told him, not before Christmas Eve! 

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, wouldn't you know, now that I'm in for the day the weather is quite pleasant


Do not listen to the Quality Street Summer, it's not quite Christmas yet Our hosts' daughter had bought a huge box of Thorntons for us to share after our meal yesterday so I had the first chocolate I have had for six years or so, I picked a Strawberry Cream and it was delicious, so I have simply no reason to tell you to ignore the Quality Street do I?


Much banging outside, not been to look yet.


I hope your day goes well everyone, if I can get back in the kitchen sometime I will make stuffing, if not I will have to fit it into tomorrow.

First chocolate for 6 years! No wonder you enjoyed that strawberry cream, Squiggle!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, wouldn't you know, now that I'm in for the day the weather is quite pleasant


Do not listen to the Quality Street Summer, it's not quite Christmas yet Our hosts' daughter had bought a huge box of Thorntons for us to share after our meal yesterday so I had the first chocolate I have had for six years or so, I picked a Strawberry Cream and it was delicious, so I have simply no reason to tell you to ignore the Quality Street do I?


Much banging outside, not been to look yet.


I hope your day goes well everyone, if I can get back in the kitchen sometime I will make stuffing, if not I will have to fit it into tomorrow.

First chocolate for 6 years! No wonder you enjoyed that strawberry cream, Squiggle!

I know! And I refused a second one

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, wouldn't you know, now that I'm in for the day the weather is quite pleasant


Do not listen to the Quality Street Summer, it's not quite Christmas yet Our hosts' daughter had bought a huge box of Thorntons for us to share after our meal yesterday so I had the first chocolate I have had for six years or so, I picked a Strawberry Cream and it was delicious, so I have simply no reason to tell you to ignore the Quality Street do I?


Much banging outside, not been to look yet.


I hope your day goes well everyone, if I can get back in the kitchen sometime I will make stuffing, if not I will have to fit it into tomorrow.

First chocolate for 6 years! No wonder you enjoyed that strawberry cream, Squiggle!

I know! And I refused a second one

lol You must have great self discipline.


Had a shock letter from HMRC concerning my very elderly (91) husband and wife client. They were wanting information about her offshore account/accounts going back to when they were opened. That could be decades. Her income is well below her personal allowance as she has never been in employment and so has just a modest state pension and a bit of interest income. Her husband had been doing his own rax return and had wrongly included her interest on his return.

So I rang HMRC about this and suggested I just provide them with the information for the last 3 tax years rather from what may be many years ago. They seemed to be prepared to accept this. So I'm hoping that they will see sense and close their enquiry when I reply to them.


El Loro
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