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Good morning everyone, that tree sounds lovely EL.  Lovely picture Summer.  I like cherry tree blossom, it's when you know Spring is here.  We used to have a winter flowering cherry that we planted in our last garden, it used to bloom in the dead of winter, a very cheering sight.


A builder is supposed to arrive to quote at 10, I wonder whether he will turn up


Have a lovely day everyone.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Good morning

I looooove cherry blossom

I'm about to start work but will be back when I can, I hope everyone slept well
Sorry I nodded off early, it seems to be when I climb in to bed I just nod off! If I sit up and forum I stay awake longer

No apology needed, Summer. You work hard and have a busy life, so I'm not surprised you nod off sometimes.

Moonie and I were just tickled by the "hello and cheerio" posts

Edit: love the cherry blossom pic.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, my favourite cherry tree locally is the one I've mentioned before at the church. It's the one where the blossom is white on one side and pink the other. We assume that one side of the tree must have been grafted on at some point in time as we can't think of any other explanation.


I have a buddleia in the front garden which had white and pink blooms on it last year - most odd. Nature sometimes throws up these strange things to confuse us. 

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, your builder had better arrive on time else there will be trouble at t'mill

Guess what, no sign   The mystery of the disappearing builders, we will have to turn to sleuth Yogi to cudgel her leetle grey cells

It's because of a time vortex descending on builders which takes them to a parallel universe where the passage of time is different to ours

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Good morning

I looooove cherry blossom

I'm about to start work but will be back when I can, I hope everyone slept well
Sorry I nodded off early, it seems to be when I climb in to bed I just nod off! If I sit up and forum I stay awake longer

No apology needed, Summer. You work hard and have a busy life, so I'm not surprised you nod off sometimes.

Moonie and I were just tickled by the "hello and cheerio" posts

Edit: love the cherry blossom pic.

We certainly were

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, your builder had better arrive on time else there will be trouble at t'mill

Guess what, no sign   The mystery of the disappearing builders, we will have to turn to sleuth Yogi to cudgel her leetle grey cells

I bet if your contract with the builders said...your bill will be lowered for every day the builders don't turn up...they would be here on time every day Squiggle

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, your builder had better arrive on time else there will be trouble at t'mill

Guess what, no sign   The mystery of the disappearing builders, we will have to turn to sleuth Yogi to cudgel her leetle grey cells

I bet if your contract with the builders said...your bill will be lowered for every day the builders don't turn up...they would be here on time every day Squiggle

It was just to give a quote moonie, no contract yet, so if he doesn't want the job that's his decision.  I would have appreciated a phone call though.  It can be weird in this part of the world though, there is definitely a maÃąana attitude, I had my septic tank emptied about a month ago, still no sign of an invoice, I will probably have to chase them

Wow that tree is so unusual! But beautiful, I love it
Where I grew up, there were 2 lovely blossom trees just inside the church gates and whenever there was a wedding the locals would gather at the gates to see the bride emerge. When the blossoms were in season they would produce a natural confetti and it was just the most beautiful sight
I always wanted to be a bridesmaid and come out of the church with the blossoms floating about but alas, it never happened... Lol
I was sad when I learned they had chopped the trees down! Maybe they got too big

Hi moonie I hope you're having a good day
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Wow that tree is so unusual! But beautiful, I love it
Where I grew up, there were 2 lovely blossom trees just inside the church gates and whenever there was a wedding the locals would gather at the gates to see the bride emerge. When the blossoms were in season they would produce a natural confetti and it was just the most beautiful sight
I always wanted to be a bridesmaid and come out of the church with the blossoms floating about but alas, it never happened... Lol
I was sad when I learned they had chopped the trees down! Maybe they got too big

Hi moonie I hope you're having a good day

What a lovely picture that is Summer, you would want to be a bride (or a bridesmaid) with the blossom falling down around you


Summer, it would be very sad if that tree at our church had to be chopped down. There are other cherry trees in the road where the church is but that is the only one which is like that. I think it has reached its full height as it doesn't seem to get any bigger each year. It overlooks the church carpark and is in the corner where I generally park my car.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, it would be very sad if that tree at our church had to be chopped down. There are other cherry trees in the road where the church is but that is the only one which is like that. I think it has reached its full height as it doesn't seem to get any bigger each year. It overlooks the church carpark and is in the corner where I generally park my car.

i hope they never chop it down, El, it sounds beautiful.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Wow that tree is so unusual! But beautiful, I love it
Where I grew up, there were 2 lovely blossom trees just inside the church gates and whenever there was a wedding the locals would gather at the gates to see the bride emerge. When the blossoms were in season they would produce a natural confetti and it was just the most beautiful sight
I always wanted to be a bridesmaid and come out of the church with the blossoms floating about but alas, it never happened... Lol
I was sad when I learned they had chopped the trees down! Maybe they got too big

Hi moonie I hope you're having a good day

Oh no! why did they chop the trees down?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, your builder had better arrive on time else there will be trouble at t'mill

Guess what, no sign   The mystery of the disappearing builders, we will have to turn to sleuth Yogi to cudgel her leetle grey cells

I bet if your contract with the builders said...your bill will be lowered for every day the builders don't turn up...they would be here on time every day Squiggle

It was just to give a quote moonie, no contract yet, so if he doesn't want the job that's his decision.  I would have appreciated a phone call though.  It can be weird in this part of the world though, there is definitely a maÃąana attitude, I had my septic tank emptied about a month ago, still no sign of an invoice, I will probably have to chase them

Hmmmm, that seems like a good reason to try another company for a quote to me Squiggle If they can't bother to turn up for a quote, what will they be like if they get the job

Do you live out in the wilderness Squiggle?

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Wow that tree is so unusual! But beautiful, I love it
Where I grew up, there were 2 lovely blossom trees just inside the church gates and whenever there was a wedding the locals would gather at the gates to see the bride emerge. When the blossoms were in season they would produce a natural confetti and it was just the most beautiful sight
I always wanted to be a bridesmaid and come out of the church with the blossoms floating about but alas, it never happened... Lol
I was sad when I learned they had chopped the trees down! Maybe they got too big

Hi moonie I hope you're having a good day

Hi Sweet

My day is going well fankoo Its cold and showery and the sky went white like snow was on the way but just a rain shower

I hope your day is going well

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
I think they got too big yogi, I dare say they would have uprooted the wall & some of the graves. They were near a main road too.

Seems like a good pruning would have sufficed Sweet. Tis such a shame to to cut down such a lovely tree

Next door but two to us has the very same tree. It too looks beautiful when in bloom

Originally Posted by squiggle:

No I live in the country, no mains drainage round here, you soon get used to the idea but it is a little alarming when you first view a house when you have been used to mains drainage.


I agree, if he is unreliable I don't want him working here.  Luckily I am getting loads of quotes so it's his choice.

Ahh right I see

You are sensible to get multiple quotes. Good thinking

You would think they would be falling over themselves to get work in these bad economic times wouldn't you?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
Oh squiggle that's so annoying! If he can't turn up for a quote, will he turn up to do any actual work..? I bet he would turn up for the payment though

That's a good point, Summer.

Hi Yogi

I hope your day is going well It must be very quiet after your PB and mums birthday yesterday

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