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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Well done! I bet you wont be decorating now for a while! 

Too right! We were ready for signing divorce papers while doing this lot.

Oh dear! I am sure you will laugh about it...sometime.....  
I like to do things by myself, but then i am a bit of a control freak! Then again i moan when i dont get help.... 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Well done! I bet you wont be decorating now for a while! 

Too right! We were ready for signing divorce papers while doing this lot.

Oh dear! I am sure you will laugh about it...sometime.....  
I like to do things by myself, but then i am a bit of a control freak! Then again i moan when i dont get help.... 

 You sound like my mum. Having said that, my dad does all the hard work, she just instructs him on how to do it.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Well done! I bet you wont be decorating now for a while! 

Too right! We were ready for signing divorce papers while doing this lot.

Oh dear! I am sure you will laugh about it...sometime.....  
I like to do things by myself, but then i am a bit of a control freak! Then again i moan when i dont get help.... 

 You sound like my mum.

I take that as a compliment.. i think 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Well done! I bet you wont be decorating now for a while! 

Too right! We were ready for signing divorce papers while doing this lot.

Oh dear! I am sure you will laugh about it...sometime.....  
I like to do things by myself, but then i am a bit of a control freak! Then again i moan when i dont get help.... 

 You sound like my mum.

I take that as a compliment.. i think 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Well done! I bet you wont be decorating now for a while! 

Too right! We were ready for signing divorce papers while doing this lot.

Oh dear! I am sure you will laugh about it...sometime.....  
I like to do things by myself, but then i am a bit of a control freak! Then again i moan when i dont get help.... 

 You sound like my mum. Having said that, my dad does all the hard work, she just instructs him on how to do it.


Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Well done! I bet you wont be decorating now for a while! 

Too right! We were ready for signing divorce papers while doing this lot.

Oh dear! I am sure you will laugh about it...sometime.....  
I like to do things by myself, but then i am a bit of a control freak! Then again i moan when i dont get help.... 

 You sound like my mum. Having said that, my dad does all the hard work, she just instructs him on how to do it.


And she feels the need to point out every minor imperfection - even when it's in someone else's house. I refused to show her the spare room when we decorated it, I made hubby take her - and I warned her not to tell me about any flaws she spotted.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Well done! I bet you wont be decorating now for a while! 

Too right! We were ready for signing divorce papers while doing this lot.

Oh dear! I am sure you will laugh about it...sometime.....  
I like to do things by myself, but then i am a bit of a control freak! Then again i moan when i dont get help.... 

 You sound like my mum. Having said that, my dad does all the hard work, she just instructs him on how to do it.


And she feels the need to point out every minor imperfection - even when it's in someone else's house. I refused to show her the spare room when we decorated it, I made hubby take her - and I warned her not to tell me about any flaws she spotted.

Oh No! I dont go that far! My sister a bit like that. When years ago i put up borders around my living room, she had to tell me that some werent straight. I measured them all, not my fault the walls were wonky   I did note tho, last time i was in her house that her matching with the wallpaper was a bit short of the pattern    . Message being, speak not and mind your business! 


Good morning everyone. Weather is cloudy and wind and rain are forecast.

i'm really pleased I managed to get my garlic and onions planted out into the raised bed and mowed the front lawn yesterday, as I doubt I'll get any gardening done in the next few days.

I'm glad your absence was due to nothing more serious than napping, Moonie.

Thanks for the doggy bag, Summer - it all looks yummy!

Love the Keira night owl.

Please keep everything crossed for me that the carpet fitter appears today.

Have a good day everyone.

^ look! I did it again Everything was fine thanks Moonie, I'd been out to dinner with the in-laws and got home very late I stink of curry this morning Good morning everyone it looks to be a lovely day out, but the forecast is rotten for later. I can see sun through the curtain and hear birds chirping outside Yogi- did the carpet fitter explain himself and apologise?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
^ look! I did it again Everything was fine thanks Moonie, I'd been out to dinner with the in-laws and got home very late I stink of curry this morning Good morning everyone it looks to be a lovely day out, but the forecast is rotten for later. I can see sun through the curtain and hear birds chirping outside Yogi- did the carpet fitter explain himself and apologise?

Hi Summer. The carpet fitter said Mr Yogi had text him the wrong home phone number (we checked and he did), so he couldn't contact me to get the address. He had also tried to contact Mr Yogi at lunchtime on his mobile number, but Mr Yogi isn't allowed his mobile at work so he didn't get the call. However, I did leave him a message with the correct telephone number on his voicemail around lunchtime but I am guessing he was outwith our area by that time and didn't want to return. Anyway, as long as he turns up today, I'll let him off.


Good morning everyone


Cloudy and windier here this morning. Some rain overnight but dry at present. Lots of rain forecast for later afternoon just when I have to go and see a client where because there is no available parking means that I will have to park elsewhere and potentially get a drenching.


Summer, thanks for the doggy bag


Yogi, good luck with the carpet fitter today

El Loro

Good morning everyone, I am hoping all goes smoothly with the carpet fitter today Yogi. 


I dare not have afternoon naps in case I don't sleep at night so I sympathise moonie.  It's much colder this morning, from the looks of it quite breezy out there the clouds are scudding along.


Such interesting pictures EL, especially the bottom one, I love the mix of architecture and is that an upside down house?  They have one of those in Orlando Florida, fascinating.


Hi Summer, I woke up at just gone 3.30 in a little pain from my hip so took some painkillers.  I managed to get back to sleep and had weird dreams.  I was so tired when I went to bed too because I had had to be up early to take my eldest grandson to hospital to finally see about his dislocated shoulder.  I hope you slept better.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hi Summer, I woke up at just gone 3.30 in a little pain from my hip so took some painkillers.  I managed to get back to sleep and had weird dreams.  I was so tired when I went to bed too because I had had to be up early to take my eldest grandson to hospital to finally see about his dislocated shoulder.  I hope you slept better.

How did your grandson get on at the hospital?



The consultant examined him, she seemed a little more interested in telling him what she thought rather than listen to what he had experienced.  For instance he is a little unsure but believes that the shoulder may be dislocating towards the back but was firmly told that 95% of shoulders dislocate towards the front.  He was sent for a further X ray and told that maybe physiotherapy might be the answer.  Now I'm no expert but considering this shoulder sometimes dislocates in his sleep and is coming out at least 3-4 times a week and is getting increasingly difficult for him to get back in it would seem that, as I have been advised by the very knowledgeable son of a friend, that at this level of dislocation an operation is essential to stop the repeated dislocations.  Remember this has been going on for over 6 months now.  Anyway we are finally in the pipeline and will wait and see.  It sounds as if we will have to travel to Exeter for a more detailed X Ray involving an injection and for that I am definitely going to have to invest in sat nav as the last time we had to go there I got lost.  The boys were both with me but are not very good at map reading and I can't really drive and map read at the same time.  I find it essential to have a sense of humour in life, you would go completely bonkers without it.


 I agree about retaining a sense of humour.

Have they said what they hope to achieve with physio, is it to strengthen surrounding muscle tissue? 

For the shoulder to pop out as often as it is, must be so painful and debilitating for him. Maybe he should ask for a second opinion, especially as it has been going on for months now.


I think we will have to be patient Yogi.  No she hasn't explained much to him, and if I don't miss my guess this particular doctor is a bit of a nightmare.  You come across them occasionally, only occasionally thank goodness.  As you will probably have realised I have seen far too many doctors in recent years because of my own illness and then my hubby's many illnesses.  Most of them are heroes but there are the odd one whose ego has taken over. 


There was one missed appointment (for which he went in and apologised the next day) on the day after Boxing Day which was a very busy time as it is for lots of families, he completely forgot he had the appointment.  Since then she seems to have tried to make his life a misery saying that letters were sent for appointments, the letters were never received and then of course it was made to look as if he was always DNA (did not attend) and despite pleading for them to change the address they used to mine where I could be certain they were received this did not happen and he got the blame.  So any attempt now to go over her head and I am sure similar happenings would occur.  She seems to be the head of the appropriate department and we just have to hope that his politeness to her yesterday and our thanks to her as we were leaving will have mollified her sufficiently to proceed normally.  We made sure the address was changed on the computer and also his mobile phone number (they had the wrong number for him) before we left.  The nightmare continued even when we had managed to get this precious appointment.  He received two letters of cancellation, one of which he took to his GP who phoned and pleaded with the hospital not to cancel and one of which he received on the actual morning of the appointment so we did not even know when we set off whether he would be seen but I was determined to get an answer by then and luckily they had his file and his name was still down for the clinic.  It's been a nightmare.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
^ look! I did it again Everything was fine thanks Moonie, I'd been out to dinner with the in-laws and got home very late I stink of curry this morning Good morning everyone it looks to be a lovely day out, but the forecast is rotten for later. I can see sun through the curtain and hear birds chirping outside Yogi- did the carpet fitter explain himself and apologise?

*puts peg on nose* You smell okay to me

I hope you had an enjoyable evening 

I was looking forward to an eighth day of sunshine when I awoke this morning but alas light showers are here. The end of summer already I guess  Have a great day Sweet 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. Weather is cloudy and wind and rain are forecast.

i'm really pleased I managed to get my garlic and onions planted out into the raised bed and mowed the front lawn yesterday, as I doubt I'll get any gardening done in the next few days.

I'm glad your absence was due to nothing more serious than napping, Moonie.

Thanks for the doggy bag, Summer - it all looks yummy!

Love the Keira night owl.

Please keep everything crossed for me that the carpet fitter appears today.

Have a good day everyone.

Thanks Yogi  *hunts for my doggie bag too* 


 Moonie, have you had seven days of sunshine? In Scotland, that would be classified as summer.


Squiggle, I know exactly the type of doctor you mean, and I sympathise with your grandson, having to deal with someone like her.

When is he due to see her again, and are they arranging for physio for him, in the meantime?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 Moonie, have you had seven days of sunshine? In Scotland, that would be classified as summer.


Squiggle, I know exactly the type of doctor you mean, and I sympathise with your grandson, having to deal with someone like her.

When is he due to see her again, and are they arranging for physio for him, in the meantime?

Yep, some days we had cloud for a while but mostly sunshine  After last year, that's what we call summer down here too Yogi  

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