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Good morning everyone.    Hope you got on okay at the dentist Yogi.  I hate going too but I make myself get a check up every six months because I'm afraid I won't be on a dentist's list the one time I'm in real pain.

I've had a fun morning sorting through various cupboards and wardrobes bringing together all the clothing I've bought over the last 18 months for our cruise.  I couldn't believe how much I've got; so much so that I had forgotten much of it!!  I think I can safely say I have enough for every occasion.  

El Loro, I found your posts about the tax situation very interesting.  I know it's a bit of an impostion but do you know much about annuties?  My husband is thinking of taking his pension early because of all the uncertainty "out there".  He has been given a forecast by the company his pension fund is with but I feel we should be getting quotes from other sources to compare.  Any advice on where we should start, and what sort of questions we should be asking, would be much appreciated (if of course you have any interest in this field) 

Edit:  El Loro, I should have said, if you would prefer to send me a PM, rather than clogging up this lovely thread, then that would be great too. 
Last edited by Joyron
Joyron, you are right to see if you can get alternative quotes, or to see if there are other options besides taking out an annuity. Unfortunately I am not allowed to give any advice to people on this area as I would have to be regulated under the Financial Services Act. I can give advice on tax matters, but as soon as it becomes investment advice (which would cover this), I would be in serious trouble if I gave advice. It is frustrating because the likelyhood is that the only people who are allowed to give you advice, may be in line for a commission if they can convince you to go with them.

The problem with annuities is that once the level of annuity have been set, that's it. If you retire early you will get a lower annuity than if you retired later, because the annuity is paid for life. Also if the person getting the annuity lives longer than average, all to the good, but if they die earlier, then they have lost out.

You may be able to get up to 25% of the fund out as a tax free sum as the start of the annuity, but of course that would reduce the ongoing annuity.

Also annuities are taxable in the same way as employment is.
El Loro
It is frustrating because the likelyhood is that the only people who are allowed to give you advice, may be in line for a commission if they can convince you to go with them.
My thoughts exactly El Loro.  I think that's why the current holder of our pension pot is loathe to give out anymore information than they have to, in order to try and make us take the annuity from them!!!  Thank you for your comments.  I will pass them onto my husband.
Oh dear, we have slipped onto page 2!!!

Yogi, I have had SO many tomatoes this year I've had to give them away.  It seems my little patch at the front of the house, sheltered from the wind and rain and getting lots of sunshine (when the sun is out), has worked out really well.  It looks as though I will finish picking them just before we go away so that will work out just right. 
Oh dear, we have slipped onto page 2!!! Yogi, I have had SO many tomatoes this year I've had to give them away. It seems my little patch at the front of the house, sheltered from the wind and rain and getting lots of sunshine (when the sun is out), has worked out really well. It looks as though I will finish picking them just before we go away so that will work out just right.
It sounds like you have found the ideal spot for your tomatoes, Joyron - well done. 

If mine don't ripen soon, I'll turn them into chutney.
Afternoon everyone.    We are back on page 2 again!!

Yogi, I hope you get your computer problems sorted out really soon.  Is there any possibility someone might be able to lend you an old "working" computer until you can get a new one?

Squiggle, I know when we spoke about the mattress toppers before I suggested you get one that covered both of your linked beds, so that you could have a really big bed.  Did you do that?

Hope to catch up later but if not will speak to you all again tomorrow. 
As long as you are happy and comfortable that's all that matters Squiggle. 

We are back on page 2 again!!!

Hubby is on his way home so I won't be back again tonight.  Will catch up with you all tomorrow.  I've not watched much of the HL shows so I really don't care who goes in tonight.  The sooner it's all over the better, as far as I am concerned.  Love you all. 
Morning Squiggle.   Hope you had another good night on your mattress topper!!  The sun is shining here again.  I believe I saw on the weather forecast that it could be raining down your way.

Yogi, so glad to here you have use of computers for the time being.  You really ought to ask hubby to treat you to a nice new one of your own!!

Will try and get back from time to time to bump the thread.  Have a good day whatever you are doing. 
Reference: squiggle
I think El Loro must be having trouble with his broadband again.

Reference: Joyron
Not seen El Loro either. I assume he's having more problems with his internet connection!!
Hi everyone

You have got it in one. The replacement router worked fine for a time, then on Thursday afternoon, the broadband connection failed again.

I got in touch again with Orange, and explained what had happened yet again. In the previous week when Orange agreed to send me the replacement router, the assistant was helpful and agreed that it was probable that rather than the existing router being the problem, his tests showed that it was more likely to be a problem with the test socket or the connection betwwen the telephone pole and my house. He agreed that an engineer would need to come if the router didn't work.

This time it was a different assistant. He was totally uninterested in what I had to say, did not accept that there was a problem and finished off by saying that he might discuss it with an engineer and they might decide to send one, but that I might get charged for it.

I was not impressed and told him that if this was not sorted out properly I would cancel my contract (I am out of the minimum tie in period). Needless to say I have heard nothing back. So I have arranged to switch to Virgin thus bypassing the BT line, test socket etc altogether. I have informed Orange of this and told them that it was as a direct result of this assistant's attitude.

I am also telling everyone that I know of Orange's attitude as that is more effective than just making a complaint which, unless they kept a recording of the two different phone conversations, would be difficult to prove.

As we have had some rain today, I think that corrosion, dirt or whatever, has been dislodged from my telephone line as at this immediate point in time I do have a connection.

But I will be very lucky if I am able to visit this forum ocer the next 1 to 2 weeks. So if you don't see me around, don't worry - I will be back.

And even whilst doing this posting, the connection failed. I came out of the forum, then it came back. So it really is dodgy.

I'll see you soon
El Loro
Reference: Joyron
 I thought the bits with Rex were quite funny. Who do you think will go on Wednesday
Rex was funny last night. He would have been a much better choice for UBB than nice but boring Preston.

I think Vanessa will probably go on Wednesday but I'm not sure whether it will be Michelle or Nick.

Morning Squiggle and Skylark.
Quick hello whilst I've got a few minutes of broadband connection.
Hope everyone's OK and hope the rain isn't too bad down where you are squiggle, the wetaher forecast looks rather wet down there. (And in Gloucester area we are scheduled to get a good 2 inches later afternoon and throughout the evening - pink and red colours on the Met Office for this area, rather the the more normal blue, green and yellow colours which means we too will be getting drenched).

I'll post this now as the router lights went off for a time but are OK at present. (I seem to be able to get a connection from time to time to get my email and to make a brief posting here)

See you soon
El Loro
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