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Hi Joyron, I think I will do another one as its Friday but its so grey and miserable, and to celebrate a sudden 'lightbulb' moment.  I have my groceries delivered (from Sainsburys) and I always give the cashier my loyalty card (Nectar) when I shop in store and of course they credit the Nectar card when I shop online for groceries too.  Well this morning it occurred to me that they are not sending any vouchers (like Tesco do) so I thought I would check into it and it turns out I have ÂĢ134 worth of points which I can use against my shopping in store! Who'd have thunk it?  Amazing!  Admittedly I supposed I should have realised before now that I must be racking up some credit for my points somewhere Its even better than finding a ÂĢ5 note in the pocket of your jacket isn't it?

That's great news squiggle

I had accumulated something like ÂĢ20 plus on my old W H Smith loyalty card. They never sent vouchers, and I was just saving it for a rainy day. But I waited too long and discovered when it was too late that the card had been discontinued so that was money wasted. So it's just as well you checked it out as one day they might do the same with Nectar.
El Loro
 hope you are all well. Havent been on so much as just been so busy. got friends coming round at 8pm so having a sit down  Pouring rain here, its a shame for anyone having a bonfire, its a bit of a washout .  Its my birthday and now i am rather wishing i hadnt organised anything, i am so tired, but hopefully i will spring to life soon !
Hi Skylark - just seen your query and faster than a speeding pullet (or a headless chicken), here's me with the answer :

I posted this elsewhere a few days ago:
Although our computer clocks will change automatically, the settings on this site will not change  We each need to change them ourselves.

Move your pointer over the Livecloud logo at the top of the page. When the menu appears, select the last item Your Control Panel and click on that. You then get to a page headed Your Network Settings.
Scroll down and about half way down you will see Time Zone with (for us in this country) GMT +1 Brussels, etc.
From the drop down box, select the one which says - GMT Western Europe Time London etc.
Then click Update Settings at the bottom of that page.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

A cloudy start to the day, they say it's going to be a day of sunshine and showers.

Bonfire night in this area was a damp squib for real. Heavy rain all evening meant that although some people had fireworks, it was hardly noticeable.  Most will have postponed them until today, but they are going to have to put up with showers.
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    You are about early again El Loro.  It's bright but cold here today.  Hubby has gone down to the marina and No.1 son and grandchildren are not here yet so I thought I would pop in to say hello.

Happy birthday for yesterday Skylark.  Hope you had a really happy day.

Despite the nasty weather there were still loads of fireworks going off around my area and there are several organised displays tonight.  Should be another noisy evening. 

Probably won't get back again but wish everyone of you a very happy weekend, whatever you are up to. 
Good afternoon everyone

I tend to be a bit of an early bird . Working from home means I don't have much of a commuter journey (from the kitchen to the computer )

This morning I did my normal weekend shopping, banking etc. Then popped in at our church hall where once a month they have a coffee morning plus odd things to buy - cakes, home made birthday cards & other things. For me it's more of a social thing and at the end I help to put all the tables and chairs away. But today was a bit different as they were selling Christmas cards & wrapping paper. Most of the cards are shop bought, but we also have our own church card with a painting of the church on the front.

Then I popped round to the parents' old house to check it was OK. I also retrieved 2 old paintings of 2 of my mother's ancestors. We don't know which ancestors and we can't identify who painted them, but no-one of any note.

Then after lunch, I'm off to see a client who is not available during the week.
El Loro
Good morning Yogi and Skylark Skylark that must have been expensive for your parents when you two were growing up
Hi, i wish ! There is 6 years between my sister and i, and we have always been close, We were brought up with not a pot to pee in. There are 7 of us and all got good jobs and nice kids, but beleive me, we had nowt !
Hi, i wish ! There is 6 years between my sister and i, and we have always been close, We were brought up with not a pot to pee in. There are 7 of us and all got good jobs and nice kids, but beleive me, we had nowt !
I bet you all had a happy childhood though, presents are nice but I'm reminded of my husband's happy memories of a wooden truck that his dad made for him for Christmas when money was too tight to run to shop bought presents.
Hi everyone

You may have heard that there is a weather warning from the Met Office for an exceptionally bad storm due to hit everyone on Sunday night into Monday.

The current warning reads:

An unusually deep area of low pressure will bring a period of severe gales and heavy rain on Sunday evening with inland gusts likely to reach 55-65mph in places, especially in areas exposed to the south to southeasterly winds. There is a risk of disruption due to falling trees, especially given that some trees are still in leaf.

In addition, roads on high ground in the Scottish mountains may well see significant snowfall causing disruption.

I have also taken a snapshot of the Met Office wind charts for Sunday evening and Monday daytime as follows:

The figures in the white circles represent the typical wind speeds, the figures in the red boxes represent the speed of gusts (only shown when expected).

So if you are travelling in the worst hit areas, take exrta care.


El Loro
Good morning everyone

I don't know if you've noticed this, but it's a bit windy and rainy today . It's not seriously windy where I am, but I know for some of you, it's a lot worse, but I think the peak is over.But it is very wet, and looking at the Met Office, the rain band stops over me whilst it swivels around, so it's not going to stop for many hours, though will dry up for others. About an inch yet to come today, about 1.5 inches on Tuesday, dry on Wednesday, then another inch on Thursday. That won't affect me particularly as my road is not prone to flooding, but the local playing field is likely to be a bit under water.

And I've got to go out this morning. So expect a soggy El Loro
El Loro
Morning everyone.    It's wild, wet and windy here this morning.  I wonder how long I will be able to resist turning the heating on!!

Hope you all had a good weekend.  I had a very busy time with the grandchildren.  Slept well last night I can tell you.

Got lots to catch up on this morning but will be back later.  As Squiggle remindered us earlier, Ben is on Coach trip, starting tonight for two weeks.  Wonder how long he will last before he is voted off.  Ben's also on This Morning tomorrow.  I've set the Sky+ for that.

See you all later. 
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