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Squiggle, I've just sent you a PM with my email address.  I have not really been in the mood to think about Christmas but now that I've made a start I will try and get things sorted before the beginning of December.  I like to get cards and gifts sorted as soon as possible so that I can think about the real meaning of Christmas, as I'm sure you do too. 
Just received your email Squiggle and read it through, although somewhat quickly as hubby has just rung to say he's on his way home (I wonder sometimes why life seems to get in the way of things that are far more important).  I will give the email due care and attention tomorrow and think about who I would wish to pass it onto.  God bless you. 
Good morning everyone, not too bad weatherwise, but oh the leaves at this time of year.  Yesterday when I locked up nice and tidy everywhere, leaves all swept up, look out today and leaves everywhere, you wouldn't believe I swept up yesterday   I haven't been following Ventura since Joyron disembarked, are they in Barbados now? Must go and have a look, though if they are that far behind us I don't suppose the webcam will show much until later.
Good morning squiggle . I think Joyron said that the Ventura was going from island to island in the Caribbean Sea area between the 1st and 5th.

This is what she posted:
I mentioned earlier about the webcam and just wanted to say that the best time to look at that on the website is about an hour before arrival at a port or for about 20-30 minutes just as the ship is leaving a port.  Ventura normally arrives at a port around 7.30 to 8.00 am and departs normally around 6.00 pm, although there can be variations.  Ventura is on her way to the Carribean for the winter right now.  She will be in Tenerife tomorrow, Tortola on 1st Nov and various other islands each day after that until she arrives in Barbados on 5th Nov.

So on that timing, the ship arrives at a port around 11.30 to 12.00 noon and departs around 10.00 pm. So I guess that 11.30 am to say 12.15 after noon, and 9.30 to 10.15 pm are the times to see something of interest. But these are guesses, so don't hold me to these timings.

I haven't been following the ship myself. Now if something really dramatic happened such as Captain Jack Sparrow mounting an attack on the ship and passengers walking the plank, I might watch. But somehow I don't think that's very likely
El Loro
Morning everyone.    I did see Ventura in Tortola but since then the satellite signal seems to have gone so we probably won't be able to see any further progress!!

Squiggle, I have read and re-read your email and the found the story very comforting.  I have a couple of people in mind to send it onto.  I'm sure they would appreciate it.

The sun is shining here this morning and it looks a lovely day out there.  I'm sure that won't last!!

Will catch up with you all later. 
As the picture I posted above is linked to the Ventura's web cam image it will change so I have created a fixed photo of the Ventura coming into St Vincent's harbour which won't change. But I'm not going to start posting pictures of the ship as she moves as that would be a bit boring

This photo won't change, but the previous one will
El Loro
Hi everyone.
A very brief message to say that my computer graphics board or my monitor have packed up. I have taken them in to the local repair shop and will not be able to post here or view here for the next day or so. I am posting this on at one of my clients so have to be quick.

I will be back soon and will catch up with you then, so don't worry that I'm not around.

LOL El Loro
El Loro
Honey, I'm home

I've just been reading your messages and thank you every one. It's only been just over 24 hours but it's felt like days.Life returns to normal.

And squiggle, I love your picture.

Luckily I have a very good local computer shop very close to me. Besides the small shop, they also do a lot of maintenance work for businesses around Gloucester and so they have their own computer repair people in house. They repair personal computers for people in the local area. So I don't have to rely on places like P C World (I'm not having a go at P C World but I get a much better, faster and personal service from a local outfit than they could provide).

I took both my monitor and computer in as I couldn't say where the problem was. Also I wanted them to check the computer out as a couple of times last week it shut down for no apparent reason. I though it might have been a "brown out" a very short powercut, but wanted them to check this anyway.

As it turned out I had two problems identified. The computer monitor screen was dead and so no point in trying to repair it. I had been thinking of getting a new monitor anyway and the old one was 5 years old so monitor technology has improved since then. So I now have a brand new 22 inch wide screen monitor, and it is already noticeable that the letters on this forum are easier to read than before. I have yet to install drivers to be able to set what resolution I want, but it's fine as it is. I also need to print off the user manual which is on the CD so I can work out the various controls.

The second problem was that the CPU fan had developed a fault and was running far slower than it should. Thus the motherboard was overheating, hence the shut downs.

It's strange how two totally unrelated problems arose within a few days of each other on different pieces of equipment.
El Loro
Afternoon everyone.    Nice to see you back so quickly El Loro, and pleased to hear that you got the computer problems sorted out so quickly.  I bet you will notice a big difference with the new monitor.

Squiggle, I tried the sheep game out and, as you say, it's fun.  I'm not very good though!!

Yogi, hope you are able to get on and talk to us some time.  I know just what it's like when you cannot get near the computer because hubby is around!!  I've got No.1 son and the grandchildren this weekend so I don't suppose I will be about much either. 
Good morning everyone (and also for yesterday for those who stayed in bed waiting for my usual early morning hello )

It's cloudy down here, and although it's not raining yet, several hours of rain are expected. Monday looks as if almost all of us are going to get a soaking, and the temperature will be colder than at present.

Yogi, there is a way of getting a one off message to justafriend. When you click on the gingerbread man, select add her as buddy. As part of that process, you can attach a little message to the invite. If her options are set to receive email notifications then she will get that message via email. If her options are not set that way, then she would only realise if she points over the Livecloud logo and sees there is a message waiting for her. I think that once someone is a buddy, then PMs become available again.
El Loro
Just popping in to say good afternoon

Thanks for your picture, squiggle - I'm working away from home today, just popped in to pick up messages and post before venturing out again. It's still persistently drizzling here, and is expected to get heavier later this afternoon.

Like your group hug picture, though the cmiley in the front looks as if he or she (don't know if smileys like these have a gender ) is going to go pop.
El Loro
Link copied to your clipboard.