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Good morning everyone, dry here too but with wonderful autumnal colours on the leaves. 

I have just received a fun ecard to celebrate Halloween. I know how much my friend and her family in Canada who sent the card enjoy Halloween and she tells me that some people even decorate their houses with spooky effects like mist etc. to welcome the little trick or treaters.  Some people in my church though react as if its really evil.  I think as long as little ones are supervised and it really is just a few candies handed out there is no harm.  What is everyone else's views I wonder?

Here is the link to the card she sent me if anyone wants to see it or maybe copy it for someone else
That's brilliant, squiggle - thank you.

As long as people don't go overboard with the trick & treat, Halloween is essentially harmless. As far as dressing up as witches etc, there is nothing evil about that, no more than Harry Potter books & films are evil. Satanism is a different matter, but that's got nothing to do with how people celebrate Halloween.
El Loro
Great card Squiggle.
I enjoyed Hallowe'en when I was a child. We called on friends and neighbours and told jokes and recited poems. In return, we received homemade toffee apples and tablet, fruit and monkey nuts. It was harmless fun.
Nowadays, children who knock on doors are often strangers, who don't do anything.  They aren't interested in nuts, fruit and sweets, instead they expect money. Neighbours have had their windows "egged" and there have been stories of older kids taking goodies from younger ones. Not such innocent fun any more.
I don't think there is anything evil about it though.
Some years ago I wrote a short story for my family - I suppose you would classify it as fantasy, though not of the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings types.

I thought I would post it over in the Lounge in case anybody wanted to read it. If I posted in the Big Brother forum it would quickly vanish, and it's too long to post on this thread.

El Loro
I thought everyone might be interested in this email I received about Ben's activities.  I don't know when he will be appearing on This Morning, we will have to find out more

Subject: Ben Duncan - This Morning
Hello to all Ben Duncan fans,

No doubt all of you are preparing for Halloween - shall make it a quickie.

I think all of you will be interested to know that Ben Duncan shall be appearing on the 'This Morning' show on ITV 1 with Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield to promote his new program, Celebrity Coach Trip, which is to be aired in November.

Apart from the late Jade Goody, Ben is the very first former BB star to appear on 'This Morning', which reaps in over 11 million viewers.


Ben shall be launching his own male skin care range in June next year!

Ben - X.
Good morning everyone and happy halloween.   I've enjoyed reading back through the thread.  Sorry I didn't get back again on Friday but hubby came home shortly after I posted!!  He and No.1 son have gone down to the marina to work on the boat, which is out of the water for it's annual maintenance, so I thought I would pop in and say hello.

We don't have too many problems with trick or treat here but we used to have terrible problems with egg throwing and flour bombs where we lasted lived.  I agree with you all that provided the children are properly supervised there is nothing wrong in having a little bit of fun.

Nice to see you back Skylark after your good samaritan works.  I bet your house felt rather full for a while.

Probably won't be back again today but I will catch up with you all tomorrow.  Just realised I need to go into my personal site to change the clock.  Looks like it's something we all need to do as your posts are coming up an hour ahead!! 
Yogi, what's going on with broadband in Scotland
First  BT had major problems on Friday night/early Saturday in Scotland (also N Ireland & northern England) and now Virgin today in your part.

squiggle, you'll have to change your appointment or
watch it on one of the following few days (not past the weekend) on ITV Player, where you can play back the most recent episodes (and by using the slider at the bottom of the display can miss out parts which you don't want to see and repest parts that you particularly like).
And I can even provide you with a link to the ITV player page for This Morning (I doubt if the page reference changes even though the content does).
Here is the link
El Loro
Good morning everyone

I hope you all managed to avoid any masty trick or treaters yesterday. I was walking back home yesterday afternoon when I saw 3 youths cycling down a road, then they stopped, got off their bikes to start their trick & treat efforts. They were obviously intent to cause mischief, so as in previous years I never open the door to anybody on Halloween evening. May seem to be over-cautious, but our local church and other places regularly get vandalised and these youths could have been such vandals - it was the way that they looked at if they were sizing up places to target.

You will remember my posts a few days ago about my neighbour's car, and catching the daughter trying & failing to start the car - the battery already being flat with the lights having been left on over night. On the way to church yesterday morning I saw that the neighbours had called out the AA. When the stepfather returned the jump leads to me he said that they had had to call out the AA and the AA had found that as a result of the daughter's efforts that the starter motor had packed up.
El Loro
I think you are right, that my neighbour's daughter would have been in a bit of trouble, but because of what she did was potentially dangerous I had no choice but to tell her stepfather. Her stepfather would have been able to talk with the daughter firmly but quietly whereas I know that the mother has such a short fuse that she would quite likely have a screaming argument with the daughter which wouldn't have helped. The daughter had just been trying to help and just not being old enough to realise that she shouldn't have done what she did.
El Loro
Hi squiggle and Yogi

It's been busier than normal during the daytime on this forum - I think one or two people decided that there weren't enough threads so put some new ones on and at present there's 6 stickies leaving fewer non-stickies on page 1

Yogi, if I finf those books in my parents house, I'll let you have them back
El Loro
 Yogi, if I finf those books in my parents house, I'll let you have them back
 Thank you, El Loro.

I will continue to hunt for the books until I find them. It drives me mad when I lose something - even if I don't actually need it, at that particular time. I have been known to turn the house upside down in my search for something - only to put it away again, once I have found it.
Good morning everyone.  It's raining again.
Squiggle, (don't laugh) I've lost my "Bird" books. I had been watching Autumnwatch on Catch Up and wanted to check out some of the birds on the programme. I could research them on the RSPB website - but that would be too sensible for me. BTW, I'm not a Twitcher, I just like watching the birds in my garden.
Anyway, I HATE losing anything and my search continues.
Reference: squiggle
I'm curious now Yogi, what are the books? (I'm just nosey )
I think they may be a copy of John James Audubon's "The Birds of America" and of William Shakespeare's First Portfolio. Betwwen them they are worth around ÂĢ20 million which is why she wants to find them

Good morning to you and everyone else

It's cloudy, we may get a bit of rain today but nothing much. May get a bit windy but not too bad where I am though I think it could be worse elsewhere.

Edited as I've just seen Yogi's post from a few minutes ago - a bit spooky with my first suggestion I think
El Loro
Good morning everyone, I know just what you mean about the bird books Yogi, I am always referring to mine.  Like you I'm not a twitcher I just want to know what that bird is that I have just seen and am trying desperately to remember the colouring of before I forget. 

I have just received the most wonderful email entitled Smells Like Rain, I wish I had all your email addresses and then I could forward a copy.  It brought tears to my eyes it was so beautiful, do look out for it doing the rounds from one of your friends maybe.  I am forwarding it to those of mine I think won't have seen a copy.
Good morning everyone.    Sorry I did not get on here yesterday but hubby decided to work from home and the room he works in is where the computer is!!

It's rather dull here today but no sign of rain as yet.  Yogi, hope you find those books.  It's always annoying when you cannot find something you want.

Squiggle, I'm quite happy to PM my email address to you if you would like it.  That's if it's okay to do that on this site and if you think it's safe to do so.

Got to go out to the shops now but will be back later. 
squiggle, I'm happy to let you have my email address and am sending you a PM. Gagajoyjoy already know our email addresses so I can't see sending a PM is a risk (that's for Joyron's concern).

If you do send out any emails though, you should send a separate email to each person rather than as a group. If an email is sent to a group then every recipient can see all the other peoples email addresses which probably wouldn't matter to some but might to others.
El Loro
If you do send out any emails though, you should send a separate email to each person rather than as a group. If an email is sent to a group then every recipient can see all the other peoples email addresses which probably wouldn't matter to some but might to others.
My No.1 son told me about that problem but said if you use the bcc on your email and put other contacts through that then no one sees any other person's email details.

Yogi, I'm so glad you found your books.

Spent too much at the shops!!  I was lucky enough to come across some small Christmas bits and pieces so I'm starting my shopping early!! 
Yogi I am glad you found your books, I wonder where they were hiding earlier.  I am glad you too received that email, I have sent it to you too now EL as you will see from the PM.  Joyron if you would like me to send it to you as well just PM me, I am sure Yogi will agree it is very moving.  I like things that make us think more about life.  Joyron well done on getting ahead with your Christmas shopping and I bet when it gets towards the end of this month you will be so pleased that you spent money today. and for all! Oh thanks for saying about Coach Trip, I was just thinking the other day how sad that it is coming up to Christmas and we don't have a Celeb BB to look forward to, I will look forward to that starting now.
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