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Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'll be going out to see a prospective new client in a few minutes so probably won't be back until tomorrow. I won't have any excuses for being late as he lives about 1 minute walk away


You won't need the car then?

I think I can safely say that I won't need my car to get to his house. Also I won't be able to make excuses if I am ever late by saying that it was because of the traffic

 That's true.


Good morning everyone. Weather is rather damp.

Summer, did you conk out last night or did the forum cogs keep you out?

I notice that the Crib and Darnie threads have been deleted and new ones started, in an attempt to ease the forum problems. I suppose we will need to wait until 'Cog Time' tonight, to see if it has made a difference. 

Have a good day, everyone.


Good morning everyone, cold but crisp this morning.  Good news about your recycling box lid EL.


As EL says a 'wait and see' policy is best I think.  I remember when we had this problem before and the Crib and Darnies threads were deleted then but I don't think those threads were at the bottom of the forum problems, and I suspect they aren't now either.  I will leave the final decision to you EL, if the other mods and Lori think it is causing a problem then obviously we will follow suit.


Have a good day everyone

Last edited by squiggle
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, we'll need to wait to see if deleting the Crib and Darnie threads have any effect. I'm far from certain that it will as their size was only a very small proportion of the total number of postings which have been made on this website.


Did you mix up my post with Skylarks?

Uh yes I did I think my post reply box may have been covering Skylark's post and yours was immediately before hers.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, we'll need to wait to see if deleting the Crib and Darnie threads have any effect. I'm far from certain that it will as their size was only a very small proportion of the total number of postings which have been made on this website.


Did you mix up my post with Skylarks?

Uh yes I did I think my post reply box may have been covering Skylark's post and yours was immediately before hers.


 I did wonder.

Right I'm back

Ah lol- last night I propped up my pillows ready to sit in bed and come online, I settled in, wrapped the duvet over me and woke up in the exact same position when my alarm went off this morning I hadn't even plugged my phone charger in! Must have been post-polar express excitement wearing off

Oh Crikey I hope the cogs stop soon! If it's useful info, I haven't had many problems in here on my mobile. I haven't been around as much this week though. I'll try to be here earlier tonight and report back.

Skylark, do you know if anywhere in town sells MAC make-up? SIL's use it so I'm going to buy them eyeshadow & mascara for Xmas
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi all

Oh i was in town too, Summer, wish i had seen your post before i left! I dont know off hand about MAC but will check for you. As Yogi says Debenhams, there is one on Princes Street, which is in the centre of town. You will know as there is a big castle plonked in the middle! its just across from there. Will check other shops too if you are shopping here x

Couldnt find nephew a prezzie, i was looking for something Dr Who related, that was a bit different. 
Hope you all have had a good day x

Edit, sorry just saw El,s link. I must get new specs 

Last edited by Former Member
^ aw what a beautiful owl!

Sweet dreams yogi & skylark, sorry to have only just missed you
Thanks for the mac tips I had no idea debenhams stocked it, or that you can buy it online!

My car has broken; the suspension spring has snapped! Mr summer says it's easily fixable but I'm not to drive it. Thank god I'm off work tomorrow anyway, I hope to get it to the garage.
Mr summers car needs a new exhaust and the joiner has quoted a very outrageous price to fit the skirting, so we're looking for another chap.
Mr summer was a very grumpy man tonight so I suggested we go out for tea- he's now a much happier man

Meanwhile, bramble seems to think she owns the bed I hope she doesn't resist too much when she has to return to the downstairs.

Squiggle & El, I hope you both had a good day
Moonie I hope you did too and still feel better
~Sparkling Summer~
Good morning

I've been awake for aaaaages, worrying about the car mostly. It'll get fixed when it gets fixed though so I need to stop thinking about it so much.

What are everyone's plans today?

I've got an electrician coming this morning to put a security light up for us, we can't see the steps in our garden when it's dark.
The room he needs to be in is full of stuff from downstairs though so I need to get up now and rearrange it all to give him access!

I'll be back in a bit
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.  So sorry to hear about your car Summer, everything goes wrong just before Christmas doesn't it?  Good idea about the security light especially near steps.  Good luck with finding a more reasonable joiner.


Hope you find just what you're looking for Skylark   Enjoy your day with PB Yogi, what am I saying? Of course you will enjoy your day how could you not with such a little sweetheart



Hi everyone. Just a flying visit as PB is about to wake from her nap.

Summer, I hope you get your car sorted out and manage to find a less expensive joiner. The security light is a good idea. We have one for the back garden. It's a sensor one, so only comes on when one of us (or Keira) goes into the garden.

Good luck finding the Dr Who gift for your nephew, Skylark.

Squiggle, I have PB all to myself today, so I don't have to fight off anyone else to get my cuddles.

El, the forum was still slow to load and coggy last night, so it looks like deleting the large threads may not be the answer, as you suspected.

Have a good day everyone, see you later.




Yogi, Lori assures us that the development team are working on the coggy problem. It's a matter of trying to identify what is the underlying cause and then revising the programming to overcome it.

Each posting here has its unique number which has lots of digits (19 of them) so as each posting is so identified, there isn't a logical reason in a programming sense as to why a thread with lots of pages whould any effect on the speed. Lori has been collecting data and passsing it to the developers along with various suggestions which have been made.


El Loro
I'm back!

Skylark I hope you find the tardis gift, any dr who fan would love that!

Yogi I hope you're having a wonderful day

Squiggle, I love that Xmas owl! how's grandsons this week?

El and moonie I hope you have both had a good morning

My car got us safely to the garage, phew!!!!!! I feel so relieved. SIL picked me up and drove me home, thank god she has the same day off as me.
She's having a new bathroom fitted so her house is chaos too, and she had car problems last week
I don't mind how long it takes to fix, as long as it gets fixed. Mr summer can drop me off at work on his way, it'll be very early but I can get breakfast etc there no problem.

I'm going to do some laundry, back again soon
~Sparkling Summer~

Just heard from the client who is having the ankle replacement. He has the first operation, started the recovery process but had to be readmitted into the hospital as the wound became infected. He seems to have recovered from that and is back at home. He's able to get about but has a frame round the leg. He saw the consultant in the last couple of days and is now waiting for the second operation which is the main one. Should be before Christmas. He will have to be bedbound for the following 9 to 10 weeks after the surgery. He had hoped to be able to return to work some time in January but it won't be until well into February at the earliest.


Summer, I'm not surprised you are relieved with having got your car to the garage.


El Loro

EL your client is really going through the mill.  Ankle replacements are so rare compared to hips and knees, at least I have never heard of one before.  It's going to be a bother for him over Christmas and the infection hasn't helped.


Yay for your car getting you to the garage Summer, well done little car


One grandson is off work (on holiday) for 10 days, (before they work him into the ground over Christmas I suspect) and the other one is delighted to be back on his bike again, although he did bash his knee on a stone wall coming home the other evening.  They still haven't managed to get to the bottom of the lighting problem and like a fool he was driving home after dark - not much street lighting here once you're out of the main town.  They have to learn their lessons the hard way unfortunately, we've got the wound cleaned up and plastered with huge plasters and he is recovering


Good morning moonie


My client did walk round to see me after his phone call. He wanted to get out of the house and get some fresh air as obviously I would have gone round to his house. He wanted to sign his tax return and he's going into town tomorrow to get a cheque drawn on the building society to pay his tax. He doesn't need to until the end of January but he realises that this would be impossible as there is no way in which he could get to the building society then.


He's trying to be upbeat about this but it doesn't help when one of his sisters developed a bad cold a few weeks ago. But this was not a normal cold and it became serious when she developed pains in her head and the back of her neck. She had to be hospitalised to be treated. It was a vicious viral infection which developed into what may have been meningitis. As part of the treatment she had to be induced into a coma for 3 days and tubes put in her to assist breathing. A few days ago they took out the tubes but she relapsed. Her other sister visited her yesterday and said that she seemed to have recovered a bit but she's going to be in hospital for at least another 2 weeks.


El Loro

That sounds awful EL, poor woman, what a worry.  Isn't it dreadful to think that viruses like this are around?


I have been checking up on what has been happening with the forum following the deletion of some of the larger threads and I see that some FM's do seem to think that it has helped so I wondered what we all think?  I am undecided myself, and I know that yesterday you said you didn't think it was causing problems EL so let's see what the general feeling is about it. 


Squiggle, I'm waiting to see what happens. Even if this thread was restarted and this one deleted, the number of posts which would be deleted is about 40 days of postings on this forum in total so I can't see that it would have much effect. Lori says that at this time, it's not known if the quantity of posts is relevant to the slowness.

El Loro

There is no company quite like Lakeland.  I like their foil and clingfilm, which lasts for ages and is such good quality.  I recently ordered a replacement for my clingfilm which has gone on for ever.  It was the type with a snap down cutter box.  The new one was very odd, it was in a large cardboard box with a cutter strip that you stuck on the edge, not what I wanted at all really.  Anyway I ploughed on but today it started tearing unevenly, now that drives me potty.  So I thought I would phone and have a word with them and she is sending me the right clingfilm free of charge, just keep the old one and the new one will be with me next week.  How's that for service?


Baby minding duties are over for today. We had a nice time, and PB was in fine form.

Squiggle, I'm glad your grandson wasn't too badly hurt. I hope he gets his lights fixed soon so that there are no more accidents.

El, your poor client and his sister are having a difficult time. I hope things get better for them, very soon.

Re the forum problems. I was here for a wee while last night and was still having problems with slow loading pages and cogs. It wasn't as bad as previous nights but it certainly wasn't running smoothly. I have no problem with this thread being deleted and restarted, if it improves things. However, it seems like Lori and Co aren't sure that the larger threads are actually the problem.

Anyway, I'm happy to go with the majority.

Summer, I hope you've had your car repaired and it wasn't too costly.

Have you managed to find another joiner who can fit the skirting boards for a more reasonable price?

Skylark, did you find a Dr Who gift for your nephew? 

Moonie, good to see you. My cuddle-o-meter is at the max.


I've come to bed early, it's cold downstairs without the furniture

El, your poor client and family they're really going through a terrible time, I hope they're all being taken care of well and will soon see improvements

Squiggle, I'm glad your grandson got off lightly with a minor injury, lets hope he doesn't have any more experiences like that

Yogi, I'm glad you've had a lovely day with PB has she learned anything new?
~Sparkling Summer~
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