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Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
That's the challenge isn't it yogi, how long before she stopped trying?

Shouldn't be long now moonie *crosses fingers* I wonder if I could get away with throwing out lots of junk we never use, on the sneak

It took a couple of weeks before she stop sneaking off upstairs. One day, we came home and there was no sign of her. Hubby hadn't shut the livingroom door properly and she'd taken herself off to middle son's room. Only problem was the door had bounced back when she head-butted it open, and closed behind her and she shut herself in. We were calling her name and could hear this quiet whine from upstairs, so we rescued her.

Awwww poor thing

A quick cuddle and a dog biscuit and she was fine.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
That's the challenge isn't it yogi, how long before she stopped trying?

Shouldn't be long now moonie *crosses fingers* I wonder if I could get away with throwing out lots of junk we never use, on the sneak

It took a couple of weeks before she stop sneaking off upstairs. One day, we came home and there was no sign of her. Hubby hadn't shut the livingroom door properly and she'd taken herself off to middle son's room. Only problem was the door had bounced back when she head-butted it open, and closed behind her and she shut herself in. We were calling her name and could hear this quiet whine from upstairs, so we rescued her.

Awwww poor thing

A quick cuddle and a dog biscuit and she was fine.

That's good


Good morning everyone. Too dark outside, to see what the weather is like atm.

Off to the doctor this morning to see about my dodgy hip (not before time, I hear some of you say). I'm not expecting the doctor to do much at this stage, but at least it will be noted that I'm having problems.

Summer, those owls are gorgeous. The first one is so striking and the little one is so cute. 

Have a good day everyone.



Good morning everyone, it's calmer here this morning but we really have had some awful weather the last few days haven't we?  EL I hope you can find out where the lid of you recycling box has decided to take itself.


I look forward to the pictures of your new floor Summer, I love it that you miss the fridge   How wonderful that Mr Summer has found the acupuncture a help, migraines are awful and if the acupuncture can help that would be a real result.


Keira sounds such a sweetheart Yogi, and I am glad the newly weds are so happy.


It is my 49th wedding anniversary today!  I was a child bride you know   seems like only yesterday.


Have a good day everyone


PS  Hurry back Skylark, we will miss you.

Originally Posted by moonie:

Good morning everyone

I had a mostly sleepless night. Don't know why. Just couldn't settle. So I am tired now


Hi Yogi  I hope your doctors appointment goes well and he/she arranges for you to see a specialist for a hip replacement


Hi Sweet I hope they finish your floor today so Mr Summer can get the skirting  board done


Hi El I hope you find your recycling lid


Hi Squiggle Happy Anniversary. That is a milestone in your life. I hope you have something special planned


Have a great day Buddies


Edit...I just noticed Sweets post above. I didn't know your hubby had passed over



Squiggle, I hope your anniversary can still be a happy day for you, full of happy memories of the years you shared with the love of your life.


Moonie, an afternoon nap sounds like a sensible idea since you hardly slept last night.


El, up here, there are always recycling lids and bags (we have hessian type bags for paper and one for plastic bottles) flying around on windy days. I hope you manage to get your lid back but, as you say, it may have gone some distance.


Summer, hope you get the skirting on soon, then you'll have a beautiful new floor and your house can get back to normal.


Visit to the doctor went well. She sent me straight up to the hospital for an X-ray and is arranging for an appointment with a physiotherapist. I have already been told I may have an associated form of arthritis which can affect people with Chrohns but the doctor thinks the fact that my hip is giving way on me, suggest it may be something 'mechanical'. Depending on the results of the X-ray, she may refer me to the orthopaedic surgeon. I've only seen her once before but I do like her and she certainly doesn't hang around.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Hi moonie sorry to hear to didn't sleep well, might you have a power nap this afternoon?

Just what I was thinking, though I always console myself when I've had a disturbed night that I will be sure to sleep like a baby the following night, so I hope it works that way for you too.


No I won't light a candle Summer but of course I will be thinking of him, as I do every day, no longer unwell but fit and happy and waiting for me to join him


Your doctor sounds on the ball Yogi, I am glad that you are being looked after so efficiently.

How could they possibly even contemplate a sequel?! It would have to be something very special indeed to be worth it, the original is so wonderful that I won't even watch it in colour!

Evening all the floor is finished and looks beeeeaaautiful! I can't put any furniture back in yet but I did put my curtains back up, I need a small sense of normality
Mr summer is very very pleased with it, phew

I hope you got some rest today moonie and that squiggle has felt alright, and that El can replace the missing bin piece..?

Skylark I hope you're getting some moments to yourself
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm glad both you and Mr Summer are happy with the flooring.

Can you put the furniture back tomorrow or do you have to wait a few days?


Evening Moonie,  did you get a nap today or are you soldiering on until bedtime?

Edit, I've just read your post to Summer, and I see that you are soldiering on.

Hi Yogi

Yep, gonna try and stay awake

How has your day been?

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