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Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Sklark.

I remember one of my nanas having a washboard and a wringer.

I hope you get your washing machine repaired/replaced soon. Mine is still limping along atm, so I'm keeping everything crossed it doesn't die on me until after Christmas.

I picked up a couple of Yankee Candle Melts (used to be called wax tarts).


Hi Yogi, i hope yours lasts too. Thats nice about the candles, i used mine up when sons floor was soaked with the leak. Wish i hadnt now, and just got the Glade ones. Not liking the Christmas range of yankee candles just now, find them a bit overbearing, thats just sniffing them in shops! 

YC have some lovely candles but, as you say, some are horrible. I hate when they 'retire' one of my favourites, such as Mackintosh Apple.

They do change the range a lot. i like a nice fresh scent. A lily scent is my favourite. A shopping area near me has a shop with a big range, going to smell out a few! Some for gifts too, if i can part with them..

 I know what you mean. 


Originally Posted by squiggle:

I don't think my Mum ever used a washboard although she did have one tucked away, I remember her using a Dolly Blue though.  Washboards were very popular in the Skiffle age.


Can't say I've ever even seen a Yankee Candle let alone sniffed one or bought one, I am soooo out of touch

Hi squiggle, i dont remember Dolly Blue, but fab name! 
Yankee candles werent really in the shops, they are now. They tend to be a bit expensive but last for hours. Candles seem very popular just now, although i am sure coming up to the festive season the fire services are sighing.Yankee ones are quite good tho, in the sense they are in bottles so safe if left on. Well most are.
Yes of course, the Skiffle age, i forgot about that ! xx

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I don't think my Mum ever used a washboard although she did have one tucked away, I remember her using a Dolly Blue though.  Washboards were very popular in the Skiffle age.


Can't say I've ever even seen a Yankee Candle let alone sniffed one or bought one, I am soooo out of touch

I'd never heard of Dolly Blue, Squiggle, so I googled.

There are some lovely Yankee Candles. They are a bit pricey but the scent lasts as long as the candle does, unlike some of the cheaper ones.


A couple of knee surgeons in Belgium think they have discovered a ligament in knees which had not previously been identified.

If they are proved right it may offer hope for people (mainly sports players) who have injured the ligament but haven't been able to get it treated properly. I find it amazing that it is still possible to discover unknown things like this.

(minor warning that the BBC article does have an anatomical photo which you wouldn't want to see if you are very squeamish but it's not gory).


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Oh squiggle, you're going to laugh at me- I thought you meant a skiffle was something people used to use to do laundry

I'm not surprised, I mean a washboard is a bit archaic when you consider it would have been in use not that long ago and compare it with the automatic washers we use nowadays, very funny though, trying to imagine you trying to work out how you used it

Originally Posted by El Loro:

A couple of knee surgeons in Belgium think they have discovered a ligament in knees which had not previously been identified.

If they are proved right it may offer hope for people (mainly sports players) who have injured the ligament but haven't been able to get it treated properly. I find it amazing that it is still possible to discover unknown things like this.

(minor warning that the BBC article does have an anatomical photo which you wouldn't want to see if you are very squeamish but it's not gory).


I won't click on the link (just eaten) but that's good news.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
I see I wasn't too far off then hehe

Wish me luck, I'm about to have a mortgage renewal meeting

Good luck, Summer.


 @ the skiffle misunderstanding.

I did laugh
Wont look at the knee thing, as i have being trying for a new knee for years. I wont rant....x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
I see I wasn't too far off then hehe

Wish me luck, I'm about to have a mortgage renewal meeting

Good luck, Summer.


 @ the skiffle misunderstanding.

I did laugh
Wont look at the knee thing, as i have being trying for a new knee for years. I wont rant....x

 My right hip is getting worse  and recently both knees have been painful, but only when I'm going up stairs. I know I ought to start complaining about them when I go to the doctors, but I feel like he'll think I'm falling to bits!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
I see I wasn't too far off then hehe

Wish me luck, I'm about to have a mortgage renewal meeting

Good luck, Summer.


 @ the skiffle misunderstanding.

I did laugh
Wont look at the knee thing, as i have being trying for a new knee for years. I wont rant....x

 My right hip is getting worse  and recently both knees have been painful, but only when I'm going up stairs. I know I ought to start complaining about them when I go to the doctors, but I feel like he'll think I'm falling to bits!

Oh dont get me started!! Sorry was on phone to sister, losing patience now with her. I cant do anything about her new home.I love dearly but....

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
I see I wasn't too far off then hehe

Wish me luck, I'm about to have a mortgage renewal meeting

Good luck, Summer.


 @ the skiffle misunderstanding.

I did laugh
Wont look at the knee thing, as i have being trying for a new knee for years. I wont rant....x

 My right hip is getting worse  and recently both knees have been painful, but only when I'm going up stairs. I know I ought to start complaining about them when I go to the doctors, but I feel like he'll think I'm falling to bits!

Oh dont get me started!! Sorry was on phone to sister, losing patience now with her. I cant do anything about her new home.I love dearly but....

 Maybe she will start to feel more settled, in time.



Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Complain Yogi, you have the right to do so.I do feel for you xx

It has gotten to the point where I will have to mention it to them. Sometimes the hip 'gives way' on me, particularly if I am going down stairs or if I'm getting up from the dining table. 

Dont mention..say!!! We have an NHS here and you are entitled to care. Yes you may soldier on as per. But you have health issues and other ones too.Please dont feel you cant raise these other issues you have. You may feel you are bothering the Gp you have, but you are not!! xx

*Night owls*

Aaah you can laugh at me all you want, I often opening admit to being an idiot sometimes

Skylark, I'm sure you've given your sister lots of support, I hope she listens to you 

Squiggle, we have always chosen a fixed term mortgage, so at the end of the term we look around for a better deal. Mortgages are ever changing so it's well worth doing

Yogi, you've every right to go to the doctor, I hope you'll book an appointment

Sweet dreams to you all
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather was windy and rainy overnight. Dry, with a little bit of blue sky, atm.

Next time I'm at the doctor, I will mention my hip.

Summer, I saw on the news about the Philippines, how awful for them. Apparently there was an earthquake quite recently and a lot of people were already living in temporary accommodation.





Good morning, an absolutely awful morning, drenching down, I do hope it's better where you all are.


What an awful typhoon, winds of 195mph, hard to imagine, when we get winds of 80mph it feels tremendously strong.  The loss of life and lives disrupted by this storm don't bear thinking about.


Yogi definitely mention the hips and the knees to your doctor, you never know he might suggest something that will help relieve it without being too drastic.


That's interesting about mortgages nowadays Summer, we had a very simple fixed term mortgage (30 years at a set rate of 7.5%) from the old London GLC so I have no real idea how modern mortgages work


I was watching one of these lovely creatures this morning


She'd got into the field next door and couldn't find her way out again.  I was willing her to find the gap but she still hasn't.  There are plenty of hunters round this way so I do hope one of them doesn't see her before she can find the way out again

I don't object to people hunting for food ie. they should eat what they shoot, even badgers, but like El Loro I would never eat game.
On a happier note, same place as last week I've just eaten pork fillet stuffed with black pudding wrapped in Parma ham, Savoy cabbage bubble and squeak mit black treacle gravy, washed down with a pint of Copper Dragon.
Avoided taking a photo as Facebook aficionados frown on that sort of thing.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Squiggle, could you possibly lure the deer to the gap by putting some food there? It might then find it's way out!

I'm on the wrong side for safety though Summer.  She needs to go out of the other side of the field where the woodland is, this way leads to our lane, houses and people sadly.  I'm just hoping she will find her way out eventually.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Squiggle, could you possibly lure the deer to the gap by putting some food there? It might then find it's way out!

I'm on the wrong side for safety though Summer.  She needs to go out of the other side of the field where the woodland is, this way leads to our lane, houses and people sadly.  I'm just hoping she will find her way out eventually.

Aww, that's such a shame, Squiggle.

Sometimes you can't do anything, except let nature sort itself out.

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