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Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, I admit to dreading The Curtain. I love David Suchet as Poirot and am sad it is about to end.

Me too


Hi Skylark, sounds like you have had a good day, definitely don't go out if it's anything like down here, it's foul out there.

I'm sorry that David Suchet's Poirot is coming to an end as well. It's hard to think of any other actor or actress who has made a character his/her own over the years. Jeremy Brett as Holmes is possibly the closest but that was during 10 years compared to Suchet's 24 years. (I'm not including series like Columbo with Peter Falk as that was not an adaptation though that went of for 32 years)

Of the David Suchet adaptations, my number one remains Five Little Pigs (I've mentioned that before).

And the one I liked least was Murder on the Orient Express due to Poirot's extreme grimness.


El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, I admit to dreading The Curtain. I love David Suchet as Poirot and am sad it is about to end.

Me too


Hi Skylark, sounds like you have had a good day, definitely don't go out if it's anything like down here, it's foul out there.

It's been OK here today though tomorrow will be wet throughout the day here.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

El, I admit to dreading The Curtain. I love David Suchet as Poirot and am sad it is about to end.

Me too


Hi Skylark, sounds like you have had a good day, definitely don't go out if it's anything like down here, it's foul out there.

I'm sorry that David Suchet's Poirot is coming to an end as well. It's hard to think of any other actor or actress who has made a character his/her own over the years. Jeremy Brett as Holmes is possibly the closest but that was during 10 years compared to Suchet's 24 years. (I'm not including series like Columbo with Peter Falk as that was not an adaptation though that went of for 32 years)

Of the David Suchet adaptations, my number one remains Five Little Pigs (I've mentioned that before).

And the one I liked least was Murder on the Orient Express due to Poirot's extreme grimness.


I agree with your comment , El,re Murder On the Orient Express, very dark, and never understood why???
Squiggle, its the old age kicking in  Me not you ! x
Off now, son getting me my dinner, and its arrived.
Take care 


Enjoy your meal, Skylark,

El, I agree with you about Murder On the Orient Express. It had a very different and much darker feel to it.

I'm afraid the pages are taking forever to load again tonight, so I am going to sign out. 

Goodnight everyone, catch up tomorrow. Sweet dreams all.

Leaving hug for Summer (if you manage to get signed in tonight).

*night owls* whilst watching a christmas movie on 24

Photobucket is playing up tonight so I can't post an owl

Skylark I hope you had a lovely evening

El, thank goodness someone is trying get some changes made to that road I hope it's a successful campaign

Yogi & squiggle, I hope you've had a lovely evening sweet dreams and see you tomorrow

Leaving a big hug for moonie, hope you are soon back with us
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. It's raining, up here.

El, the slow loading pages/cogs are definitely worse in the evening than during the day.The site seems to start slowing down around 5-6pm and gets progressively worse as the evening goes on. It is so frustrating that I've signed out early for the last two nights.

I need to go out today to buy birthday gifts - wish me luck, as I haven't a clue what to buy!

Hope your weather is better than mine, have a good day all.


Good morning everyone, it's really dreich here this morning.  I am glad you slept well Summer, hope the housework goes swimmingly, do you play music to help it along?  Lovely to have your mum come to stay


Good luck with gift shopping Yogi, hope you spot just the right things, sometimes it just happens that way.


Hope everyone manages to dodge the rain if it's rainy round your way.


Man knocked on my door claiming that there would be some inspectors coming round in the next week or so to survey the outside of people's houses as they were built before 1970 to see if work needed to be done on them.

I told him I never got work done by people who knocked on the door as they could be anyone. He wasn't impressed by that and said that this was a survey.


He was a somewhat scruffy individual and I wouldn't trust him a bit. He walked away somewhat irritated by me. I then saw him walking across the road and talked to a postman. A couple of minutes later the postman delivered my letters and I took the opportunity to ask him what the man had said. The postman said he was wanting to know what the postcode was.



El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Man knocked on my door claiming that there would be some inspectors coming round in the next week or so to survey the outside of people's houses as they were built before 1970 to see if work needed to be done on them.

I told him I never got work done by people who knocked on the door as they could be anyone. He wasn't impressed by that and said that this was a survey.


He was a somewhat scruffy individual and I wouldn't trust him a bit. He walked away somewhat irritated by me. I then saw him walking across the road and talked to a postman. A couple of minutes later the postman delivered my letters and I took the opportunity to ask him what the man had said. The postman said he was wanting to know what the postcode was.



That all sounds rather strange, El.

We have a sign on our door (courtesy of the local council) which states "we don't buy, sell or donate" to doorstep callers, but it doesn't stop the odd chancer knocking the door. I had one young man who told me he was just going to come into my house and check my loft to see if it was properly insulated. I told him that he would not be coming into my house and my loft insulation did not need checked by him! He was very pushy but I was quite forceful in sending him on his way. I noticed a couple of my neighbours let him inside their houses, so his pushy tactics worked on some. 

*night owls*
Thanks yogi sorry to hear your shopping trip was fruitless any ideas we could help come up with?
Dotcomgiftshop is something I've just discovered, thanks to good housekeeping, it might be worth a look

El, some dodgy scammers about lately, you seem to attract them! Well done for not falling for it.
Same goes for you yogi.
I always warn my mum about any scams I hear about, she is very good at getting rid of unwanted people
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Dry atm after a lot of rain overnight.

Summer, the birthday present is for son's GF. They have decided to go away before her birthday, so I have less time than I thought to get something, and dare not risk ordering online in case it doesn't arrive before they go. I have  bookmarked the site you mentioned, for future reference.

Grocery shopping and gift shopping scheduled for today.

Have a good day everyone.


The Crime Writers Association had a poll of their members to celebrate their 60th anniversary.


Their poll placed "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" as the best crime novel ever written and its writer Agatha Christie was named best ever writer. The Sherlock Holmes cycle was named as best ever series.


If you've never read "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" it's definitely worth reading. It is considerably better than the David Suchet television version for the simple reason that it can only work as it should when read, not when seen.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a much more pleasant morning here thank goodness.  Good luck with your second go at present finding Yogi.


It's so long since I read The Murder of Roger Ackroyd that I can't remember it, but often I find that reading a book is so much more vivid as your imagination fills in the blanks better than a screenplay can.


Squiggle, I read lots of Agatha Christie books when I was living with my parents as they had quite a collection of them - around 40 or so. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd was the one which I remember best and I agree with the Crime Writers Association with it being the best crime novel ever written.


By the way the television adaptation was done in a very different way to the novel and suffered as a result.


El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Good morning

It's sunny, bright and cold here

Yogi good luck today, I hope you find a gift see if you can find some ideas for my family too

 I'm not sure I am the best person to ask for gift ideas but if I see anything special/different, I'll let you know.

I have made the bed, fed the birds, dog and fish, hoovered, washed up, got a load in the washing machine and cleaned my oven, and I'm now sitting down with a cup of tea before going shopping. 

It's getting very breezy outside, I hope I don't get blown away.


Hope you all well. was busy yesterday with sisters birthday. 
I did the stress test and i am medium, thought it would be higher!
Yes i agree El, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is a great read, and better read than seen. 
Hope you get yourself a treat Yogi, lots of yankee candles around just now, and fairly cheapish. 
My washing machine on the blink, until i get it repaired/replaced doing washing in the bath. Its still spinning tho, so thats not so bad. Always something to irritate...
 for Moonie

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Sklark.

I remember one of my nanas having a washboard and a wringer.

I hope you get your washing machine repaired/replaced soon. Mine is still limping along atm, so I'm keeping everything crossed it doesn't die on me until after Christmas.

I picked up a couple of Yankee Candle Melts (used to be called wax tarts).


Hi Yogi, i hope yours lasts too. Thats nice about the candles, i used mine up when sons floor was soaked with the leak. Wish i hadnt now, and just got the Glade ones. Not liking the Christmas range of yankee candles just now, find them a bit overbearing, thats just sniffing them in shops! 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Sklark.

I remember one of my nanas having a washboard and a wringer.

I hope you get your washing machine repaired/replaced soon. Mine is still limping along atm, so I'm keeping everything crossed it doesn't die on me until after Christmas.

I picked up a couple of Yankee Candle Melts (used to be called wax tarts).


Hi Yogi, i hope yours lasts too. Thats nice about the candles, i used mine up when sons floor was soaked with the leak. Wish i hadnt now, and just got the Glade ones. Not liking the Christmas range of yankee candles just now, find them a bit overbearing, thats just sniffing them in shops! 

YC have some lovely candles but, as you say, some are horrible. I hate when they 'retire' one of my favourites, such as Mackintosh Apple.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Sklark.

I remember one of my nanas having a washboard and a wringer.

I hope you get your washing machine repaired/replaced soon. Mine is still limping along atm, so I'm keeping everything crossed it doesn't die on me until after Christmas.

I picked up a couple of Yankee Candle Melts (used to be called wax tarts).


Hi Yogi, i hope yours lasts too. Thats nice about the candles, i used mine up when sons floor was soaked with the leak. Wish i hadnt now, and just got the Glade ones. Not liking the Christmas range of yankee candles just now, find them a bit overbearing, thats just sniffing them in shops! 

YC have some lovely candles but, as you say, some are horrible. I hate when they 'retire' one of my favourites, such as Mackintosh Apple.

They do change the range a lot. i like a nice fresh scent. A lily scent is my favourite. A shopping area near me has a shop with a big range, going to smell out a few! Some for gifts too, if i can part with them..

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