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Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
that's a very unusual car El! What's the collection on it..?

Yogi, that's exciting, it won't be long before PB will be whizzing around in her car!

Bramble appears cheerful enough and wants to play plenty but she's off her food again today and threw up this morning. I just don't know what the matter is, we've got new kibble too and she liked it enough the last couple of days

Poor Bramble. It can be really difficult to find put what is upsetting their stomachs. Keira has always had a weak stomach and we have to be careful what we give her to eat, but our first retriever had guts of steel and could eat anything and everything! I hope Bramble feels better in the morning.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I wonder what gave her the idea in the first place?  It would irritate the life out of me.

No idea why she thought of it, but just look at what she's wearing

I have no idea what to describe her outfit as EL   Oh well it takes all sorts to make a world.

 Her outfit is as tasteful as her car.

I might try some porridge if she doesn't eat her good tomorrow, we gave her rice for 3 meals and she loved that. I'll just keep an eye on her. She's been barking at fireworks this evening, it was all bangers! I never understood them, they don't even have a decent display

Yogi, I hope your bruise comes out quickly, maybe you bumped into something and thought nothing of it at the time. I frequently bruise myself on the daftest of things

I hope moonie is ok, haven't seen him about much this weekend
~Sparkling Summer~

Bangers are the worst fireworks ever, I don't see the point in them.

Rice is a good choice for Bramble's upset stomach.

I'm quite clumsy and do bruise easily but I must have given myself quite a knock, to have a lump as well - not got a clue how I did it.

Check your PMs.

I woke at 5.30 this morning, so I'm wilting now. Off to bed, goodnight Summer, sweet dreams. Hug for Moonie.

Originally Posted by Baz:

Hi Buddies Just dropped in to let you know our friend says thank you for the good wishes 

 Thanks Baz.


Good morning everyone. A frosty morning, hubby had to scrape the car windscreen. Soup making weather, I think!

Harvey is coming for a sleepover, so Keira will be happy.

Have a good day everyone.



Good morning everyone, that sounds a nasty bruise Yogi, it's so easy to do without realising you've done it.


What a beautiful photo of those trees Summer.  I hope Bramble's stomach settles down soon.


Sounds like you are toasty warm this morning EL, it's fairly mild down here at the moment but we are in for a lot of rain this week.  It's a lovely clear morning at the moment though.


Thanks Baz, much appreciated


2 separate fatal accidents with 3 dead in the space of a few hours this morning on the A417 on the stretch between Little Witcombe, the Air Balloon and Birdlip near Gloucester. It's a stretch of road which is notorious for accidents. The bit between Little Witcombe and the Air Balloon is probably the steepest stretch of an A road in my area. The bit between the Air Balloon roundabout and Birdlip is flat and I know that cars do tend to speed there.

I know that plans have been discussed for years to try to do something with that stretch but because of the steep incline up Crickley hill, it is very difficult. There has been talk of a tunnel but that is a huge cost.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


Cloudy and damp here.


Yogi, I hope you don't have problems with loading the pages today. I find with Firefox that it increases its use of memory during the day and the result can be to take longer for pages to load. Then I just quit Firefox and then go back in and that improves loading times.


for Moonie


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Another dry and frosty morning.

No Summer last night - I hope you were out enjoying yourself.

El, I was on the ipad last night, so I was using Safari. I don't know if that made any difference to the slow page loading. Tbh, it only seems to be this site which is a problem.

Hug for Moonie.

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning
I Couldn't load the forum at all last night I thought it might be my Internet connection but if yogi had problems too then it must be something else

I hope you all had a good day yesterday and a good nights sleep I had a very busy Monday, which is unusual but it was jolly good fun.
I bought my first Xmas gifts after work too, there's some great 3 for 2 offers in boots, and some very nice gift sets too

El, I hope some form of traffic management steps are taken to improve that road, and the sooner the better! Remember the accident my best friend was in whilst pregnant? It happened on a notoriously dangerous road, which has numerous huge warning signs and speed limits. The casualties have decreased since the changes but people are still careless!
~Sparkling Summer~

I have a suspicion that the slow servers some find on this site may be caused by the data crossing the Atlantic. Huge increases in the quantity of data being transmitted by cable does create slowdowns. Back in 2009 it was being reported that by 2014 the cross-Atlantic connection would reach saturation point and that more powerful cables would need to be laid across the Atlantic to be able to cope with this.

People in the States are asleep during the UK daytime so it's not surprising that the problems are more noticable in the evening when they are awake.

Although the Youtube servers are in the States, they have vastly more capacity than Social Strata could hope to have. A Mail article about Google last year:


Of course I could be wrong about this but it could explain why Social Strata can't find anything wrong as they don't have to contend with the Atlantic issue.


El Loro

Everyone. I havent been around as been busy, busy, busy. 
Now shampooing carpet, took ages understanding how to work the thing! Its taking me longer as Kia keeps barking at it  
Going out for tea later as i am not cooking, plus all the furniture is in the hallway. I may not get out tho ...
Hope you all well. 
 for Moonie
Thanks Summer  


In the Radio Times for next week there's an interview with David Suchet on next Wednesday's Curtain which of course is the final Poirot story. He mentions that he knows that another Poirot story is being written with the permission of the Christie estate. At this time it's not know at what age Poirot will be portrayed in that story. Suchet says that Curtain is probably his last appearance as Poirot but I note that he uses the word probably rather than definitely.


Curtain is set quite some time after any of the other Poirot stories so expect a much frailer Poirot than anything we've seen before and Suchet says that Poirot's twinkle in the eyes has gone, so to expect a much darker portrayal. (But if the adaptation is faithful to the book Poirot hasn't lost his sharpness and his matchmaking).


El Loro

As a follow up to my post yesterday about the fatalities on the A417 in my area, the leader of Gloucestershire County Council has written to the Secretary of State for Transport demanding a meeting to try and get something done.


2 weeks ago, an MP asked about the A417 issue and got a rather noncommittal reply. I suspect the MP will now take this further after yesterday.


I found on another forum a page about steep hills on main roads. The steep hill on the A417 gets mentioned a few times.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Shocking El, i really hope something is done.

Dont run, Yogi, although those sparkly shorts are fab 
Not going out now, cant be bothered, getting a delivery about 7 ish. Pouring rain and i look like something thats been dug up a while ago. 

My butt in sparkly shorts - that's a scary thought!

Hope your delivery is a good one.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

As a follow up to my post yesterday about the fatalities on the A417 in my area, the leader of Gloucestershire County Council has written to the Secretary of State for Transport demanding a meeting to try and get something done.


2 weeks ago, an MP asked about the A417 issue and got a rather noncommittal reply. I suspect the MP will now take this further after yesterday.


I found on another forum a page about steep hills on main roads. The steep hill on the A417 gets mentioned a few times.


Hopefully something will be done now, before anyone else loses their life.

Link copied to your clipboard.