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And where I live we also have a green wheelie, a black wheelie, a green box, a small brown caddy bin, and a larger brown caddy bin. And a couple of weeks, the council announced that they were going to make random checks to makes sure that we were putting the correct things in the various containers and that we were not throwing stuff away in the black wheelie (for non-recyclable rubbish) which could be recycled.

I've just realised something. Locally most of us put out out bins etc last night for collection first thing this morning. Maybe someone was discovered to have put something in the wrong bin and that could account for that arrest outside my house early this morning, but 7 police cars to arrest someone for putting a stale crust in the black wheelie instead of the brown caddy bin is a bit of an over-reaction.
El Loro
Hi El, we had an armed Police, ambulance etc last week, very near us. The whole area was sealed off. The only way we knew was my son,s friends were on facebook giving him a minute to minute detail. Nothing in the was as if nothing had happened ??? But you never know, it couldve been a wheelie bin incident ......
Reference: El Loro
 a couple of weeks, the council announced that they were going to make random checks to makes sure that we were putting the correct things in the various containers and that we were not throwing stuff away in the black wheelie (for non-recyclable rubbish) which could be recycled.
 What happens if you have put something in the wrong bin?
Good morning everyone

I hope everyone is well and bug-free today

I still don't know what yesterday's police business was about. I have just been looking on the local news website and there's no clues there. Though if the person is still being questioned, if they are being charged the first public appearance would be at the magistrates court this morning. The big news locally is that a teacher who lives about a mile from me has admitted downloading child abuse photos over the last 6 years - there is nothing to suggest that children at his school or in this area were abused by him. Obviously he will be sent to prison and will never be allowed to teach again. Good riddance to him.
El Loro
 The big news locally is that a teacher who lives about a mile from me has admitted downloading child abuse photos over the last 6 years - there is nothing to suggest that children at his school or in this area were abused by him. Obviously he will be sent to prison and will never be allowed to teach again. Good riddance to him.
Good morning El Loro.

I hope they lock him up for a very long time.
Reference: squiggle
Hope everyone else is feeling tickety boo and is not moving like an arthritic camel
Good morning squiggle
I'm currently ticking off a client's bank reconcilation so that's the tickety bit OK, but I'm not so sure about the boo bit

I hope you're not spitting like that arthritic camel . But how are you getting on with that memory foam mattress you bought, has that helped?
El Loro
I hope you're not spitting like that arthritic camel . But how are you getting on with that memory foam mattress you bought, has that helped?
I cannot tell you how wonderful it is! It is sheer sheer bliss and its a wonder I get up in the morning, I would recommend one to anyone and they are quite inexpensive considering.  No I am not spitting just moving v e r y   v e r y   s l o w l y.  Thanks for the arnica Yogi I don't know which bit of me to rub it in first
A bit ago I posted a Youtube clip of Vaughan Williams' The Lark Ascending. It was announced today that a choral work called The Cambridge Mass written by him over 100 years ago and never performed had been found at Cambridge University and will receive it's premiere next year.

This is a short clip of some extracts from the work played on the piano. I have posted it here as, although musically this is quite a find, it is of limited appeal, but I thought you might like to be among the first in the world to hear part of this.

El Loro
This is a short clip of some extracts from the work played on the piano. I have posted it here as, although musically this is quite a find, it is of limited appeal, but I thought you might like to be among the first in the world to hear part of this.
Thank you, El Loro.

I loved the clip of Vaughn Williams "The Lark Ascending", too.
Link copied to your clipboard.