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Good morning
More rain & drizzle here today...

Yogi I'm glad you feel a bit better this morning   I hope you have an easy day ahead of you

El, thanks for the link. I can't find the story I was looking for, but it was either Macy's or a similar store that unveiled their christmas tree and it was pink. It wasn't a bright, loud pink, but it certainly was a bit different.
I too am a traditionalist and like my trees green, or white. I'm loving the current fashion for nature/traditional christmas styles
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.  I love the pink Christmas Tree, and it occurred to me that Summer you would love being in Disney World at Christmas time.  We were there one year and it is simply magical.  One of my favourite things was they have tiny little white lights in just about every tree and bush and so many towering Christmas trees you lose count.


Yogi I hope you are feeling much better this morning.


Leaving a hug for moonie

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

 El, she must have an app on her phone that beeps!

 Or an inbuilt Christmas radar.

Yes more likely!
How you feeling now Yogi?

Tbh, I feel a bit sick again, even though I have only eaten one slice of toast today. I'll stick to fluids tonight, no food until the morning.

Good morning
Dry here this morning as far as I can tell, the forecast is poor though.
My lay in has been ruined by next doors dog barking! I'm not a happy bunny. It's been almost 2 hours now. I'm trying to be patient because it's just settling in it's new home but I'm really annoyed right now. I presume they're both out and have left it at home.
I'm just grateful that Bramble isn't faxed at all by it, she's enjoying her lay in very much lol

Skylark, I like chunky vegetable soup

Yogi I hope you feel better this morning
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, I think we have similar weather to yours EL, it's very windy and quite wet but cheering up this afternoon I think, which will be good as I'm off for my flu jab.


How annoying Summer that your lay-in was spoiled by the barking dog, I do hope he will settle down and not prove an ongoing nuisance.


I hope you are feeling better Yogi, some of Skylark's soup sounds just the ticket for your poor tum.


Good luck with your client EL.


Good morning everyone. Weather is dry here atm, with rain forecast for later.

I'm feeling better this morning, thanks all, and have managed to eat a couple of Cream Crackers without any nausea or spasms. My stomach muscles do feel like someone has been jumping on them though. 

Skylark, a pot of homemade soup is just right for today's weather.

Have you heard how your granddaughter is getting on, on her holiday?

Summer, what a pain that your neighbours's dog spoiled your lie in. Does it usually bark when they go out? 

El, hope all goes well with your client.

Squiggle, the glow worm pic and poem made me lol.

Hug for Moonie.


Haha I love the gloworm!
I wish I had sunshine glowing from my whole body, it'd make people smile

Yogi I hope you're over the worst of it and that a few hours sleep has helped your muscles relax. I don't like that tender feeling after an upset

The neighbours dog has settled down now, after almost 2 1/2 hours. It's the first time I've been at home when it's been left alone- although I believe there's 2 dogs. I haven't met them yet.
I assume my neighbour is away with work, she's often working from home but sometimes has to go away for a night or two.
I hope the dog settles down once it's used to it's new home, but it currently barks at every sound outside.
Bramble used to do little barks when they were moving in because she was used to the house being empty, but I shooshed her and now she's not fussed.
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, at your glow worm.

Yogi, I hope those stomach muscles ease during the course of the day, some of Skylark's soup could help.

Summer, I hope your naighbour's dog(s) settle down fast.


Back from that client, a straightforward one with little chance of any headaches.


Weather isn't nice here. Some rain but it doesn't seem to be as heavy as forecast, but it is too windy for brollies. Should start to brighten up around 2 this afternoon.



El Loro

Hi all, soup made, lentil with some smokey bacon bits, carrots and swede. Smells lovely!
Glad you feeling better Yogi x
As much as i love dogs, continual barking is very annoying.
Granddaughter and co, arrived safely, thats all i have heard so presume they all well and having good time. Back Saturday, i think. I didnt want to know time of flight as i get in a right old state! 
Very good squiggle 
Glad no headaches for you El. 

For moonie 

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