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Good morning everyone. Weather is dry and mild for October. I believe I have a week of showers/rain ahead.

Summer, your little cottage and courtyard garden sound lovely.

I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, what did you have?

El, I hope your service goes well today.

Squiggle, I love that hidden pool - I want one!

Those foreign legion hats are great for keeping the sun off little ones.

Skylark, did you get the cupboards finished?

I think we might be having a PB visit this afternoon - fingers crossed.

Have a good day everyone.


Fascinating hidden pool though the price would be way beyond what any of us here could afford.


The visiting priest did well with the baptisms today and could can find out more about her on this link where she will be one of the two speakers. A strong personality.


Our new vicar is settling in well. No major changes in the way services are run etc to date as she gets to know us.


The rain has set in here and will be until early evening.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Just got back from our walk, luckily the rain dried up and we didn't get wet

I hope you're all enjoying the afternoon

Keira and I have managed our walks without any rain today, but the forecast for this coming week is not good.

We had a PB visit today. She is such a wee cutie.

El, I'm glad your new vicar is settling in well. Did today's service, with the visiting vicar, go off okay?


Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Have you been on the look out for christmas gifts for her?

DiL is making a list tonight and will split the list between the two families, otherwise PB would end up with lots of duplicates. We have already bought her one gift and have spotted several others, which will hopefully be on the list.

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Good idea I bet she gets lots of gifts with it being her first Xmas!
I've asked my bf what Ava needs, and I'll add a couple of little books too, she likes reading

I'm sure Ava will love whatever you choose for her, and you can never go wrong with some books. My boys had loads of books and I hope PB will love them too. 



Good morning all. Weather is dry and bright, atm.

Thanks El, I'll catch up with the Kevin Mcloud programme while I'm ironing later.

Summer, I think we are going to have several rainy dog walks in the next few days. Keira is not going to be happy.

I am enjoying this series of Strictly - although I'm not too happy that Natalie Gumede is participating when she has had so much previous dance training. I much prefer to see non dancers progress as the weeks go on.

Enjoy your viewing of your sister's new house, Skylark.

Have a good day everyone. Hug for Moonie.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone.   I agree with you about Natalie Yogi, she is far too professional and I prefer to see those who really improve.


I think the forecast for the week is really iffy down here as well.  Grand Designs is still running, it's a new series at the moment, they have had some interesting houses including a Japanese themed house last week.  I haven't watched Kevin's new series though.


Hope you enjoy your nosey around the new house Skylark.

I heard on the radio this morning that there's been some hoo ha in the papers today about Natalie's dance training prior to strictly. I like her very much but wouldn't vote for her to win, for that reason. I'd much prefer to see a beginner learn & progress throughout the series.

Skylark I hope you enjoy looking around your sisters new home- remember to find out where the christmas tree will be going!

Yogi, I think you are right, it's rained all morning here with no sign of stopping, and now i hear that the forecast is the same for the week. Thank goodness for wellies!
~Sparkling Summer~

I saw the first of those Jane Austen themed Doctors over lunch today. It's only for people who watch Doctors regularly and it would not impress those who don't.

Apart from one person all the Austen characters are played by the regular cast with very mixed results. One of the cast is quite good, a few are adequate, and some are just laughably poor.

El Loro

Hi all, sister,s house is really nice doesnt need much doing to it. Lovely garden too, not too big to take care of.
Just popped back to get changed, going out for tea. Nowhere posh just the local Wetherspoons . Doubt i will be on later, so take care all 

Oh yes Summer, she did mention her pink Christmas tree, yes pink!! (dont ask 

*night owls*

Oh no! Yogi! A big get well soon hug for you I really hope it's just a quick bug, and that you are soon feeling better. Mine was rather nasty so I really do feel for you. I hope you sleep well

Tonight's owl is pink, because of skylark's sister christmas tree
The pink tree is giving me a flashback, but I can't think exactly where from so I'll get back to you on that story. I do recall seeing pics of the Xmas tree in a famous American store, probably in New York, and it was pink! I want to guess it's from about 5 years ago. I was surprised at the time because I had expected a more traditional tree from whichever store it was

Sweet dreams all x
~Sparkling Summer~
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