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Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

I don't know what happened to the warm and sunny weather which was forecast - it's cold and breezy up here.
Squiggle, thank you for the update on Joyron's cruise.
I am trying to decide whether to do my ironing, or go to the garden centre - I think I know what my decision will be.
Be back later.

Hello Yogi

The weather isn't great here either, it's 100% cloud cover, average October temperature, but it is dry at least.

I have found something strange about that Ventura webcam and explains my early morning post saying that there had been a hold up and that the ship was still at Southampton.If I use my Firefox browser, the webcam picture shown is still the one showing the ship at Southampton because it's moored. If I use my IE browser, the webcam picture is different and shows the ship at sea.

I didn't realise that using different browsers could show different results. But a few days ago someone posted a picture on another thread. The picture they posted was harmless. However the rest of us saw a different picture with a swearword on it. Once the poster was told about this, they removed the picture.

I have no idea why different browsers can have different results. I know that for some members using IE they have problems with avatars, but that would not explain this.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

Hope everyone is OK today

I was woken uo this morning at 4.30 by a dog repeatedly barking. Somthing was going on, so I looked through the window and it was a police dog escorting someone into the back of a police van. I counted at least 7 police cars there. At present I do not know what this was about, but for where I live, this is extremely unusual. Either it was a pre-arranged raid or, as there is a large area of land with playing fields on nearby that the person had tried escaping across the fields from somewhere else and had been cornered here. If I ever find out anything more, I'll let you know. It was too dark to see the person, but it wasn't one of my immediate neighbours.
El Loro
I've seen this ad for the Ventura on other sites, but I don't get to see the ads here as my VIP membership (the frrebie they were giving out some time ago) means that I don't get them.

I don't yet know what the police business was about, but it must be something more serious than someone forgetting to return their library book. It could be something like a houseowner hearing someone having broken in, called the police whilst the person was still there, so they swooped down, but I wouldn't have thought they could have got 7 cars out for that.

The only news item on the local news website is about a serious cycling road accident, but it's not this as the car driver did not attampt to drive away (and the cyclist is now stable in the local hospital).
El Loro
A Ticket to Tomahawk is a minor western from 1950 and would have long been forgotton about apart from one scene featuring someone who does not appear in the credits and was unknown at that time. But unless you have been living on another planet for the last 60 years, you will instantly recognise the girl in yellow. Of course the name shown here on the Youtube clip is a giveaway.

El Loro
Hello again everyone.
Keira and I are back from an eventful visit to the vet's. My normally placid, sweet-natured dog doesn't like the vet's and went into full-blown panic mode. The vet (who is very nice) had to muzzle her  so that he could administer her Kennel Cough spray. He said golden retrievers are either very laid-back or very nervous, with no middle ground. Guess which temperament Keira has?
I have told hubby that he is taking her next year.
Thanks for that EL, like Skylark I too loved Marilyn.  She had that wonderful mix of innocence and sexy.  I've been making the most of a beautiful autumn day by netting my pond for the winter and sweeping my drive.  I have two huge conifers which, whilst evergreen, still shed like mad at this time of the year getting rid of all the old foliage.  I know there will be a new load next time I look at the driveway but at least I have made a start.
She had that wonderful mix of innocence and sexy. I've been making the most of a beautiful autumn day by netting my pond for the winter and sweeping my drive.
Marilyn had womanly curves, not like those stick insect actresses/models of today.

We used to have a pond at our last house. We have lots of photographs of the boys helping hubby to clean it out. The boys loved doing it but hubby's face was like this.
Oh Yogi, dogs just dont like the vets do they  Thinking of taking mine for a check. She seems fine but losing weight i have noticed. She eats well, her coat shiney and seems happy and up to date with worming etc...
squiggle..good for you getting on with the gardening, i have been cleaning out my hall cupboard. Its the bloomin suitcases, what a space they take up. Have some stuff for binning and stuff for the charity shop. I do tend to hoard "just incase" !  Got so much tinsel i am going to bin, but what recycling one do i put it in? Will shove it in the cans one, its sort of metal isnt it ? xxx
Yogi, you and I have been having doggy days today .

I'm going to hazard a wild guess and say that Keira is very nervous both daily and Knightley.

Still no news to report on my doggy story. It could be that nothing will get reported in the papers unless the offence is really major or more likely unless the person is charged. After all a person can be arrested, then released without charge and it wouldn't be fair on that person if the papers had started reporting, then have to retract.  The police would have 24 hours (can be extended) before a charge has to be made or the person released.
El Loro
Marilyn had womanly curves, not like those stick insect actresses/models of today.
I do sometimes wonder if the fashion world's obsession with Audrey Hepburn with her photo repeatedly on the front of fashion magazines over the decades is behind the unhealthy obsession with today's stick insects. Her thinness was due in part being in Nazi-occupied Netherlands during WW2, during which time she was training to be a ballerina and secretly danced for people to raise money for the Dutch resistance. After the D-Day landings, food became very scarce where she lived and she had to resort to making flour out of tulip bulbs to bake cakes and biscuits.

squiggle, nice to hear from you. My parents many years ago had a small pond, but it tended to leak, so in the end they gave up and filled it up with earth.
El Loro
Reference: El Loro
Yogi, you and I have been having doggy days today . I'm going to hazard a wild guess and say that Keira is very nervous both daily and Knightley.
 Indeed she is. My sons often call her Keira Knightly - she is very pretty.

I was very interested in the background to Audrey Hepburn's very slender frame, I always assumed she was naturally thin.
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