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Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
I think it's been a bug, I didn't eat anything unusual yesterday. I did pop into the doctors and the chemist for a routine girly checkup though- I wondered if I could have caught anything in there..?

There are always tummy bugs doing the rounds at this time of year, so I wouldn't be surprised.


Cooking isn't one of your many talents then?

I hope you are well enough to enjoy your dinner tomorrow night.

My hair feels fine. I was in two minds whether to get it trimmed today as it didn't need much off, but another 8 days or so and it would have started to annoy me because it wouldn't be sitting right - if you know what I mean?



Good morning everyone


Cloudy but dry here, may rain at some point in the day, tomorrow is forecast to be wet in my area.


Summer, there's a sickness bug which has closed in school the other side of Gloucester, and that's the case around the country. Don't know if it's norovirus or something similar but typically the effects last about one day.


I'm certain that Lewis has finished. The last episode reached a satisfying but definite conclusion.

Laurence Fox's father is James whose brother is Edward (Emilia is his daughter)


El Loro

Morning all 
Hope you feeling better this morning Summer x
This is the first time son has gone fishing so hope he enjoys it. Had to give him my mobile as his just suddenly stopped working, it keeps switching itself on and off. I will phone him later and see how he is enjoying himself and not suffering from hypothermia!
Just getting ready to get Gd off to Nana,s , then they off to Spain for a week. Finally got her passport.
Have a good day everyone 

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, sorry to hear about your tummy bug Summer, glad you are on the mend now.


How exciting Skylark is it your granddaughter's first trip abroad?


Have a good day everyone

Hi squiggle, yes her first time. its all been a bit of a rush! She very excited, cant say i am. I dont like like flying and the thought of her in the air making me feel sick. But i am sure she will be fine. Hope all is well with you and yours 


She'll be fine Skylark, I know how us mums and grans worry though   Yes all is fine, my two grandsons slept late and then got straight out in the garden.  They are busy hacking away and burning it all on a bonfire, it's a huge help to me and they seem to like it so all is good.  When we moved here the lady who used to live here had worked so hard to clear it, I'm afraid my part-time gardener has been slacking a bit and the boys are clearing through.


You may have seen or heard of today's Express news story forecasting the worst winter for decades. Typical malicious scaremongering from the Express designed to terrify people particularly the elderly and those who struggle to pay their heating bills.


This is the official Met Office response:

Once again it is the season for speculation and big headlines regarding what the weather will do over the winter period. The front page of the Daily Express today claims: ‘Worst winter for decades: Record-breaking snow predicted for November’.

We saw similar headlines last year and instead winter 12/13 ended up being only the 43rd coldest on record with an average temperature of 3.3C and flooding until the turn of the year.

What the Daily Express has failed to explain to it’s readers is that there is absolutely no certainty about what weather the UK will see over the winter period. The science simply does not exist to make detailed, long-term forecasts for temperature and snowfall even for the end of November, let alone for the winter period, which does not officially start until 1 December.

While we have seen a return to more normal, cooler temperatures for this time of year, this is no indication of what we can expect over the next four months with regards to temperatures and when we might see snow. It is far too early to tell.

Ultimately, we’re heading into winter and it is perfectly possible that we will see the whole range of weather that we get in winter at some point over the coming months, including snow and freezing temperatures, but also heavy rain, windy weather and mild conditions too.

Our five day forecasts and warnings will provide you with the best possible guidance on any periods of cold weather, frost or the likelihood of snow, giving detailed local information across the UK to help you make the most of the weather over the coming months.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

She'll be fine Skylark, I know how us mums and grans worry though   Yes all is fine, my two grandsons slept late and then got straight out in the garden.  They are busy hacking away and burning it all on a bonfire, it's a huge help to me and they seem to like it so all is good.  When we moved here the lady who used to live here had worked so hard to clear it, I'm afraid my part-time gardener has been slacking a bit and the boys are clearing through.

Thats good squiggle, its hard work at this time of year getting the garden sorted. Hope you are prepared for them saying they need food and lots of it !  


Re El, The Daily Express. This scaremongering is really not needed. I know a few older people who will worry and go out and stock up with food etc and over extend their budget, thinking they may not be able to get out for shopping. Plus worry about the fuel bills , and how they going to keep warm. Plus of course it worries all on a limited income 


Skylark, that's why I used words like malicious and "designed to terrify". For the Express to publish a story like that a few days after SSP announced their increase in gas & electricity prices, and the headlines about some having to choose whether to keep warm or go without food is contemptible. Needless to say the forecasters the Express based the story on are the same ones who every year forecast the worst winter of all time.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, that's why I used words like malicious and "designed to terrify". For the Express to publish a story like that a few days after SSP announced their increase in gas & electricity prices, and the headlines about some having to choose whether to keep warm or go without food is contemptible. Needless to say the forecasters the Express based the story on are the same ones who every year forecast the worst winter of all time.

Indeed!! I shall stop myself for giving a full, on scale rant, for the time being anyway...

Good.. Evening?!  Where's the day gone!

I'm feeling back to normal and full of beans now thank you just as well because we're heading out for dinner shortly!

El, that there is the exact reason why we don't buy the express! They like to report what could happen, rather than facts, and terrifying people with their stories is just not on. They don't deserve our money!

Skylark I hope GD has a lovely time, it'll be an exciting adventure for her. I hope you can manage to relax while she's gone and get daily updates from them so you know she's alright
When I was 24 I took myself off to Hawaii for a holiday, on my own! My poor mum must have been worried sick, I did email her daily, stuck to my itinerary which she had a copy of, didn't drink any alcohol and didn't stay out any later than 10pm. She loved the toffee popcorn I brought back with me

Yogi I hope you had a lovely family day, how are they since the wedding?
~Sparkling Summer~

Well done Cheltenham 
Hi Summer, have a lovely evening. 
Yes i understand all that , but GD is very blonde, and i worry, plus she is only 5..blah blah She will be fine , i tell myself 

Update on son fishing...not happened, as he would be better surfing! Tide too high, so thankfully been abandoned .I do worry so ! 


El, I don't buy The Express, for the very reasons that you and others have mentioned.

Well done to Cheltenham.

Skylark, I gather it was sea fishing your son was going to do? Best not to venture out if weather conditions are not great, so good decision to postpone it.

I'm sure your granddaughter will have a lovely time but I completely understand your reasons for worrying.

Squiggle, well done to your grandsons for doing the gardening for you. As Skylark said, I bet they were starving by the time they had finished.

Summer, I'm pleased you are feeling better and hope you enjoy your meal tonight. Have a great evening.

Middle son and DiL2 are doing really well - apart from someone crashing into the back of them last week. The guy's brakes failed and he ran into them as they waited at traffic lights. Insurance is sorting everything out and they will have a courtesy car while theirs goes to get repaired next week.

We had a large hedgehog in the garden tonight. Keira barked at it and it curled into a ball. We put Keira inside and it trundled off.

Moonie, sending you big hugs.

*night owls* Crikey, is that the time?! i couldn't help myself, I just had to watch strictly after we got home!
Dinner was superb it's always a gamble organising a dinner at a restaurant that we've never been to, but a client of mine who's a head chef recommended it to me. We all have it 5 stars.

Skylark, I had to smile at your Saturday night activities, I've been known to clean out cupboards at 10pm on a Saturday before when the time is right, the time is right
Any chance you could pop down and clean my fridge..?
Hopefully GD is getting plenty of sun cream applied and had a cute sun hat. I'm sure she'll be thinking about you as you are her.
Shame about your son missing out on the fishing , I hope he's still having a good time whatever they decided to do

Yogi, I hope your son & DIL weren't injured in the smash, that's rotten about the car too. Thank goodness they can get a courtesy car. Is theirs being repaired or written off?

Squiggle I bet your garden looks lovely having a good chop down is very satisfying!
When I moved out of my mums, I rented a tiny little cottage with a lovely courtyard style garden. It was very overgrown & neglected and full of cigarette butts, but after good clear up & chop down, and the addition of a table & chairs and a string of fairy lights around the perimeter, it was beautiful! I ate almost every meal out there, got to know the neighbour from over the fence and had my bunnies running around on thr loose

El, good news about Cheltenham, long may it continue I hope you're enjoying the weekend

Leaving a big hug for moonie, I hope you're taking care of yourself and can soon return

Sweet dreams all
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Very cloudy here, dry at present but rain forecast for much of the day.


It will feel a bit odd at church this morning as the vicar is away for a few days on holiday, there's a visiting priest who hasn't been here before, and there are baptisms during the service.

Summer, that's sounds a lovely little cottage.



Yogi, I'm glad your middle son & DL weren't injured (Summer, Yogi's post says that their car was being repaired rather than a write off).



El Loro

Good morning everyone.  Skylark I am sure that Nana will be very careful with GD's fair skin.  When we took our boys to Florida, along with a friend, I bought them all Foreign Legion type hats with the neck protection.


What a lovely picture Summer, that's so beautiful.  I hope the service is good today EL, and the stand-in vicar is a a good one.


Isn't this amazing?




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