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Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
It is unusually mild isn't it! El, I bet your garden looks lovely now and probably won't need another lawn cut now

It is mild today but the temperature is forecast to drop by this evening in my area and I think you will find it a lot colder. Tomorrow isn't a day when you will be wanting to take Bramble to the beach as the notherly wind will be making the waves crash on to the shore in your area. Forecast daytime temperature for your area is 6 C taking the wind chill into account.

El Loro

Hi, am back. Got some stuff done but cant get more packing done until removal men drop some more boxes.Got her organised a bit more, she was on the point of hysteria! She is getting a lot of rubbish down to the tip later and a van coming from an homeless charity to pick up donated items she no longer wants. Once thats done its down to the packing and getting the house cleaned. 
Date for moving is now confirmed for the 22nd. So still plenty time to get gas/elec/TV/broadband transferred. Its definitely a very stressful time moving !

El. do you mean "Pin It" at top of pages? Yes i noticed but havent clicked on it 

Good luck with the flooring Summer! x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I agree, moving house is very stressful. At least it sounds as if it's under control.

You are right, it's that Pin It icon at the top. It's similar to the tweet and facebook ones but is for the pinit website.

Ah, i see, havent heard of it, to be honest.

Neither had I. Someone on one of the other sites had asked Social Strata for this so it's been implemented on all sites.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I agree, moving house is very stressful. At least it sounds as if it's under control.

You are right, it's that Pin It icon at the top. It's similar to the tweet and facebook ones but is for the pinit website.

Ah, i see, havent heard of it, to be honest.

Neither had I. Someone on one of the other sites had asked Social Strata for this so it's been implemented on all sites.


Someone will be a happy bunny then 


I'll be going to see a couple of my clients later on this afternoon, mother has a property which is a holiday let, son self employed doing agricultural building work and has a few cattle. Done their accounts for quite a few years.

I won't mention anything about the badgers cull in Gloucestershire as that would be tactless. I have little doubt that the son is definitely in favour as his cattle were infected with bovine TB last year so that he was unable to sell them. He would get compensation from DEFRA instead but that takes time.


El Loro

I've spotted a notice posted on the Virgin Media help forum a few days ago. What are called Peer to Peer Traffic applications have for some time been slowed down by Virgin at peak times (from 4pm -12 midnight on Monday to Friday and 11am - 12 midnight at weekends. Peer to Peer Traffic applications are things like BitTorrent which consumes huge chunks of the internet.

It seems that because of the way these applications work it can result in other traffic (which is what most of us use for most things such as for forumming) being slowed down during these peak hours.

Virgin is going to rolling out updates across the country to try to sort this out. So for those who use Virgin at peak time may start to see things improving over a period of time.


El Loro

Hope all goes well with your visit this afternoon EL.  I know the badger cull issue is a topic which enrages many farmers, I don't know enough about it to have an opinion.


My computer guy is a Bit Torrent fan and has several computers and is always downloading films, his computers run all night long.  When you think about it it must take a huge portion of the internet's resources.  It's certainly not for me.


I wasn't sure at the end of Call The Midwife whether there would be another series but guess what?  On FB I have a rather tenuous link with Mark Jenkins from The Hotel, that series set in Torquay, and he says they are filming in the farmyard where he lives and they are filming a new series of Call The Midwife


Moving home is a very stressful thing, I hope your sister's move goes smoothly, Skylark.

The badger cull is a very contentious subject, and I can see valid points on both sides of the argument.

Thanks for the Virgin info, El .

Squiggle, I'm delighted that there will be a third series of Call The Midwife - and a Christmas special too.


Hi squiggle, hope you and yours are well x
Nice to know there is to be another Call The Midwife 

Sun came out so opened the windows wide, son did the same, a gust of wind went through the house. I have two  glass candle holders on my window sill, one fell over and smashed. My daughter gave them to me , Mothers Day, a long time ago 
No monetary value just sentimental. I am a bit  and 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi squiggle, hope you and yours are well x
Nice to know there is to be another Call The Midwife 

Sun came out so opened the windows wide, son did the same, a gust of wind went through the house. I have two  glass candle holders on my window sill, one fell over and smashed. My daughter gave them to me , Mothers Day, a long time ago 
No monetary value just sentimental. I am a bit  and 

 What a shame, Skylark.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi squiggle, hope you and yours are well x
Nice to know there is to be another Call The Midwife 

Sun came out so opened the windows wide, son did the same, a gust of wind went through the house. I have two  glass candle holders on my window sill, one fell over and smashed. My daughter gave them to me , Mothers Day, a long time ago 
No monetary value just sentimental. I am a bit  and 

That's just awful Skylark, those things are just irreplaceable and it all happens so quickly


I hope your sister's move goes smoothly, with no hitches.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thanks, i am just one of those folk that keep things from the children. Material things dont mean much to me. Those things that are given from the heart , even a wee painting i keep. You should see my hall cupboard ! Maybe not...

 My loft is the same, I keep all the sentimental stuff. To me, it's worth far more than the expensive things.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thanks, i am just one of those folk that keep things from the children. Material things dont mean much to me. Those things that are given from the heart , even a wee painting i keep. You should see my hall cupboard ! Maybe not...

Me too, in one of my photos and memories boxes upstairs I have little drawings, christmas decorations made at school etc from my daughter and my grandsons.  Irreplaceable, and just about everything in my display cabinet has a memory associated with it.  As you say they may not have any monetary value but to me they are precious memories.


Skylark, what a shame. I know what you mean about gifts which we keep for various reasons.

I have a penknife which was my grandfather's and I was given it decades ago. I kept it and still use it to open letters. It's a 2 blade knife, one blade was broken off even before I was given it and it's of no value but I would feel lost if it was mislaid.

My mother gave me a small sketch of a tabby cat she had drawn. I've had it for many years and keep it in my bedroom.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, what a shame. I know what you mean about gifts which we keep for various reasons.

I have a penknife which was my grandfather's and I was given it decades ago. I kept it and still use it to open letters. It's a 2 blade knife, one blade was broken off even before I was given it and it's of no value but I would feel lost if it was mislaid.

My mother gave me a small sketch of a tabby cat she had drawn. I've had it for many years and keep it in my bedroom.


How lovely El, no money could buy them 


Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, what a shame. I know what you mean about gifts which we keep for various reasons.

I have a penknife which was my grandfather's and I was given it decades ago. I kept it and still use it to open letters. It's a 2 blade knife, one blade was broken off even before I was given it and it's of no value but I would feel lost if it was mislaid.

My mother gave me a small sketch of a tabby cat she had drawn. I've had it for many years and keep it in my bedroom.


How lovely El, no money could buy them 


I agree, it's all tangible links with our loved ones.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, what a shame. I know what you mean about gifts which we keep for various reasons.

I have a penknife which was my grandfather's and I was given it decades ago. I kept it and still use it to open letters. It's a 2 blade knife, one blade was broken off even before I was given it and it's of no value but I would feel lost if it was mislaid.

My mother gave me a small sketch of a tabby cat she had drawn. I've had it for many years and keep it in my bedroom.


How lovely El, no money could buy them 


I agree, it's all tangible links with our loved ones.

 Priceless treasures because of the memories associated with them.


I've returned from seeing those clients. Although the subject of badger culls did crop up I avoided expressing a view and said that I don't know enough about the subject to say one way or another though I understood their viewpoint.

Some of the culling has taken place very very close to where they are and some of the protestors have been there.

My client has had several bales of hay (for his cattle) been vandalised by having the covering being slashed. You can guess who he considers is responsible though he doesn't have the proof.



El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Away to take Kia for a walk. Be back later x

I hope the weather is not too wet and windy over on your side. There's an icy wind over here. 

Yes here too, although i find it refreshing. Been very hot the last few days. I thought those days were over  

I took Kia for a walk around concrete as her nails are needing cut, but she not having any of it with the vet or me, so will do it the natural way . We tried with a muzzle, but she was too distressed with that.

El, i suppose that was to be expected re the cull, not the way to put an educated point over tho, imo. I suspect it will get worse before it gets better.....

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've returned from seeing those clients. Although the subject of badger culls did crop up I avoided expressing a view and said that I don't know enough about the subject to say one way or another though I understood their viewpoint.

Some of the culling has taken place very very close to where they are and some of the protestors have been there.

My client has had several bales of hay (for his cattle) been vandalised by having the covering being slashed. You can guess who he considers is responsible though he doesn't have the proof.



I imagine there is quite a lot of ill feeling, on both sides.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keira has tickly paws but she does let me clip her nails. Poor Kia, I can understand why you want to avoid distressing her and are doing it the natural way.

Aw tickly paws! Kia getting an old lady now, and doesnt like fussed over, well apart from endless cuddles! I have tried with her nails, and she looks at me as if to say, i wont bite you but leave my nails alone! They arent really that long so will leave her to it! As long as she doesnt come crying to me when she has a good scratch at her ears and yelps. I tell her, well i was going to cut your nails but you wont let me. Yes i do talk to her like a human! 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keira has tickly paws but she does let me clip her nails. Poor Kia, I can understand why you want to avoid distressing her and are doing it the natural way.

Aw tickly paws! Kia getting an old lady now, and doesnt like fussed over, well apart from endless cuddles! I have tried with her nails, and she looks at me as if to say, i wont bite you but leave my nails alone! They arent really that long so will leave her to it! As long as she doesnt come crying to me when she has a good scratch at her ears and yelps. I tell her, well i was going to cut your nails but you wont let me. Yes i do talk to her like a human! 

 We talk to Keira all the time. When I'm upstairs, I can often hear hubby chatting away. When I ask him if he was on the phone, he says, 'No, I was talking to Keira'. 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keira has tickly paws but she does let me clip her nails. Poor Kia, I can understand why you want to avoid distressing her and are doing it the natural way.

Aw tickly paws! Kia getting an old lady now, and doesnt like fussed over, well apart from endless cuddles! I have tried with her nails, and she looks at me as if to say, i wont bite you but leave my nails alone! They arent really that long so will leave her to it! As long as she doesnt come crying to me when she has a good scratch at her ears and yelps. I tell her, well i was going to cut your nails but you wont let me. Yes i do talk to her like a human! 

 We talk to Keira all the time. When I'm upstairs, I can often hear hubby chatting away. When I ask him if he was on the phone, he says, 'No, I was talking to Keira'. 

Perfectly normal here too! Many a time she goes through to my sons room and i can hear chatting. I say to him who you talking to, he says talking to Kia, i say ok fine!  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keira has tickly paws but she does let me clip her nails. Poor Kia, I can understand why you want to avoid distressing her and are doing it the natural way.

Aw tickly paws! Kia getting an old lady now, and doesnt like fussed over, well apart from endless cuddles! I have tried with her nails, and she looks at me as if to say, i wont bite you but leave my nails alone! They arent really that long so will leave her to it! As long as she doesnt come crying to me when she has a good scratch at her ears and yelps. I tell her, well i was going to cut your nails but you wont let me. Yes i do talk to her like a human! 

 We talk to Keira all the time. When I'm upstairs, I can often hear hubby chatting away. When I ask him if he was on the phone, he says, 'No, I was talking to Keira'. 

Perfectly normal here too! Many a time she goes through to my sons room and i can hear chatting. I say to him who you talking to, he says talking to Kia, i say ok fine!  

 It makes me feel better to know we are not alone.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Keira has tickly paws but she does let me clip her nails. Poor Kia, I can understand why you want to avoid distressing her and are doing it the natural way.

Aw tickly paws! Kia getting an old lady now, and doesnt like fussed over, well apart from endless cuddles! I have tried with her nails, and she looks at me as if to say, i wont bite you but leave my nails alone! They arent really that long so will leave her to it! As long as she doesnt come crying to me when she has a good scratch at her ears and yelps. I tell her, well i was going to cut your nails but you wont let me. Yes i do talk to her like a human! 

 We talk to Keira all the time. When I'm upstairs, I can often hear hubby chatting away. When I ask him if he was on the phone, he says, 'No, I was talking to Keira'. 

Perfectly normal here too! Many a time she goes through to my sons room and i can hear chatting. I say to him who you talking to, he says talking to Kia, i say ok fine!  

 It makes me feel better to know we are not alone.


Sorry to have just missed you skylark, sweet dreams it really is lovely to have you back
I'd feel the same about the candle holder, I'm a sentimental being myself, and am currently using a half smashed glass candle holder on the side of my bath, I don't want to throw it away!

I too see the fore's & against badger culling, I think it's senseless to murder them violently just for fun. But I also think if it needs to be done for the protection of Cattle heards/livelihoods then it should be done as humanely as possible.
I wouldn't go kill any myself, but I wouldn't go vandalising farmers crops to protest against it either, there's a lot to be said for a non-violent protest.
~Sparkling Summer~
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