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We've all been having trials and tribulations - me with the MOT, Joyron with your prescription (you must use ATS pharmacists ), Skylark getting exhauseted jobwise (and yes, we English call them dock leaves).

squiggle what you have been going through is of course far beyond our little problemlettes (my new invented word for the day)
El Loro
Good morning everyone.    Lovely to hear from you Squiggle.  I'm sure you will feel a little stronger as each day passes.  I will light a candle for you and your lovely hubby in St Peters; as I will for all my lovely Ben's Buddies.

Need a mammoth trying on session this morning as I've got so much stuff I need to leave some of it behind!!  Will be back later to report on the packing status. 
My meeting went well, but when I got home I received a phone call that someone I have known for over 40 years, trained with him back when I was becoming an accountant. and have helped him out workwise for the last 18 years, has died from a heart attack, totally unexpectedly. He was in his early 60s, and I know that his father also died from a heart attack before retirement age.

I am in a state of shock at present, but it will pass. I don't know what will happen with the work I did for him - it was less than 20% of my income, and as I'm not in a position to take over his business, I guess that work will go to whoever buys his business, but that's in the future.
El Loro
Thanks Yogi. Another colleague is currently holding the fort and getting in touch with clients to let them know what has happened. The executors will have to decide what happens with the business, but I know that it is likely that another practice that my colleague had previosuly been in touch with for when he retired is the most likely to buy the business. As they are close in locality to my colleague's office, they cause least inconvenience to his clients.

 My own position is vaguer as I'm not an employee but do the work on a subcontract basis. However the biggest job I do for him (which I have just started and have been instructed to carry on as normal) uses unusual accounting software and I am familiar with it, whereas it would be harder for someone else to do the accounts. So I may be able to negotiate a deal with whoever takes on the practice to carry on in the same way. But it's far to early to really think about that.
El Loro
Afternoon everyone.    Sorry to hear your sad news El Loro.  I hope you manage to sort things out business wise without too much trouble.

Well I'm pleased to report that the packing is nearly done.  Just those few things left which cannot go into a suitcase until the morning.  I've even managed to clear my laundry bin, and dry and iron it too!!

Just got to send an email to my American penfriend who I have been corresponding with for 50 years.  I  suppose I should really call her my email-friend now!!  Then cook dinner for hubby and No.1 son, and I'm done.  By the time we get away tomorrow I think I will have earned a rest.

Will try and pop back this evening or first thing in the morning to say bye bye. 
Thank you Joyron for your post. I've just been round to that large job to see their accountant and the 2 directors. Although they had already been told earlier this morning, I wanted to go round to reassure them that they were not going to left in the lurch.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and we look forward to hearing from you on your return.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

I hope everyone is well

I don't think any of us are intending to stalk the Ventura as that would be a bit creepy, and in any case the webcam pictures seem just to show the view from the fore of the ship looking over the sea, which is not very interesting. We just want Joyron and husband to have a great holiday, but there does seem to be a holdup as they still seem to be stuck at Southampton. My guess is that it is the chemical tanker which was involved in a crash just of the Brittany coast - it was having to be towed to port overnight to get it out of the shipping lanes. So hopefully the ship will be able to get on it's way in the next few hours.
El Loro
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