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Good morning everyone. Weather is dry and bright atm, with showers forecast for the afternoon.


Glad you had a nice evening, Summer. 

Mr Yogi has thrown out so many things over the years that I dubbed him The Phantom Chucker. Every time he decided to have a clear out of the garage or the loft, things would go missing. At some point later, he would be searching the garage, looking for a particular tool and sons would say, "Dad, you threw that out when you cleared the garage!" He also accidentally threw out all of my vinyl LPs when he cleared the loft - and some books which have sentimental value almost ended up in the bin too, but I managed to rescue them in time. 


Yesterday afternoon, I managed to get a new halogen bulb for the loft light but I hadn't realised that you aren't supposed to touch the bulb part with your fingers, otherwise it won't work. When I finally discovered the tiny leaflet which was shoved at the bottom of the box the bulb came in, it said you could wipe the bulb clean with Metholated Spirits but I didn't have any, so I used a clean cloth and wiped it with cooled boiled water and left it for an hour. When I tried it again, it worked!  So, I am off up the loft this morning to try to find the tablecloths. Wish me luck!


Squiggle, I hope all goes well with your grandson moving in today, and that you can find out how the grandson with the sore foot is doing.


Have a good day everyone.



Good morning everyone, my goodness I wonder what those baby owls had done wrong to deserve that telling off.


I am looking forward to seeing all the family later, welcoming my eldest grandson, and Tilly, and finding out how my youngest grandson's foot is now.  Our dog Ben died as a result of complications because he was such a puller on the lead when he was walked.  We didn't know about chest harnesses and he dislocated some vertebrae.  So I have bought a chest harness and lead for Tilly, but here's the clever bit, it also trains the dog not to pull.  It seems such a simple idea but effective, the lead threads through the harness so when the dog pulls forward all it does is turn the dog towards the dog walker, it comes with a DVD too to show how it works.


Hope you are feeling OK moonie, I can't remember when you are due to see the doctor but hopefully not too long to go now.  Skylark do tell us how your granddaughter is getting on at school.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, good luck with solving the case of the vanishing tablecloth. Don't forget to take some provisions for sustenance as you venture into the unknown depths of the loft.

 I'll take a backpack with provisions and my mobile in case of emergencies.


That harness sounds like it could be useful, Squiggle.

Good morning bright and cool here, a lovely morning

Yogi, good luck in the loft! I'm impressed with your bulb cleaning initiative, I'm glad it worked

Squiggle- is Tilly moving in with you too? Those harnesses are supposed to be very good. It's a real shame they weren't around when Ben was dog's now are spoiled for choice aren't they!
Keep us updated on your grandsons

I hope skylark pops back today, it's lovely to see her little avatar again

I wonder how moonie's computer fixing is coming along.. *crosses fingers* I hope his hospital appointment is soon.

Morning El, what are you up to today?

I was going to buy a lottery ticket today, but spend the money on a christmas magazine instead!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

The case of the vanishing tablecloth, I like it!  Poirot or Marple do you think?  Hurry back Yogi, hope you don't meet any spiders

I'm back! I'm afraid the mystery of the missing tablecloths remains unsolved.I'll just need to buy new ones.

I didn't see any spiders, so it's not all bad news.


Hope the course goes well, El.


At the beginning of September I spotted a warning on the Companies House website about scammers targetting companies with emails with nasties attached supposedly coming from Companies House. So I sent warning emails to my limited company clients.


Just had a phone call from one of my clients saying that they had just received such an email with an attachment and thanking me for alerting them.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

At the beginning of September I spotted a warning on the Companies House website about scammers targetting companies with emails with nasties attached supposedly coming from Companies House. So I sent warning emails to my limited company clients.


Just had a phone call from one of my clients saying that they had just received such an email with an attachment and thanking me for alerting them.


That was a lucky escape for them, I bet they were very grateful for your warning.


I went to that course but left at the coffee break. Although my cold is better than it was I have quite a lot of catarrh in my head which leaves me a bit dazed. The lecturer's style didn't suit me and it was a case of in one ear and out the other. The course material was aimed mainly at high-wealth individuals and most of my clients wouldn't come in that category.

For some reason she mentioned studio flats and assumed that the typical rent was ÂĢ1,000 per month. In Gloucester city, you can find studio flats to rent at under ÂĢ400 per month and even in Cheltenham which is wealthier under ÂĢ500.

At least I have the course notes to look through if I have the urge to read them.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
It maybe it's a bill lol

By the unimpressed look on her face, I think it might be!


Good morning everyone. It's raining up here.

Glad you are feeling a bit better, El.

Squiggle, did your eldest grandson get settled in okay, and did you manage to find out if the youngest one is alright?

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning

It's raining here today, which makes it easy to just continue a lovely lay in
Bramble is fast asleep by my feet and my best friend just called me for a quick catch up

El, are you drinking lots of fluids? I hope you don't have too much work to do today, and that you can rest up as much as possible.
I thought I was coming down with a bug yesterday, I had chest pains all day and felt those first signs of germs in my throat. I had tomato soup for tea and added spring onions & black pepper, then came to bed early hopefully that'll fight it off

Squiggle, I hope you get the chance to pop in today
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, yes thank you my eldest grandson (and dog) are settled in, and my youngest grandson has broken two bones in his foot.  Luckily his dad has talked him into making a claim.  Ridiculously the insurance company are trying to state that he needs independent witnesses, as if the fellows with him, all on their way home from work, are not reliable.   Still that's insurance companies for you.  He is still wanting to go into work, he's off to the doctors now.


Sorry you were in such a dazed state at your course EL, I hope you are feeling brighter this morning.


Summer, yes I'm drinking plenty of fluids. At long last I've got the info I've been waiting for on that big client so am able to work on that. That's the main work I've got in at this time. I've been waiting for over 2 months for that so I don't feel obliged to rush out a set of accounts.


I hope you don't catch that bug, there seem to be quite a lot going around at present in my area.


Squiggle, I'm glad your eldest grandson and dog have settled in. It seems to me that insurance companies seem to make life difficult for claimants though that may be down to people making false claims. I hope your youngest grandson isn't in too much pain.



El Loro

Hi all, such a lot to catch up with. 
 to squiggle and family. 
Granddaughter has settled well at school thanks. They are writing the alphabet and of course she already can so she is helping out the others who cant. She likes being helpful! She has made friends well, in particular a Polish boy and finds it fascinating that he has to travel on a plane to see his daddy! He hasnt arrived over here yet.
Hope you all well after suffering various ailments 

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