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Good morning everyone. After a misty start, the weather is dry and bright.

Thanks for passing on the message, Summer, and I hope it doesn't take too long to fix Moonie's computer.

El, I hope your cold is starting to ease off and you feel better today.

Squiggle, did your grandson manage to get any information on the driver who caused his accident? 

Skylark, we miss you.




Good morning everyone


A bit of blue sky amongst the clouds today.


Thanks for your commiserations- the cold broke on Thursday and by now it's mainly coughing which is annoying.


Poor Moonie I hope it doesn't take long for the computer to be repaired.

Yogi, I know that Skylark's computer was probably unrepairable which is why she hasn'e been around.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, I do hope the coughing is not keeping you awake at night EL, and that you start to feel better today, I hope you feel better today too pirate, hugs for you both


Poor moonie and skylark, I hate it when I can't get online


I haven't heard from my grandson Yogi and I'm a bit worried about him, his dad phoned me yesterday morning to say that my grandson's foot had blown up and gone purple so he went into A & E only to be told after sitting there for hours that he probably wouldn't get to see a doctor until 3.30 in the morning so he hobbled all the way down to the town.  This was at 9.30 on Friday and he phoned his dad (who lives in Essex) who said he should ring me.  But he wouldn't as he didn't want to drag me out.  He should have phoned me I wouldn't have minded at all.  So I phoned him and texted him yesterday to say please let me know if you need a lift but I haven't heard anything.  He did try to go into work but they had to send him home, poor lad.

Good afternoon it's bright & sunny here, although quite windy.

El I hope your cough eases soon, that's my most dreaded part of a cold- it disrupts sleep and make your ribs sore I find a little bit of honey helps if my throat is ticklish

Your poor grandson squiggle it sounds like he does need a doctor, I hope he gets in touch with you soon, if only to tell you he's seen one

Yogi, what are your plans today?

I hope skylark can get a new computer, it would be lovely to have her come back

I hope moonie's tech people are good, efficient and not too pricey
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

If I don't find out beforehand Yogi (and everyone, thank you for your concern ) I will find out on Tuesday when my eldest grandson comes to live with me, they should all be over then.  I have to accept that he is a grown man now and if he needs me he knows I'm there, it don't stop me worrying though.

I hope he gets in touch with you soon and stops you worrying, and I hope he has managed to get some medical attention for his foot.


Summer, I have visitors coming later today so I'm off to do some cooking.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

If I don't find out beforehand Yogi (and everyone, thank you for your concern ) I will find out on Tuesday when my eldest grandson comes to live with me, they should all be over then.  I have to accept that he is a grown man now and if he needs me he knows I'm there, it don't stop me worrying though.

It will be nice for you to have the family together over the next few days

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is dry and bright.

Good luck with with the MOT and service, hope it isn't too costly, El.

Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday, Summer.

I need to go up the loft on a hunt for some Christmas stuff that went missing last year. Unless Mr Yogi accidentally threw it out when we had the loft floored, it ought to be up there somewhere. If it isn't, I might need to buy new stuff.

Have a good day all.


It's a lovely tree isn't it squiggle
Any news about your grandson?

The wasp, luckily, is high up on the window and Bramble is low down away from the window. She doesn't seem bothered by it at present. It got tangled in a cobweb but broke free!
If it won't let me catch it to free it, I'd rather put it out of it's misery. Poor thing is only lost
~Sparkling Summer~

lol No Summer, it's a bit early to put up my Christmas tree. 

It's my Christmas table linen which has been lost - table cloths, runners and napkins, along with the angel for the top of the tree and a candle arch. I already replaced the angel and the candle arch last year but postponed buying new tablecloths etc. I attempted to go up into the loft the morning but the big light has blown and atm I don't have a replacement bulb for it - it isn't a standard bulb.

Squiggle, I love buying new Christmas goodies, so even if I find the lost items, I am sure to pick up a few bits and pieces. Every year, poor Mr Yogi says, "Please tell me you don't need any more baubles, ornaments etc? I usually reply, "I don't need any more, but............"


Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
It's a lovely tree isn't it squiggle
Any news about your grandson?

The wasp, luckily, is high up on the window and Bramble is low down away from the window. She doesn't seem bothered by it at present. It got tangled in a cobweb but broke free!
If it won't let me catch it to free it, I'd rather put it out of it's misery. Poor thing is only lost

I don't want to tempt fate but I have only had a couple of wasps come into the house this year, which is quite surprising as we had a pretty warm summer.


Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Hehe yogi I hope you find the linen, replacing could be expensive. What colour is it?!

The tablecloths are white with holly leaves and berries embroidered in the corners. The long runner is ivory, red and gold, with embroidery at both ends and the square one has Santas on it. I can't believe hubby was daft enough to throw them out, so I will have a good search in the loft before replacing them - once I get a new bulb for the loft light.


Yogi, I would be surprised if your hubby had thrown away the Christmas linen. Chances are that it's where it was stored after last Christmas in one of those safe places which people then forget where.


The bulb in my loft is the same as the one which was there when I bought the house, but that's because I don't store anything there so the bulb very rarely gets used.


El Loro

No problems with the MOT and the total cost including annual service was ÂĢ208 which is what I was hoping for. Last year the service picked up a few advisory matters which got dealt with earlier this year so I wasn't expecting any nasties this time.


Squiggle, as Yogi says, I hope your grandson's foot is better when you see him tomorrow.

El Loro
*night owls*  I thought I would get an early night tonight but mr summer decided to take me out for tea!

Skylark! lovely to see you! You have indeed been missed, I hope you're well and that your computer is alright now
How is the little school starter? Is she all settled in?

El, great news about your car, on both price and verdict. What a relief

Yogi, what did mr yogi once accidentally put on the wrong pile?
I've misplaced some DVDs, I must have moved my favourites when I decorated. I'll have to go on a proper hunt for them!

Moonie, hope you're kicking well, we're thinking of you

~Sparkling Summer~
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