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Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Good and how's PB this week?

Well, it's a funny story;
I have a light pink colour I'm loving lately and decided it would look cute if I could paint white dots on the pink nails. Avon have a nail art tool.. Total disaster!!!!!! I've never made such a mess
So now I'm back to plain pink and have a full bottle of white varnish that I'll never use!

I like the idea of pink with white dots, shame it didn't work out.

No PB visit recently but she's fine.



Good morning everyone, good gracious what a huuuuuge pile of pancakes, delicately takes one and munches happily


I found those pictures fascinating but the one that has stuck in my mind is Martin Luther King having to take a burnt out cross from his front lawn, I found that quite shocking and pointed up what he and his people had lived through.


I cannot imagine having to do white dots on your nails, I would be hopeless, I never like the look of my nails when they're painted, I love it on other people but somehow not on me.


Off to church soon, not a bad morning out there so I hope it's a good one where you are too, enjoy your day.


Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast, up here.

Pancakes! Thank you Summer. *tucks in*

Squiggle, I agree that the pic of MLK and his child was particularly moving.

Btw, I found my owl mug, it was in the first place I looked - which was down to luck rather than my remembering where I put it.

Have a good day everyone.


Lol yogi that's brilliant! I'm glad you found it

El- if had the ingredients in the house, I would go make pancakes right now

Martin Luther King's pic sent shivers through me, it's awful that they had to live through that kind of hatred. I truly believe he helped make the world a better place

Squiggle, I understand what you mean about your nails, I'm exactly the same with lipstick! Other people look beautiful with it on but I don't like how it feels and am very self conscious about smudging it or getting it on my teeth
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:


 I found those pictures fascinating but the one that has stuck in my mind is Martin Luther King having to take a burnt out cross from his front lawn, I found that quite shocking and pointed up what he and his people had lived through.


That is the sort of thing the Ku Klux Klan would do. It is quite possible that they were behind King's assassination.


It is a sobering thought that the first American full length film was Birth of a Nation notorious for its portrayal as the Ku Klux Klan being the good guys. It's a sign how attitudes have changed that the film for many years had a U certificate but in modern times carries a 15 certificate with a strong warning about its racist content. Don't expect it to be shown on television. Being a film buff I have seen the film on DVD, and it is a horrible film.


El Loro

I see that an archery academy is opening at Hartpury College which is only a few miles away from me. That could be useful if they reintroduce the old law which required all able-bodied Englishmen to practice using their longbow on a regular basis.


Longbows were made mainly from yew trees and the church at Painswick is know for its yew trees. There used to be 99 of them in the churchyard as there was a superstition that the devil would detroy the 100th if it was ever planted. As it is, there are now over 100 there.


Yew trees are poisonous for animals but the clippings contain a substance which is used to make paclitaxol which is used in cancer chemotherapy. So every year, the clippings are collected and taken away to be used.


El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well done on finding your owl mug Yogi, it eez ze little grey cells in action again

 Bien sÃŧre!


Guess which dumpling ate a load of licorice allsort type sweeties and has been feeling really sick ever since?

No dinner tonight and just drinking water, then I should be better tomorrow.

Good to see you popping in again, Moonie.

Goodnght all, should be back tomorrow.


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well done on finding your owl mug Yogi, it eez ze little grey cells in action again

 Bien sÃŧre!


Guess which dumpling ate a load of licorice allsort type sweeties and has been feeling really sick ever since?

No dinner tonight and just drinking water, then I should be better tomorrow.

Good to see you popping in again, Moonie.

Goodnght all, should be back tomorrow.


Hi Yogi 

Sorry you is feeling poorly. Hope you feel better tomorrow   

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Very cloudy but dry here. supposed to become sunny this afternoon/


Yogi, I'm sorry to hear that yesterday's surfeit left you out of sorts and I hope you are feeling better this morning


Thank you El and Moonie for the sympathy, although I'm not sure I am deserving of it when I was a victim of my own gluttony.


Good morning everyone. Weather is dry and a bit cloudy.

I have a load of ironing to catch up on this morning but should be back later.

Have a good day, everyone.



Good morning everyone, Yogi I hope your tummy has settled down now, whether self inflicted or no it's still unpleasant.  When your tummy is upset life just isn't right is it?


A hint of blue sky here and very mild.  I love to see the changing colours of the trees, there is something nice in every season isn't there?


Good morning

Another lovely sunny day here, which is lovely but I think I need sunglasses for driving in the mornings for a while, the glare is very strong

Yogi, sorry to hear you over did the all sorts, I hope you feel better this morning I hope you enjoyed yourself while you were eating too
I fancied a fry's Turkish delight yesterday but the shop I went to didn't sell them in singles, I had to buy a pack of 4 needless to say, I ate 2

Moonie I hope you had a restful night
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, Yogi I hope your tummy has settled down now, whether self inflicted or no it's still unpleasant.  When your tummy is upset life just isn't right is it?


A hint of blue sky here and very mild.  I love to see the changing colours of the trees, there is something nice in every season isn't there?


I'm much better today, thanks Squiggle  - and lesson learnt to ration the sweeties.

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