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Just another weather warning - down in El Loro and squiggle land, this evening we have an inch of rain, and that is repeated for me on Sunday. In my part, it is forecast that I can expect 3.5 inches in the next 7 days. The following week is forecast (though this is extremely unreliable) for over 6 inches. Between the two weeks, that is equal to over 2 months of rain.

If, and this is a big if, this happens, then this part of the country will have to be evacuated as the electricity power supply will be flooded out. The position in London is not quite as bad, but still serious. It is still bad up North, but not so much.

I hope for all of us that this does not happen.
El Loro
Reference: Yogi
I have a few bags of gooseberries in my freezer (left over fom my jam making in the summer) and I think a crumble might be on the menu this week
You won't regret it. Home made is always better than shop bought I reckon. When I was growing up, mother used to make apple crumble, but I took over from her in the crumble department. Besides shop bought, I have also made my own special apple crumble (with added blueberries and raspberries), but my best is the gooseberry crumble. I wish it was easier to buy gooseberries.

I also sent squiggle a PM first thing this morning and had a reply from her.

An update on my weather warning earlier today. The site that I got the figures from is extremely unreliable as I said. I've just had a look at their updated figures (they update them 3 or 4 times a day). They now say 2.5 inches for the next 7 days and just under 1 inch for the following day. That's much better, still wet but nothing like as serious as their previous figures.

I really think they need to get their computer forecasting sorted out as there is no way in which figures should change that quickly. After all, what is the point in showing figures which change so much so quickly.
El Loro
Good morning everyone

As expected here, it's just ever so slightly wet. Just to see how much rain I'm getting, yesterday afternoon I put a container in the back garden. Later on today, if I remember, I'll go out and measure how much did fall.

The harvest supper wasn't bad, apart from the custard they poured over the apple and blackberry pie. Easily the worst custard I've had - obviously powdered custard with far too much water added, so it was effectively hot yellow water. And no gooseberry crumble.
El Loro
Good morning El Loro.
Sadly, it is another pouring wet morning up here in Scotland.
I make apple crumble quite often but have never added blueberries or raspberries. I love blueberries, so I may try it out, next time.
I am definitely going to make a gooseberry crumble this week and I'll let you know how it turns out.
Glad you enjoyed the Harvest Supper, shame about the custard though.

Hugs for any buddies, who may pop in later today.
Reference: Yogi
I make apple crumble quite often but have never added blueberries or raspberries. I love blueberries, so I may try it out, next time.
I lightly cook the apples for a few minutes to soften them, then put them in the dish and add the blueberries & raspberries (uncooked) on top of the apple base. And with the crumble I add a couple of crumbled up plain digestive biscuits.

The rain has currently stopped, but the sky is still full of threatening rain clouds.
El Loro
squiggle, It's nice to hear from you

Yogi, I'll let you know how my parrotmobile got on with its MOT later on today.

Joyron, with your rain, you'll be glad to escape from one form of wetness to another. How's your packing coming along? - you have started haven't you or do you leave it until the last minutes.?

Skylark, let us know how you got on jobwise.
El Loro
Squiggle,  It's lovely to hear from you.    I'm sure this will be a wonderful holiday and I intend making the most of every moment.  Pleased to hear you will be watching our progress on the Ventura site.

El Loro, I have sorted out and collected everything together that needs to be packed but I won't be putting anything into suitcases until Wednesday, with the things mostly likely to crease going in on Thursday morning just before we leave home.  It's the sorting out and deciding what to take and what to leave behind which takes the time.  The actual packing can be done quite quickly.

Hope to catch up with you all again later.  Fingers crossed for the MOT!! 
Squiggle, it's good to see you posting with us again.
Joyron, you seem to be very organised with your packing. I hope your hubby doesn't do what mine always does - asks me to wash, dry and iron something he has to take with him, at the very last minute.
Any word on the car, El Loro? I have my fingers crossed for you.
Skylark, I hope you'll still be around, now you are back at work.
Just to let you know that my parrotmobile failed the MOT, but not too badly. However, I shall not be using ATS Euromaster in future. A couple of months ago my old exhaust failed and I needed to get it sorted out and went to them as they were closest. At the same time I asked them to check the tyres as I knew they were getting oldish and some of the places I go to have bad terrain. They said the tyres were fine.

The MOT failure was because the new exhaust had not been sealed properly and was leaking, and because 2 of the tyres were damaged (tread OK, just because of the bad terrain such as having to go over a broken cattle grid with metal sticking out).
El Loro
Joyron, you seem to be very organised with your packing. I hope your hubby doesn't do what mine always does - asks me to wash, dry and iron something he has to take with him, at the very last minute.
He might try Yogi, but he has learnt from bitter experience not to do that anymore!!  I told him at the weekend that anything he wanted to take that needed washing had to be in the wash bin or else he would do without!!  Seems to work.

El Loro, sorry to hear about the MOT failure.  Cany you not go back to ATS Euromaster and kick up a stink, threatening them with some bad publicity?? 

Skylark, I hope to catch up with you before I leave on Thursday morning.  Love you all 
I've just been to pick up my parrotmobile and pay up - ÂĢ410 in all which could have been worse considering that includes the MOT, annual service, 2 new tyres, bits of other work which needed to be done. I'll have to consider whether I complain to ATS or not as there is a real chance that the amount of money I could earn in the time I would waste in complaining will exceed the ÂĢ25 that I have been charged.

As far as MOT failures are concerned, many places will get the MOT done before carrying out any work particularly when the car is being serviced at the same time, so that they can do the work required to pass the MOT at the same time as the servicing. They do that as a) it is more efficient, and b) so that they can warn the owner what the cost will be before doing the work. With some cars, the cost of repair work is so much that it would exceed the value of the car (not so in my case).
El Loro
Good afternoon everyone.
The sun is shining here, at the moment, but there is a cold wind blowing.
Joyron, you must be so excited now that your holiday is so near. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time.
El Loro, bad luck with the MOT. I'll let hubby know of your experience with ATS. They sound like they might be one to avoid.

Afternoon Yogi.  Yes I am getting more and more excited as each hour passes.  It feels like the calm before the storm  There is so much to do but it's really too early to do anything!!

My visit to the bank and the shops this morning was horrendous.  Everywhere I went there were queues.  The chemist was out of my prescription painkillers when I went to pick the repeat up.  I had to make such a fuss but they managed to get some sent over from another chemist.  They have had the prescription since last Tuesday so they should have known if there was a problem with an item

Will try and get back later, if not I will speak to you again tomorrow, on my last full day. 

Thinking of you Squiggle   

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